I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2023

Can you believe it’s the end of NaBloPoMo? This .. ahm… went by fast and I am a little sad. I have to say though, you guys are all rockstars. I’ve been blown away by your consistency and great post topics this month. Don’t you come here and tell me that you don’t know what to blog about for 30 days in a row, because you just did!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every single one of you who followed my invitation to come along for the NaBloPoMo ride. I was so happy to see new people join and our NaBloPoMo community growing a little bit from last year.
Every year, I worry what I will be blogging about for 30 days in a row and then what happens is that I run out of days before I run out of blog ideas. It’s a nice problem to have and I hope it keeps me in the habit of writing and posting here.
Also a big shoutout to everyone who didn’t officially participate in blogging every day but who did an amazing job by supporting all of us with your thoughtful comments and encouragement! You’re a big and essential part of our blog community and hopefully, you had some fun having your RSS reader or inbox fill up with extra posts this month!
Say it with me: Blogging is not dead!
A little giveaway
As a token of my appreciation for making this year’s NaBloPoMo such a rousing success, I decided to send a gift card (Starbucks or Amazon, your choice) to one of this year’s participants1. I know I didn’t mention this upfront as a sort of incentive but this makes it even more special that you all followed through with so much dedication and without the proverbial carrot dangling in front of your head.
All I’d like to know is, what was your favorite thing about NaBloPoMo this year? And also, will you come back next November?
- (I’ll use a random number generator to determine the lucky winner from this year’s participants who comment on this blog post by December, 9th.) ↩︎
Before I go, as always, here’s a round-up of my NaBloPoMo 2023 posts, in case you missed some and want to check them out.
1: NaBloPoMo 2023
2: A little (re-)introduction
3: Five Things Friday Vol. 78
4: My annual Halloween neighborhood run
5: 2023 Weekly Run Down 44/52 – Hello November
6: Ask San Anything Vol. 6
7: Is parental favoritism real?
8: Recipe | Arugula-Tuna-Salad
9: Down the rabbit hole, I go
10: Five Things Friday Vol. 79
11: The 8th annual Secret SANta Swap 2023
12: 2023 Weekly Run Down 45/52 – Must See PZ!
13: Current Pet Peeves
14: Summer Tales 2022 Day 10 | Bryce Canyon National Park, UT
15: What I do as a geographer
16: What I bought at Trader Joe’s Vol. 14
17: Five Things Friday Vol. 80
18: November Link List
19: 2023 Weekly Run Down 46/52 – Pivoting again
20: Guest post | Elisabeth from Optimistic Musings
21: Ask San Anything Vol. 7
22: Currently | November
23: Grateful
24: Five Things Friday Vol. 81
25: Holiday Card Roll Call
26: 2023 The Weekly Run Down 47/52 – Happy Thanksgiving
27: Follow-up questions answered: What I do as a geographer
28: Things I miss the most from Germany after 20 years in the US
29: A Holiday Wish + Gift List
30: Wrapping up NaBloPoMo 2023
So long, friends! I don’t expect you to keep blogging daily (ha! I know I won’t!), but I hope you do keep writing and connecting with me here and on your own blogs! I’ve been so thoroughly impressed this year by your commitment and dedication and I have very much enjoyed reading more from and learning more about all of you, and meeting a few new faces in the process! I hope you feel the same.
Don’t be strangers! I hope you’ll all have a lovely holiday season.
Oh, and don’t forget to sign up for my holiday card exchange if you haven’t already!!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
November 30, 2023 at 12:48 pmHow is it the end of NaBloPo already????? It was such a fun time! It’s going to feel very empty tomorrow when I wake up to only 1-2 new posts from the blogs that I follow.
December 3, 2023 at 4:26 pmThanks so much for being our cheerleader, Birchie. I am glad you enjoyed the blog post galore :)
November 30, 2023 at 1:25 pmI love discovering new bloggy friends and seeing what creative ideas people have to fill up all those thirty days of posts. Great job being our fearless leader! Blogging is not dead!
