26: 2023 Weekly Run Down 47/52 – Happy Thanksgiving!

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2023

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

Can you believe it’s the end of November and this week was Thanksgiving? I have to tell you, I am not quite ready for the holidays and I am still in denial. I had a good week though. It felt short because we traveled back from SoCal on Monday, I worked on Black Friday, and I had to rearrange my usual routine a little bit, but it’s all good. I finished week 3 of the “Must See PZ” Power Zone Pack Challenge, I was able to keep up with my trackers, and squeezed in a couple of Turkey Burn Classes for the holiday!

I realized when I tallied up my workouts this week that I did not run this week. Like, at all. WHAT? I have no idea how it happened, but I blame it on the close-to-freezing overnight temperatures that made me look for “excuses” not to get outside in the morning. Haha. I promise (to myself) to be better next week.


  • 15 Min R&B Walk – Joslyn (9/14/23) — I am thankful A-Z/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Blink-182 Warm Up Ride – Bradley (11/16/23)
  • 30 Min Power Zone Ride – CDE (1/4/21) — PZ-W3R1/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – CDE (3/15/23)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Floor Poses – Kristin (11/2/23) — Personal Streak

We traveled back home from Southern California on Monday. I went for a short walk in the morning (to get fresh bagels for breakfast) before we made our way to the airport around lunchtime. The flight up to Sacramento was short and sweet, so we were already back home by 3 p.m. I then debated if I wanted to make it a low-key day or get started on week 3 of the Power Zone Challenge. I eventually decided to get it over with and did Christine’s 30-minute Power Zone Ride.


  • 20 Min Pop Pilates – Aditi (11/21/23) LIVE — Personal Streak
  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Sam (11/24/22)
  • 30 Min Boot Camp: Full Body – Callie (10/10/23) — PZ-W3AR/Bootcamp Burner
  • 10 Min Arms & Shoulders Strength – Matty (4/12/23) — Lift the Turkey/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Core Strength – Robin (10/2/23) — I am thankful A-Z/Planksgiving/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Full Body Stretch – Matty (3/6/23) — Thank Your Body

I really enjoyed Aditi’s Pop Pilates in the morning. Then I met up with Kristin and Melissa for a bike bootcamp and also got a couple of strength classes out of the way.


  • 30 Min Upper Body Strength – Rad (1/5/22) — Lift the Turkey/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Forward Folds – Chelsea (10/4/23) — Personal Streak/Thank Your Body/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Ben (11/20/23) — I am thankful A-Z
  • 30 Min Power Zone Endurance 2000s Ride – Denis (4/20/21) — PZ-W3R2/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Emma (2/6/23)
  • 10 Min Hip Mobility – Adrian (11/7/23)

I was happy to tackle week 3, ride 2 of the Power Zone Challenge with Tanja this morning. It was a Power Zone Endurance Ride with Denis and you must know that I really like his classes. However, he needs to improve on cueing the intervals. I like them to be timed on the minute. Is this too much to ask? Haha.


  • 45 Min Turkey Burn Ride – Robin (11/23/23) LIVE — 
  • Zen in Ten – Anna (10/30/21) — I am thankful A-Z/Thank Your Body
  • 30 Min Turkey Burn Yoga Flow – Denis (11/23/23) LIVE — Personal Streak 
  • 30 Min Turkey Burn Run – Alex (11/23/23)
  • 30 Min Two for One Turkey Trot – Olivia and Matty (11/23/23)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I opted out of the local Turkey Trot this year (yeah, I am kinda sad about it too) and decided to do a 45-minute Turkey Burn Ride on my Peloton with a bunch of friends instead. Yeah, even though almost 60K people had “signed up for it” in advance, the Peloton servers were unprepared for the sheer amount of people that were trying to get on the live stream and many had to deal with a “frozen screen”. I didn’t get into the class until halfway through it. Denis’ Turkey Burn Yoga Flow was excellent though. 

Later, Jon and I went for our own “Turkey Trot Walk” in the afternoon.


  • 20 Min Bodyweight Strength – Rebecca (11/24/23) LIVE — Instructor Bingo 
  • 5 Min Core Strength – Rebecca (12/5/22) — Planksgiving
  • 20 Min 90s Ride – Bradley (11/24/23) LIVE 
  • 10 Min Queen Cool Down Ride – Sam (12/8/21) — I am thankful A-Z 
  • 10 Min Restorative Yoga – Ross (1/24/23) — Personal Streak 

I joined my friend Kristin this morning for not one, but two milestone classes. She hit 1900 strength classes in Rebecca’s Bodyweight class and 2250 rides in Bradley’s 90’s ride class. It was so fun to celebrate with her. I also took the “Queen” cool-down ride with Sam, because I needed a “Q” class for my I am thankful A-Z tracker. It’s a really fun class (I recommend you bookmark it!). 


