Take out, dvds and baseball

The title conveniently sums up our weekend.

Of course, I ran my usual weekend errands, but besides that we pretty much stayed at home, watched “X-Files”, ordered Chinese take out and watched the Red Sox beat the Tampa Bay Rays on Sunday (Go Red Sox!).

Believe me, I am the last one to complain. I think a weekend like that should be thrown in every couple of weeks – and you know, so that we appreciate all the social stuff we have going on on the other weekends (cough, cough)… or NOT.

No, but seriously, I have some good news. We’re going to hang out with my new “friend”, the German girl, and her husband, as well as another couple next weekend! I am so excited.
I am only putting “friend” in quotation marks in lack of a better word.
I hate the word “accquaintance”. However, I don’t use the word “friend” lightly and don’t usually call somebody a friend after a first encounter (or even the second) , BUT “potential friend” is definitely a true statement here, I guess.
We might even start a new “clique” (can you use this word in this context? I don’t know – we use it in German for a group of friends that hang our regularly), if we all like each other :)

Oh, and the weekend after that, we’re going to be in the Bay Area to a) celebrate Susi‘s and J’s wedding again and b) hang out with Ute and Justin.
Seriously, that’s getting a little bit out of hand and, in fact, overwhelming for someone who hasn’t had much of a social life lately.

Ah, but I am just kidding, because I love all of you guys and I can’t wait to hang out with you!!

Ending this happy post on a happy note? Accomplished!

  1. i am thrilled for you and hope you will all get along great and develop a friendship there. *sigh* the talk about susi & J’s wedding reminds me how we were talking about getting together in socal around that time as well… *sniff* hoping for december/christmas/january here or over there though… i miss you! <3

  2. that sounds like a great weekend. by the way GO RED SOX!!!!!
    keeping my fingers crossed it will all work out with your potential new friend.

  3. That all sounds good. Socially, I have not had much of a life. The one woman I did stuff with up here in NH like dinners and lunches and stuff, passed away this last weekend from colon cancer. So I’m grieving.
    Thankfully, the puppies keep me busy and my Hubby and daughter have been great comfort to me.

  4. hi sweets. wow busy girl, catching up? hehe. i cannot wait to see you guys either! thanks for your email i will answer it soon. miss you!! and oh my gosh i cannot believe i see you next week!! holy cow!!!! enjoy this weekend with your new friends!

  5. yeah for next weekend! and yeah for meeting new people!

  6. Ich bin vom 29 Mai bis 1 Juni in SFO.

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