December 3, 2023 at 4:26 pmThanks for keeping it up through NaBloPoMo, Engie. You’re definitely the blogging warrior among us :)
November 30, 2023 at 2:39 pmI really enjoyed daily reflection time as I write my post. I like meeting new bloggers and readers. I like that we are all together in this. I like to see other bloggers ideas. I’ll most likely come back next year.
Thanks for organizing it!!!
December 3, 2023 at 4:26 pmSo happy you joined us this year, Coco!
Nicole MacPherson
November 30, 2023 at 3:54 pmGreat job as always, San, bringing the community together! Another one in the books!
December 3, 2023 at 4:27 pmThanks Nicole for cheering us on and supporting us along the way with your sweet comments :)
November 30, 2023 at 4:29 pmWow, a giveaway on top of everything else you’ve done??? This is awesome.
It’s hard to pick one favorite thing about NaBloPoMo this year. It’s a tie between reconnecting with bloggers from previous years, and discovering some new blogs (new to me, that is.) And, of course I will be doing it again next year!!!
December 3, 2023 at 4:27 pmI am counting on your from now on, Jenny :)
December 3, 2023 at 4:27 pmI am counting on you from now on, Jenny :)
November 30, 2023 at 4:52 pmI think my favourite thing about NaBloPoMo is REALLY feeling the undercurrent of community. It’s always strong, but it felt extra pronounced this month.
I didn’t think I was going to do NaBloPoMo again in 2023 and I did…so all bets are off for 2024 – ha!
A huge thanks for organizing and a huge thanks for organizing a giveaway – how fun!!!!
December 3, 2023 at 4:28 pmThanks for joining again, Elisabeth… if someone could do it, it’s YOU :) So happy to read from you, always.
November 30, 2023 at 4:58 pmI’m so glad I found you San. I was participating anyway, but I think without the new friends that commented on my posts and following others I may have not finished out the month. I felt a great sense of community and encouragement to come up with something every day. I was really enjoying myself this go-around and it gave me a renewed vigor for blogging over the next year. I definitely won’t be blogging every day either, but I think a couple times a week is very doable. Once again thank you so much, to you and everyone else who took the time to read my blog posts, liked, and commented on them. You all made it so worthwhile.
December 3, 2023 at 4:29 pmTina, I am so glad you stumbled upon my blog and this sweet little community. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you :)
November 30, 2023 at 6:35 pmThanks for being our fearless leader, San!!!! My favorite thing about NaBloPoMo is the interconnectedness I feel with the community. We are all In It, whether we are posting daily or commenting, and I love that commitment and support.
December 3, 2023 at 4:29 pmOnce again, Suzanne, you didn’t want to sign up and then you did it and look at how you rocked this month! Always happy to have you along for the ride :)
November 30, 2023 at 6:39 pmThank you so much for doing this! You are a rock star! And I had so much fun. I’m so glad to have so many new blogs to follow. Christmas came in November this year!
December 3, 2023 at 4:30 pmI am so, so happy you found us and joined this year, Noemi! It’s been so great getting to know you :)
November 30, 2023 at 8:37 pmSo happy I found this community. I was feeling kind of alone for a few years, and then doing one NaBloPoMo on my own I stumbled onto a few old-style blogs and felt revitalized, and then this month has been something else entirely. I think my favourite part was the way some posts became a dialogue or a chorus, with people bouncing ideas off of each other. It just felt very friendly and warm.
December 3, 2023 at 4:30 pmI am so glad you found this community, too, Allison. I had seen your name pop up here and there and I don’t know why we never connected before but I am sure glad we connected now :)
November 30, 2023 at 8:38 pmOh, and I will absolutely come back next November.
