Delurker Day 2010

Do you remember National Delurking Day? You do? Great, because Delurking Day is today and I am using this – and all my charm – as an excuse to ask you to come out of the woodwork and say hello to me.

If you’ve been following my blog and never commented, today is the day to do so!

If you are a relatively new reader, welcome to my little corner of the Internets!  I’d love to know you were here.

Even if you are a regular reader and commentator, I’d like you to leave a comment on this post. You’d only make the list more complete, you know.

I usually try to comment on other people’s blogs, because I know most people appreciate the feedback.
But I also know – and understand – that sometimes people don’t have the time to comment, sometimes people might be interested in the topic of your post, but have nothing to say, and sometimes people are just bad at commenting.
Still, today you would make someone really happy if  you could step up and say hello. I’d be happy to come over to your blog and return the favor!

So, comment away, peeps!

  1. I am here (pretty much every day). :) Sometimes I just go through your archives if you don’t post for a few days. Am I weird? ;)
    .-= Stefanie´s last blog ..When you realize you miss someone. =-.

  2. Hi San,
    I alreday delurked last year…
    I enjoy reading your blog, but I am very bad at commenting.
    Just thought I leave you a comment on delurking day..lolol
    Viele Gruesse aus Texas,

  3. Hehe you know Im reading but I dont comment as often as I should.But I still enjoy reading your post and check for a new one every day!!! Btw Im still waiting for your verdict on the German bread from that bakery that you talked about a little while back! =)
    xoxo, Caty

  4. Hello! Have been reading your blog for a while, am living in the UK but from Deutschland originally. Keep on blogging! Laura

  5. Always looking forward to your posts San!

  6. Hallo San,
    ich schau immer mal wieder (über Antje`s Blog)vorbei und bleib immer hängen. :-)

    LG aus Köln,


  7. What! I missed it!

    I might have to do this tomorrow… ;-)
    .-= LiLu´s last blog ..TMI Thursday: The “Post Secret” Edition, Vol. VIII =-.

  8. i’m reading! happy thursday, woo.
    .-= katelin´s last blog ..Hellooo Keanu. =-.

  9. I just discovered your blog yesterday, but I’ll de-lurk again, just for the heck of it! I didn’t know there was such a thing as de-lurking day …
    .-= Holly´s last blog ..24 Weeks =-.

  10. Happy De-Lurking Day from New Hampshire! I am always here, reading and commenting, but thought I would say HI anyway!
    .-= Maribeth´s last blog ..De-Lurking Day!!! =-.

  11. I am always reading!!!!

  12. Speaking of comments, I posted the story you’d asked about.

    ahem :)
    .-= ToBeAnnounced´s last blog ..Protected: From Me, To You ~ Part 2* =-.

  13. Well, HALLO! Hahahha. That icon is amazing.
    .-= Spatzi´s last blog ..Pieces of Me: Zwei =-.

  14. Hi San,

    you know I stop by daily :>) Yes, what about the bread??

    Grüße aus FL

  15. Hey Ho San!
    Love to read your blog ;)
    Take care and have a wonderful weekend (are you off on Monday?)

  16. me too, me too!!! :)
    .-= Tinka´s last blog ..Ask me anything… =-.

  17. Hi to SoCal! am a regular. :-)
    .-= Steffi´s last blog ..A BLAH day =-.

  18. I try to read and comment as often as I can!

  19. Hi! Just subscribed to your blog! Found thanks to “misadventures with andy” (you commented there).

  20. I have an award for you on my blog. :)
    .-= Tinka´s last blog ..Got my first Blog Award! =-.

  21. yay delurking day! I sooo missed!
    I think this is when we connected last year, when I came out of my stalker closet to you *wink*
    I promise, I read all your posts and I think you are incredibly smart and interesting!!

    so glad you’re my friend :)
    .-= Carolina´s last blog ..“They Have Less Than Nothing” =-.

  22. A little late I think, sorry. I am still reading regularly your blog (2 years now?) and still find it heart warming and interesting. We've never met but from what I read, I like you.
    Keep it going ;)

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