24: Five Things Friday Vol. 81

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2023

I hope everyone in the U.S. who is celebrating had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a pretty low-key day yesterday. I usually run the local Run to Feed the Hungry Turkey Trot in the morning but this year I didn’t. I cannot even explain why, but I had decided to do the annual Peloton Turkey Burn Ride with Tanja and a bunch of my Streakers365 friends instead. Unfortunately, the Peloton server was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of members who were trying to get on the LIVE ride yesterday morning, so I had a frozen screen and couldn’t get into the class for the first half of the ride. That was a bummer. Eventually, I was able to get in and Denis’ Turkey Burn Yoga Flow 30 minutes later was really excellent. It’s all good.

I did some coffee drinking and lounging in the morning, I baked, and I FaceTimed with my family.

In the afternoon, Jon and I went for a 3-mile walk before we cooked ourselves a nice dinner. It was a bit of an unusual Thanksgiving dinner this year. Instead of roasting a turkey chicken with all the fixings, we made Poule Au Pot (Chicken in a pot). It’s basically a from-scratch, homemade chicken soup. A whole chicken is boiled with vegetables and seasonings to produce a two-part meal: a rich chicken broth, and chicken with veggies. It was delicious. Of course, there also was apple cake a la mode.

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I am working today (instead of last Monday, which I took off as we were traveling back home from Southern California). Most people in my office are taking today off and I usually don’t work on Fridays because I am working a flex schedule (four 10-hour workdays). But it’s nice to be able to move some of my hours around if needed and not have to take PTO.

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This morning (before work), I went for my usual Friday morning grocery run and you know what? The stores (Target and Trader Joe’s) were empty at 8:30 am. I think the actual Black Friday In-Store Shopping was killed by the pandemic and online shopping. It also seems to have morphed into a “Black Friday” week instead of just being a one-day sales event. I am not complaining. I like it that way. I was never someone who ventured out on Black Friday to shop but I wonder if some people miss it?

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Have you started decorating for Christmas yet? I am usually a firm believer of not decorating until after Thanksgiving or the first day of Advent, which is December, 3. I know some people have already set up their trees or other holiday decorations. A Trader Joe’s employee was taking down the Thanksgiving decorations this morning, no doubt to switch them out for a different kind of holiday decor. I think I am going to wait until next weekend. My headspace is not quite there yet, but I am looking forward to seeing everyone get into the holiday spirit. Come back tomorrow to sign up for my Holiday Roll Call… because I do love to send holiday mail!

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Speaking of which, I started working on a holiday to-do list and got a Black Friday Groupon deal for the holiday cards that I still have to order. At least, I could take advantage of a good deal on the cards, even though I am still unprepared to actually order them. Ha. Chipping away on to-do-list items in very tiny bits over here.

How was your week, how was your Thanksgiving holiday? Did you have cake/pie?

  1. We haven’t started thinking about Christmas yet, though I bought my cards last year after Christmas, and I bought holiday stamps a few months ago too. I have one gift purchased, and ideas for others. We will probably decorate the second weekend of December, we’ll see.

    Your Thanksgiving sounds nice and low key. It must be so difficult with Jon’s mom being sick, and not being close by. My sister went through chemo several years ago (and is fine now!) and it was really hard being so far away.

    We had a really nice Thanksgiving, 11 people, at my in-law’s house. Now it’s time to relax a bit. I do plan to go to Macy’s this weekend, my makeup is on sale and that ends on the 27th. Otherwise no shopping plans, Black Friday or otherwise.

    1. That sounds like a lovely Thanksgiving, Julie, and a little Black Friday shopping hasn’t hurt anyone. I am glad you’re already working on your holiday to do list. It’s good to get started :)

  2. Not a fan of Black Friday shopping, says the introvert. Your ability to move your work hours around sounds delightful to me. No such thing when I worked. I still am slightly jealous of your ability to shop at Trader Joe’s but I’m working on getting over it.

    1. I am really thankful for the flexible work hours. And I wish I could take you to TJs sometime :)

  3. I also decided to mostly wait until next weekend. Thanksgiving was early thin year, and I think I will get sick of all the clutter.

    1. Glad to hear I am not the only one who waits :)

  4. Definitely also chipping away here slowly. on that list of gifts I want and need to get. Earlier this morning I was sorting through the books for my godchildren. I have a few contenders now I need to read them to see if they are really this good.

    That chicken looked really good. Used to make chicken soup with a whole chicken but opted to just go and use wings as it is easier to pull the meat of.