November 30, 2023 at 11:35 pmI loved meeting some new to me blog people and re-connecting with old ones. I stumbled a bit in the final stretch but just because there was so much other things going on, and not because I ran out of ideas – who would have known. I hope next November is a little calmer and I will be back! Looking forward to catching up on people’s post and to next year. Thank you San!
December 3, 2023 at 4:31 pmI am so glad you joined again this year, Meike. You did amazing, even when you traveled not once, but twice during November. It was fun to read more often from you again :)
December 1, 2023 at 6:04 amI am always so impressed by how consistent the NaBloPoMo writers are but also how wide-ranging and interesting the post topics end up. I love them all – the short posts, the long posts, the rushed ones, the detailed and researched ones…. Cheers to you all and extra cheers to you, San, for leading such a wonderful month of writing and reading!
December 3, 2023 at 4:31 pmThanks so much for being such a cheerleader for this community, Lindsay!
Grateful Kae
December 1, 2023 at 7:49 amI enjoyed the feeling of freedom to just write totally random posts, even if they were short, a weird update, just a photo, whatever, in order to “post every day”. I realize I actually can post whatever I feel like ANY time- it is my blog, after all. But something about NaBloPoMo made it feel more acceptable to just pop in with a quick “hi!”, if that’s all I had time for. I enjoyed the more journal-like feel that I adopted this month- not as many grand topics, deep dives, etc, but rather just off the cuff, what am I up to, what am I feeling type posts. It was really fun to write those. I also really enjoyed seeing how everyone else approached it! Everyone has their own personal blogging style, which is so fascinating and fun! I think I will definitely be back next year!
December 3, 2023 at 4:32 pmI am so glad you joined this year, Kae, and allowed yourself to show up with random post. It’s a different kind of blogging, but it can be fun, right? I am really glad you gave it a try! I enjoyed having you along for the ride!
Tobia | craftaliciousme
December 1, 2023 at 7:53 amWhoohooo another year in the books eehm blogs. It is crazy how time flies.
As always I loved the community most. So many fun posts, so many different views. I also very much enjoy that I get to write daily. I could do that year round but it is nice to make it a priority.
December 3, 2023 at 4:33 pmThanks as always Tobia for being such a long-time participant and cheerleader for NaBloPoMo… we really stuck it out, didn’t we? And look at this community now! :)
December 1, 2023 at 9:29 amCongratulations to everyone who wrote, read, and supported this initiative. Most importantly, thank you, San, for organizing!
December 3, 2023 at 4:33 pmSo, so happy you joined this year, Daria. I loved reading more from you :)
December 1, 2023 at 12:32 pmSan, we should be sending YOU something for organizing this! You do an amazing job every year. Thank you for bringing this community together.
My favorite thing? Actually (joining super late and then) getting in a daily posting habit (and, um, not alienating many of my readers? :>). I wasn’t an official participant (see: not starting until later in the month) but I did love getting back in the groove.
I also just loved seeing what people chose to write about. So much variability – we are different in so many ways, but we still make up a fabulous community. Congratulations to all!
December 3, 2023 at 4:34 pmI was so elated to see your comments – and blog posts – show up in my mailbox more often this month. To get a little dose of Anne every day was a delight!
December 6, 2023 at 4:42 amHi San – I’ve been dealing with a whole bunch of ‘stuff’, but I’m back trying to get caught up on blogs while also trying to dive into more Christmas shopping and prep. Eek. I’m behind.
I hope to do NaBloPoMo again next year. It really was fun and the thing I liked best about it was meeting new bloggers. I enjoyed reading so many new blogs as well as having new visitors pop up in the comments of my blog. It felt like a giant, friendly open house. Thanks for organizing it.
December 6, 2023 at 8:30 amThanks for hosting, San! I was a little apprehensive about joining this year because it can be quite the commitment, but I am SO GLAD I decided to go for it. It was fun! My favorite thing about NaBloPoMo is the feeling of connectedness – it just feels good to be part of a community like this! And yes, I’ll be back in 2024!