1. I think I first came across Momentum Jewelry Motivational Wraps on Instagram and I just love the look and the customizable messages. The wrap fabric is really soft and doesn’t chafe if you wear it while working out. [expander_maker more=”Read more” less=”Read less”] 2. It’s that time of the year aka...
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I am back with another installment of “What I bought at Trader Joe’s”. My weekly grocery run usually leads me to 3-4 different stores, but I’d say that I do the bulk of my shopping at TJ’s. Some items I could also get at the regular supermarket, but comparing prices...
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wearing my new @momentumjewelry Motivate Wrap™ that I bought recently with a gift certificate that I received for my birthday. It just seemed fitting to get one with my word for the year ‘(just) breathe’ engraved. loving my runs at the park. I’ve thought about branching out a bit (and maybe...
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Tanja’s blog is a constant source of cooking inspiration and I have tried yet another one of her bread recipes, this time one for overnight spelt-rye rolls. Ever since I returned from my trip to Germany, the land of bread, – oh, just over three month ago – I’ve been missing the...
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10 things NOT to do when you train for a half-marathon. O-kay! I made this mushroom paella a couple of weeks ago and it was delicious!! Overweight people judge distances to be further than they really are. “[…] psychologists call [this] the “action-specific theory of perception”: Basically, people perceive their...
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I am linking up with Erika, Patty and Marcia for Tuesdays on the Run again. This week I am bringing you the Davis Moo-nlight Run race recap. I decided a few weeks ago that I would throw in another 10k as part of my half-marathon training. I was particularly intrigued...
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A re-tweet of one of Lora‘s older posts about the importance of iron for runners prompted me to tell you about my personal experience with iron deficiency anemia many year ago. It was not directly related to running or at least, I think it wasn’t, but maybe it was? Not sure, just...
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This is a new installment of my “daily life”-posts. It’s been a little while. I thought you might be interested to hear what a typical work week looks like for me. As you may or may not know, I work a flex schedule at work, which means that I don’t...
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I’m linking up with Erika, Patty and Marcia again for Tuesdays on the Run and today we’re talking about the thought process behind choosing races. Again, since I don’t have much race experience yet, this is a difficult question to answer. When I signed up for my first 10k last year, I...
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Happy 4th of July, everyone! I hope you had a nice and long weekend. We definitely had a nice weekend. We got to hang out in our backyard (I’ve wanted to have a backyard/patio for years!) and went out to the local brewery around the corner for blonde ales and...
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