I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah. It’s been nice this week to pull back and to do very little in terms of structured workouts after weeks of a more rigid training schedule. But who am I kidding, I like some structure. Thankfully,...
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Wow, where did this year go? Besides 2021 being much more disappointing (in many regards) as expected, it also disappeared in a blink of an eye, right? I know I say that so often that I can’t believe how fast the time goes, but this time it is really, really...
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You guys, I am having a bit of a moment here. Yesterday was my California-versary. I arrived here for the first time on September 9, 2001. That was 20 years ago. TWENTY! It really doesn’t feel that long. I have almost lived here for as long as I lived in...
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A year ago, this was my birthday week, and it was the last normal week and nobody knew it. My birthday marked the last day of 2020 when Jon and I went out to dinner at a restaurant. I remember that people had started talking about the Coronavirus and that...
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How do you sum up this godforsaken year? Well, let me say first: this has by no means been the hardest year of my life. I’ve personally had more challenging years, but it’s hard to ignore the fact of what we’ve all been through collectively in 2020. I’m writing this...
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Yesterday was my birthday. Another year around the sun. If you’ve been around this corner of the Internet for a while, you know I am all about celebrating birthdays and being thankful for all the wonderful moments that each year has to offer. Is it always perfect? No. But I...
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I feel lucky that we’re getting this extra day in February this year (every extra day is great in my book, haha!) and I am taking advantage to post my monthly recap today. Do I sound like a broken record, when I say, that February disappeared as quickly as it...
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Can you believe that January is already over? I feel like we just celebrated New Year’s Eve. Gah. I can’t be the only one. But here we are, it’s January, 31st and we’re doing the monthly recap. Let’s do this. READ Three books! 2020 reading is off to a pretty...
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I cannot believe how fast 2019 came and went. If I had to sum the year up in a few words, it would be the year of reuniting with family and friends. I got to go to Germany in the spring to see one of my best friends get married, I...
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READ I finished one book that I had already started in November and then started a second one, but only got halfway through before my library loan expired. So yeah, reading hasn’t been a priority this month, but I am planning on finding my reading mojo again in 2020. COOKED...
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