29: A holiday gift+ wish list

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2022

It’s the time of the year with all the gift and wish lists and I always like participating. I like to share things that I love or that I randomly came across on the Interwebs

Some of these things on my list are things I own and love, some of these things are on my personal wish list or I think they’d make nice useful gifts. Maybe you’ll find some gift inspiration here, too.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14

1. This Salad Spoons Set* looks so simple but beautiful. I love it.

2. You’ve seen this Natural Life Rainbow Mug* a few times here (and on my Instagram) already. It was a gift to myself a little while ago and coffee really does taste better out of this mug. It also puts a smile on my face in the morning. So there’s that.

3. It’s tea drinking season around here (well, I drink tea year-round but definitely even more in the winter) and I think a Tea Organizer* is super-handy and makes a great gift.

4. I love big, lightweight scarves that can double as blankets (when I travel). This Blanket Scarf* looks soft and cozy.

5. I know some of you are also great fans of Packing Cubes* and I second this opinion. I wouldn’t want to go without them when I travel. They just keep everything so well organized in my suitcase.

6. I have a Dutch Oven* and you’ve probably heard me rave about it before, because I use it to cook *everything* – from one-pot meals to stews and soups. I even bake my bread in it. It keeps the heat evenly and cleaning it is a breeze. I usually just let it soak and then you can just rinse it out. (Also, isn’t this sage green color gorgeous?)

7. A puzzle* is always a nice gift, amirite? I am hoping to have some downtime around Christmas to do a puzzle again. It’s been a while.

8. Need I say any more? I live for Throw Blankets* in the colder season. They’re just so handy to have in every room. I even use one on top of my duvet. It’s more cozy at night.

9. I always thought electric candles looked kinda tacky and don’t really create the same atmosphere as real candles, but I must they, they’ve come a long way. I have LED candles* that look – and flicker- like real candles and unless you get close, you wouldn’t know the difference. Also, they’re safer than real candles.

10. This colorful Boho Glass Pearl Beaded Necklace* is so pretty and looks like it would add a nice touch of color to an otherwise more muted outfit.

11. You will forever hear me sing the praises of Birkenstocks*. I bought a pair of Birkenstocks dupes to replace my old Arizonas some time last year. They’re ok, but trust me, they are not as comfortable and also don’t hold up as well as the real thing. I’ll be going back to buying Birkenstocks.

12. I own this pretty Floral Shower Curtain* and it makes me so happy every time I step into our otherwise pretty small and mediocre bathroom.

13. It’s been getting cold around here and I’ve been thinking about flannel sheets and came across these beautiful Woodland Winter Organic Cotton Flannel Bed Sheets*. Aren’t they just so pretty?

14. I own one pair of fleece-lined running leggings* and they really are gamechangers. I might have to get another pair (or two).

And there you have it… a little random hodgepodge of gift ideas and recommendations.

What’s on your wish list, or what’s one of your favorite gift ideas? See anything you like?

* #notanad, This is not a sponsored post. I have not been compensated by the brand or anyone else for linking the websites.

  1. I will second the LED candles. We have some that go on automatically from five to nine every day. They are amazing. I think the flicker makes them look real. Huge thumbs up to them. My mom bought me a set of five for Christmas several years ago and I keep them on year round to add some ambience to our downstairs in the evenings.

  2. I like the rainbow mug!!! I don’t have any wish list now and still need to buy few things for my girls, so really enjoy this post. My little one loves rainbow, I’ll see if I can find one here.

  3. I may have to get me some of those fleece lined leggings for walking this winter. I have to get in shape for the Bataan and the weather is getting cold in the mornings and evenings. These might just keep me motivated.

  4. Oooh! I especially like that shower curtain- I also have a “mediocre” bathroom and this would really pep it up. I also love the puzzle- I’ve been looking for a good Christmas-y puzzle for our family to do, but all the ones I like are 1000 pieces and I’m looking for 500. I might order this one!

  5. That Dutch oven looks like something I’d love. I feel like I can never have enough kitchen pots and pans. I’m still contemplating the best frying pan I can get. I’ve not been pleased with the two I bought over the last few years. I have not thought much about Christmas. It is sneaking up on me. Yikes.

    *I put my blog on private until life settles down a bit over here. The news spread like wildfire and other bloggers suggested I switch to private. I’m attempting to invite readers, so if I find your email address – I’ll send you an invite and I’ll hope that I do it right. I’m not a techie type. My son practiced with his team tonight and was upbeat afterwards. Fingers crossed things continue in this direction.

  6. Ooooh the tea organizer is catching my eye! I also love that rainbow mug! So many fun things on your wish list, San!

  7. The tea organiser and rainbow mug is lovely and the packing cubes are very useful – such a great list!

  8. I am definitely a packing cube convert. Everything on this list is just lovely. You do such great curated roundups, San!

  9. Ooooh— these are all great!

  10. I love puzzles! It is so festive to me to receive a puzzle. I love that mug too!

  11. I am not sold on LED candles yet. But I agree they have come a long way. I was seeing some Christmas tree candles made from real wax but with LED and I am thinking maybe I get those one of those years. For now I am sticking with really Christmas tree candles.

    Tea organizers are so amazing. I have four. Really good gift.

  12. I love puzzles and the one you linked to is my favorite brand – Galison! They are such whimisical designs! The only person that buys me a gift at Christmas is my MIL as we’ve majorly scaled back on gifts. My parents only buy for the grandkids – they have 11 to shop for so they have so much shopping to do that years ago us kids said they could stop buying us gifts. I asked my MIL for a specific sweatshirt. She bought me one 3 years ago and I’ve worn it to death so need a new one!

  13. I would be happy with mostly naything on your list minus the shower curtain as we don’t need on ein our bathroom. I do have Birkenstocks on my list, too. I resisted for very long but my feet hurt these days and I hope they will help once they are broken in. Still not sure about the candles – I know they are safer but I also like how candles smell. I got some beeswax candles that are so nice – not sure any artificial smell would recreate this ;)

  14. I have been wondering about that mug since you started posting pictures of it! I love it – it’s so cheerful (and so very San). I’m trying to remember – do you have another mug with a saying or quote on it that you have shared pictures of, here or on IG?
    I am tempted by the blanket scarf, to be honest. I wear a scarf/shawl many days in the winter because I am always freezing. My current one is a fleecy one from Cuddle Duds but this one is a bit more, um, professional looking. :) Thanks, as always, for the great ideas!

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