I kind of like the “on who I am” posts that have been popping up on other blogs, so I am giving this a go… I am … incredibly happy that it is Friday and I have a three-day-weekend. Hooray! … wondering lately why life has to be so complicated...
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I think I figured out why so very little people take public transportation in this country, even when it is available. It’s just a big huge pain in the butt, this is why. Who in their right mind would give up the convenience of their car in exchange for a...
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To be honest, this week was a complete fail workout-wise. I had so much going on that I didn’t make it to the gym once since last Sunday, which is somewhat upsetting. But when you leave the house at 6:30 a.m. every morning and when you don’t come home until...
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1.) Our new drop-leaf dining table from Ikea. This was the best purchase in a long time. It’s the perfect solution for our small living room! 2.) This is a supercute Merona Woman’s Wrap Dress I saw at Target. I didn’t buy it, but I might have to go back....
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As previously stated, I am on a never-ending mission of making our home as cozy as possible – however small our place may be. And it is pretty small to tell you the truth, the guesstimate hovering around 480 square feet (and this really is a very broad estimate carried...
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As I outlined in my goals for the New Year, I am planning to get back into a regular work out routine. What better way than to do this along with the encouragement and mental support of some lovely ladies that have begun the new decade with the same goals....
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Everyone has heard about the devastating earthquake in Haiti. As earthquakes are something I work with on a(n almost) daily basis (the scientific part of it, anyway), this one hit close to home. You know, I am in this constant dilemma that I am really fascinated by natural disasters, which...
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Do you remember National Delurking Day? You do? Great, because Delurking Day is today and I am using this – and all my charm – as an excuse to ask you to come out of the woodwork and say hello to me. If you’ve been following my blog and never...
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I am having big, big plans for this next (long MLK’s) weekend. I want to transform our apartment, once again, in some sort of spring cleaning frenzy. I mentioned numerous times that it is tiny and that I feel like there is NO space for anything… but I need to...
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Remember my little New Year’s adventure story from last weekend? Here’s the background story. I hadn’t been on a horse since I was 15, or so. You know, when I was younger, of course I had the whole phase where I loved horses (I still do, mind you!), as all...
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