I ran my usual errands on Friday and then I pretty much stayed in for the rest of the weekend and took care of some important paperwork. I really had been procrastinating and finally sat myself down and got it done (or almost done). I spent all Saturday in front...
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The alphabet project is a 26 week adventure in photography! Wanna play along? Check out Ashley‘s blog and join the Flickr Group!
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{via} I’m the kind of woman who will always, always give you the benefit of the doubt, often one too many times. I always believe in the best in people and go to great length to try and prove it. I am the kind of woman who almost always prefers...
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{via} In the last couple of weeks, I’ve felt like a huge procrastinator. I am going to cut me some slack right here, because after all I’ve been semi-sick for the last 8 days (sick enough to feel crappy and exhausted, but not sick enough to stay at home and really take...
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The alphabet project is a 26 week adventure in photography! Wanna play along? Check out Ashley‘s blog and join the Flickr Group!
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{via} This week I am loving… … the start of the countdown for my parents’ visit this summer. My Dad emailed me the confirmation for their flight reservations and I’m thrilled that they’re going to be here in 185 days! … the fact that the iPhone is coming to Verizon. Oh...
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{via} If you’re anything like me, then one of you’re favorite things to do is to explore new blogs and constantly add more URLs to your Google Reader. The month of November and NaBloPoMo always encourage me to browse new blogs, although, who am I kidding? I am not just...
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Writing about the post-Christmas part of the time with my family has proven to be unexpectedly hard for several reasons; a) I didn’t really do that much while I was in Germany this time, so I don’t have any pretty photos of places that I visited or stories of the...
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The alphabet project is a 26 week adventure in photography! Wanna play along? Check out Ashley‘s blog and join the Flickr Group!
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Everything was a little bit smaller (the tree), quieter and less extravagant this Christmas. It all started out with a (new) thick white blanket of snow that had been spread over my hometown over night. My Dad and I had to shovel snow on the morning of Christmas Eve. Two...
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