Remember my post about my most recent dispute with the Postal Service? Yeah, so I followed up with a letter to the Consumer Advocate’s Office in order to ask for an exception for a late acceptance of an International Inquiry request. I received a letter back, stating that they would not be able to...
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The weekend was awesome. We were invited to Susi‘s and John’s wedding reception on Monday (Memorial Day) and since Ute and Justin came out from Connecticut as well, we were looking forward to more quality time with friends. On Sunday morning, we drove to the Bay Area, picked up Ute...
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Today is our 3rd Anniversary. Gee, I seriously can’t believe it’s been 3 years since our beautiful wedding in Germany. Attending Susi’s wedding reception on Monday definitely brought back some memories of our own wedding with friends and family as well. It really doesn’t feel like it’s been three years,...
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I know, I know, in my protected post I talked about maybe getting another bookcase for our living room, but today, I spontaneously decided to invest the $50 in some summer apparel for me instead. Yeah, sue me :) I couldn’t help it, I am a girl! Here are my...
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
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I had the busiest weekend of my life. Ok, maybe not of my life, but definitely of this year :) I had something lined up EVERY single day. That is quite unusual. On Friday, I went to the German butcher shop to pick up some fresh pork belly for the...
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To celebrate of the launch of Ask Apricot, I am participating in the giveaway contest and will dedicate this blog post to the following question: If you could write a letter to your younger self, giving advice for troubles that will happen in the future, what would it look like?...
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One of my blog friends, Ev’Yan, is launching a new project, an advice column over at If you are in need of any kind of advice about love, fashion, beauty, or anything else you’re having trouble with, this is a place you can go. Ev’Yan is a lovely, sensitive...
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The title conveniently sums up our weekend. Of course, I ran my usual weekend errands, but besides that we pretty much stayed at home, watched “X-Files”, ordered Chinese take out and watched the Red Sox beat the Tampa Bay Rays on Sunday (Go Red Sox!). Believe me, I am the...
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I am well versed when it comes to having blind dates with complete strangers – girls, that is. (Gee, and define “complete strangers” – people, I have at least had a couple of email exchanges with, if not whole online conversations before the meeting, and of which I’ve possibly seen...
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