Month: November 2007

How it all started…

I was asked by one of my fairly new readers, how I started blogging and I think it’s a great way to introduce myself to other new readers that might happen to come across my blog through NaBloPoMo. I am aware that people start blogging for the most random reasons....

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I knew it.

It’s only Day 2 and I am already struggling to get a post written in time to post it before midnight. Damn it. Ha! I’ve been busy with cleaning up the house today and also trying to put away “stuff” in our room which is – despite or maybe because...

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Bring it on… it’s NaBloPoMo.

Yes! It’s that time again… National Blog Posting Month is here. I’ve been seriously debating with myself, if I should take on the challenge again this year or not. I really, really wanted to, had been looking forward to it all year, but I’ve had so much going on lately...

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