I love lazy Saturdays. I slept in today. Like in “real late”. I think I got up at noon for the first time when I heard J make some coffee downstairs. Nice thing to wake up to the smell of fresh coffee :) I could also hear the rain pattering...
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A big plus when moving in with my fabulous roomate was the fact that she had cats :) I love cats. My sister and I were never allowed to have pets when were little. Except for two budgies that one of our great-aunts gave us for our 6th birthday, no...
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I joined the gym. Remember how I was talking about that it would probably not make sense to join a gym and that I could go running at the nearby park? Yeah, actually… it does make sense to join a gym. At least for me. I am much more motivated to...
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Exactly one year ago, I went to the US Embassy in Germany for my Green Card interview. I can’t believe it’s been a whole year. I recall that I was nervous as hell and was so thankful that my Dad took the day off to accompany me to Frankfurt. We...
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As one of my dear friends pointed out to me today in an email, it’s only 48 more days until Christmas. Holy moly. That is like what? Not even 7 weeks. I should definitely start planning. First of all, I’ll be doing the Christmas card exchange again. Last year, some...
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We went to a College Football Game on Saturday. The Causeway Classic is the annual Football Game between UC Davis and Sacramento State University. Big rivalry! We’ve watched the game a couple of times before when J was still in College and when I used to work in Sacramento for...
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I wanted to give you the weekend recap today, but I have to save that for tomorrow. Instead, I am giving you what I call a little “culture shock” feeling that will never go away completely. Since the first time I came to the US, I always thought that the...
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I was asked by one of my fairly new readers, how I started blogging and I think it’s a great way to introduce myself to other new readers that might happen to come across my blog through NaBloPoMo. I am aware that people start blogging for the most random reasons....
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It’s only Day 2 and I am already struggling to get a post written in time to post it before midnight. Damn it. Ha! I’ve been busy with cleaning up the house today and also trying to put away “stuff” in our room which is – despite or maybe because...
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Yes! It’s that time again… National Blog Posting Month is here. I’ve been seriously debating with myself, if I should take on the challenge again this year or not. I really, really wanted to, had been looking forward to it all year, but I’ve had so much going on lately...
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