  • 20 Min Low Impact Ride – Kendall (9/6/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Arms & Light Weights – Tunde (8/8/23) — Lift the Turkey
  • 15 Min Core Strength – Logan (4/11/23) — Planksgiving
  • 10 Min Yoga Flow – Kirra (9/1/22) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

Today was an active rest day. I didn’t feel like doing much, but hopped on the bike for a little low-impact pedaling and got a couple of classes for my trackers out of the way.


  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Erik (12/19/22)
  • 45 Min Power Zone Ride – Matt (1/6/21) — PZ-W3R3/Instructor Bingo
  • Extra 10: Low Impact Ride – Emma (11/20/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 15 Min Core Strength – Andy (10/3/20) — Planksgiving/Instructor Bingo
  • 20 Min Restorative Yoga – Denis (7/18/21) — Personal Streak

Today I tackled week 3, ride 3 of the Power Zone “Must See PZ” Challenge and I did so well until I hit the last block of intervals. I guess I was tired (I slept 12 hours the night before) and my legs were just done. Oh well.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Streaker365 I am Thankful A-Z ✔
Streaker365 Core Planksgiving ✔
Streaker365 NovemBarre ✔
Streaker365 Bootcamp Burner
Streaker365 Lift the Turkey Strength Tracker

Streaker365 Thank Your Body Recovery Tracker

November Personal Streak (Daily Yoga) ✔
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly)  – 2 bingos

This week’s stats:

Running: 0 mi (OMG, what happened? I didn’t run this week. )
Walking: 3.6 mi
Cycling: 47 mi
Bike Bootcamp: 30 min
Strength: 130 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 80 min
Warm up + Stretching: 60 min
Meditation: 10 min

If you’re in the US, did you have a good Thanksgiving? Or was it a normal week for you?

  1. As usual, you knocked things out of the park with exercise – run or no run!

    It is a “normal” week for us in Canada and I have to admit I love that we have Thanksgiving in October. It’s relaxed and doesn’t “compete” with Christmas. That said, I know MANY Americans say their favourite holiday is Thanksgiving and I don’t think that would ring true for as many Canadians, so maybe we’re really missing out!
    Regardless, Happy Thanksgiving <3

  2. It is really crazy how it is end of November. I feel like I’m all done with this year. No energy left and I have a really hard time motivating myself. And I am most definitely not ready for the Holiday Season. I haven’t any idea for gifts yet alone managed to get any. I also have so many plans that I know already I won’t make it. Sigh…

  3. You were persistent to keep trying to join Robin’s ride. I did Alex’s run with no problem at least.

    I dove into holiday preparations this weekend. I wasn’t ready, but as Jess Sims, says, ready is a decision, and I decided to get our tree up and do some shopping. LOL.

  4. I enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving dinner at my brother’s but that was kind of the only highlight of the holiday weekend. Taco has been so sick with fevers and general malaise. It really put a damper on what was going to be a fun, full holiday weekend. I did a drumstick dash on Thursday – just a 5k as I wasn’t ready to run 10k since i took such a long break from running in Oct when I had a nasty virus. It was nice to get some activity in but it was a very cold race!

  5. I kept trying to get into Robin’s ride as well. I did not really think it was that big of a deal as we can take it anytime. You sure kept busy this week even if you forgot to run lol. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving

  6. Amazing week of exercise, as always! You didn’t run but did so much else!
    It was a normal week for us although not so normal, very busy and my husband ran is first half marathon. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving!

  7. As you know, I didn’t do a Turkey Trot either! And I’m not sad about it. Near-freezing temperatures sounds pretty good to me (although I’d probably be complaining if it actually got that cold here.) Sounds like you had a pretty great week in spite of not running!

  8. Oh no to not being able to get into the Thanksgiving Day class you wanted to take until half way into it. And to answer your question, we traveled and had two wonderful Thanksgiving celebrations and I ran in a fun turkey trot.

  9. Bummer about the Peloton class being so flooded! Glad you were persistent and got into it though. That’s a whole lot of users joining in! We did a family turkey trot which has been our annual tradition for a while now. There were a couple of big turkey trots in town but I’ve never run them!

  10. That is so odd that Peloton didn’t have a better plan for Thanksgiving. They usually seem on top of those things. Good for you for pivoting when you needed to. And, glad that you and Jon did your own turkey trot. :)

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