Lazy Saturday

I love lazy Saturdays.

I slept in today. Like in “real late”. I think I got up at noon for the first time when I heard J make some coffee downstairs. Nice thing to wake up to the smell of fresh coffee :)

I could also hear the rain pattering against the windows. Thank God we canceled the hiking trip that we had considered and just stayed at home, snuggled on the couch, read and drank hot coffee :) I think I haven’t done that in a really long time.

I am not planning to leave the house today at all, except for maybe renting a movie and getting some groceries to cook dinner. Maybe I’ll get some letters written later today. I’ve planned to do that for a really long time, just never got around to doing it, because we had so much going on lately.

I think a “day off” like that is really what I needed.

  1. Sounds like a fantastic time – just what I would like on a rainy november day. It’s the time to get cozy, snuggeling up under a blanket on the sofa, movies, crafts, books and a nice hot drink. Still have to take our dog out, but that is just as much fun.
    Have a nice week and keep on blogging – only 19 more post.

  2. Hope your Sunday is just as nice!

  3. I have been running around getting ready for tomorrow’s departure! I am so excited!!!!!

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