So much to do…

{source via weheartit}


It just dawned on me today – there are only 4,5 weeks left until Christmas. Cue the panic.

It’s really is high time to get on my to-do list, which is (as always) pretty long around this time of year:

Get my Christmas Cards crafted. As I announced yesterday, I’ll be doing my annual Christmas Card Exchange again and as if my list of people, to whom I send Christmas cards, isn’t long enough already, I invited my readers to share their addresses again so that I can put something in the mail for them. I am trying to make all the cards by hand again and I have a feeling that I need quite a few more than I have right now. (Go and sign up if you want to join the fun!)

Write a Christmas list. I really need to start getting organized on the Christmas gift front. I love to pick out gifts for people and I have to get a list going to plan everything out.

Do the actual Christmas shopping. Or some of it. I am actually contemplating right now to brave the crowds on (Black) Friday to score some good deals. Do you think I should?

Finish some Christmas projects. As if I am not insane enough to think that I have to make all my Christmas cards by hand, I am also working on some handmade gifts that I need to finish and I have a slight feeling that it’ll be a tight squeeze. Cross your fingers for me, would you?

Get out the Christmas tree and decorate. J and I never had our own Christmas tree before, because we’re usually traveling around the holidays and we honestly never had the space for a tree either. This year though, I decided to get a tree… a teeny-tiny tree, but it’s a tree nonetheless. Can’t wait to put it up next weekend!

Try to finish up projects at work. Of course, work before the holidays is busy as well and I have a couple of projects that I need to/would like to wrap up the end of the year. I’ll have a lot to do in the next three weeks, but at least I have the long Thanksgiving weekend as a little buffer this week.

Go to the Charles Dickens Christmas Fair in San Francisco. I’ve never been and it’s supposedly magical and I want to see it first hand.

Pack a Christmas stocking and donate it to Loaves and Fishes to help the homeless.

Take a deep breath and enjoy the holiday season. I want to pause, take a sip of hot chocolate, walk around the neighborhood and admire the Christmas lights and just marvel at the magic of the season!

What’s on your to-do list for the next few weeks?

  1. I need to get my cards out and addressed. But first, I need to take care of a sick pup, shovel 6 inches of snow and prepare for Thanksgiving.

  2. Holy moly ME oh my! Don’t remind me! Thinking about Christmas freaks me OUT!

    I don’t have a single present yet. Aaah!

    But this all sounds like you are going to dive into Christmas time headfull first, huh? :) I bet you’ll have loads of fun.

    Have a happy day, friend. xo.

  3. OH MY GOSH! I almost forgot to TELL YOU!!! We are going to the Dickens Fair NEXT SATURDAY, Dec. 3. What are the chances you could come then? It would be sooooo great to meet you AND show you Dickens. It’s my favorite part of the Christmas season. :)

  4. Goodness, I have so much to do for Christmas! I don’t even want to think about it. I really need to organize my “to buy for” list for Christmas and start shopping.

    As for Black Friday, I’ve heard people say to only go if there you know exactly what it is you want. I don’t think it’s a time to shop around and peruse the aisles. It’s just for getting what you want and getting outta there. :)

  5. My list looks something like…

    1. Finish school without having a mental breakdown (hehe)

    2. Order Christmas cards

    3. Christmas shopping

    4. Try not to go broke in the process

    5. Go broke anyway, work my butt off to try & pay bills

    The holidays are so darn stressful it seems! Your list looks a lot more fun than mine ;)

  6. We’re not even through Thanksgiving so I can’t even properly think about Christmas. I prefer to take each holiday as it comes. :) But your to-do list, while busy, sounds like fun! I may sign up for your card exchange, but I feel slightly guilty knowing you’d have so much work to do! But on the other hand, I’d really love to see the creation! :)

  7. I seem to have tons to do before christmas too, but don’t we all? it’s a whole month until christmas is actually here, but I already feel like time is running out, hah! good luck on getting everything done :) have a great rest of the week!

  8. it all sounds kinda stressful but as long as you take enough time for the last thing on your list, it’s all good :) happy season and i can’t WAIT to see you!!

  9. I haven’t even begun to think about Christmas shopping. I’ve got a few ideas, but nothing for sure. Guess I should get on that…

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