    1. That’s wonderful that you’ve started working on your list. I think it’s all about getting started.
      And yes, you’re right… pulling apart the whole chicken after cooking it is work but worth it :)

  5. I am not a fan of Black Friday shopping. Christmas decorations get very claustrophobic for me so I usually wait for mid December to decorate. Maybe we will start putting things out bit by bit though. Or maybe we will wait until after Hanukkah.

    1. I am glad to hear I am not the only one who waits with the Christmas decorations. ;)

  6. Your thanksgiving day sounds low-key but still special. We are on our final full day in Germany and then it will be the long flight home. I normally put up the Christmas tree December 1st. We will just get back and the Christmas season will be on … also I need to organise dinner out for my birthday and E’s birthday, probably the Saturday after my birthday. I’m not thinking too much about all the things I will need to catch up on (work and volunteer roles) and Christmas things I’ll need to do once we get back.

    1. I can imagine that you’re not trying to think about everything that awaits you when you get back home after a full trip. Enjoy the last few hours to the fullest.

  7. Will is sick again so it hasn’t been the best holiday. We cannot catch a break from all of these stupid viruses! I took him to urgent care this am to make sure he doesn’t have strep again and it was negative. So it’s not the holiday weekend I envisioned/planned but so it goes.

    I used to not decorate until after Thanksgiving but since 2020 we have put our tree up the weekend before Thanksgiving. I usually host my college friends for cookie decorating Thanksgiving weekend on Sunday so it’s nice to have the tree up ahead of that. And I love having the glow of the tree to brighten up our house!

    1. Oh no, I am so sorry that Will got sick again. I am sure that put a damper on things. I do hope that getting into the holiday season and decorating the house will make up for it :)

  8. Wow, Target was empty at 8:30 am? Black Friday is definitely not what it used to be! I’m sure some people miss the frenzy. I always work on Black Friday so it doesn’t matter to me.
    Your Thanksgiving reminds me of my sister and her husband. They like having the day alone, just the two of them. It’s a very relaxing day for them, including a long walk and then dinner prep. I’m glad you had a nice day!

    1. Yeah, maybe people shopped early elsewhere but not at my Target (although doors were open at 6 a.m., a sign said). I am just glad I could do my grocery shopping in peace ;)

      Low-key holidays can be fun although I think I’d opt to spend it with family if at all possible.

  9. Black Friday is a “thing” in Canada but I don’t participate at all and don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything!

    Your Thanksgiving sounds positively lovely. Good food, some gentle exercise, and time with your spouse <3

    1. Haha, I don’t feel like I am missing out either. I am glad I could do my grocery shopping in peace :)
      And thank you, we did have a lovely, low-key day!

  10. When I was in middle school and high school, my mom, sister, and I would go to all the Black Friday sales at the big box stores. It was insane. We’d buy all the stuff to wrap presents, a handful or presents, and we’d end up with bags and bags of stuff. But I haven’t done anything like that since the 1990s, so I don’t even think it was the pandemic that killed it, but just the general move towards online and Cyber Monday, etc. It was fun when my mom was buying. LOL.

    Your Thanksgiving sounds quiet and relaxed and lovely. I’m a tiny bit envious!

  11. I took the tree and decorations out yesterday and will do the decorating today. Yesterday was just a bit rushed and I want to enjoy the decorating.
    You are so lucky to have a 4 day week – I’d really love to have Fridays (or literally any week day) off.

  12. We decorated our house this weekend! I love the holiday season. Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving!

  13. It’s crazy how much Black Friday has changed since I was young, but then again, that was 30 years ago. I remember going out so early in the morning with my mom to get deals. I am happy to hear it was NOT crazy out. I don’t care for those crowds as an adult, LOL.

    We put our tree and garland up this weekend. That’s probably all I will do!

  14. That’s crazy that Target was so empty at 8:30am on Black Friday! Everything is online these days AND so many stores started doing Black Friday deals BEFORE Thanksgiving so it all feels a little scattered.

    My home has been decorated for over a week now, haha. I just love Christmas so much and enjoy having all the decorations out! But no tree for me this year, so it feels a little less cluttered than usual.

  15. So many people have said black friday shopping was dead this year. I had one friend go to a big local mall and the photos she took of the decorated areas were pretty empty of people! As a former mall worker, I say good because those days sucked!

  16. Your Thanksgiving sounds lovely and low-key, San. Did I miss that you’re doing the flex week schedule now?? It sounds great – and I hope it’s working for you! Weird to be working when no one else is, but also nice. No interruptions! :)

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