Relieved and also a tiny bit sad, I am writing my last post for NaBloPoMo this year. I can’t believe how fast this month flew by… and Christmas is almost here! It has definitely been fun again to blog 30 days in a row… without any creative breaks in between....
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This is actually going to refer to the actual meaning of the word “sick”, not as in “you’re a sick person for behaving like that” or something ;) We watched “SiCKO”, the latest Michael Moore-documentary, a little while ago. I missed to see it at the movie theaters and wanted...
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… always wanted to live in CA, I believe. Earthquakes have strangely fascinated me since my first geography class in 5th grade, so I chose Geography as my Leistungskurs in 12th grade and later went on to University to study Geography. By lucky coincidence, and I say that with still...
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This is the official term of my legal status in the US. Sounds lovely, huh? It always makes me think of little green men [or women] and X-Files :) Due to the Thanksgiving-weekend-with-Kim-excitement, I totally forgot that November, 22nd marked the first anniversary of my immigrating to the US and...
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Remember this post that I wrote not too long ago? I can only say, once again, good times always go by way too quickly. The last two days with Kim and C were a blast. You probably want to know on which exciting adventures we went on Saturday and Sunday, but...
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The last two days have been amazing. I can’t even start to tell you how much fun we’ve been having. Kim and C picked us up at the airport on Thursday morning. Contrary to my expectations, traveling on Thanksgiving was a breeze. J and I had only packed carry-on to...
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“Time or distance cannot touch the friendship of the heart.“ – Unknown.
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This one is going to be short, because we’re off to the airport… I just wanted to wish all of you :
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Tomorrow I am going to see my dear friend Kim for the first time in over a year. Man, I can’t tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to this. I usually manage pretty well not having any of my close girlfriends near by, but every once in a...
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