I’ve been really tired lately. I think it must be the time of the year. The last two weekends, I easily slept at least 10 hours each night without waking up once. That is very unusual for me. I usually wake up some time in the early morning and, if...
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I have an appointment at the hair salon tonight. I am contemplating again about changing my haircut and color. I am afraid I will walk out with the same hairstyle that I had for years [with which I am not particularly unhappy, but it gets boring after a while]. I...
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When I went shopping on Friday afternoon, I came across a rarity at the supermarket. White Asparagus! OMG! While white asparagus is very popular in Germany, I think I’ve never seen it at a US supermarket before. I couldn’t resist and bought it. I also found a little kitchen helper...
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My dear friend Sanni from Germany sent me a priceless gift this week. A CD with the first season of “Stromberg“, a German comedy show [which is comparable to “The Office”] with Christoph Maria Herbst. © ProSieben The guy is absolutely hilarious – one of the best comedians that Germany...
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As some of you might recall, I used to be in a book club when we lived in Davis a few years ago. It was a fun group of people and I was quite crushed when members of the book club started to move away and I eventually had to...
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I always thought I had a pretty ordinary name. It’s not that I dislike it per se, but “Sandra” was a very common first name in the seventies and with a somewhat “ordinary”, typical German last name, I wasn’t particularly happy with it. There was another girl with the same name at...
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I’ve recently had more trouble to come up with ideas for dinner. We do have a few dishes that we like to make on a regular basis, but lately it feels like I am running out of new ideas to fill the days in between. I would love to cook...
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Sometimes I am surprised how fast the day goes by. “Time” is seriously a strange concept. Even though every day has the exact same amount of hours and minutes, it’s curious how some minutes can feel like hours and vice versa. I am a person who can hardly live without...
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… or the never-ending story of finding the perfect WordPress theme. I know you’ve endured quite the theme-changing here lately, which was first due to the “I am going pink for October!” initiative and then the need to change it back to something non-pink in November. I ended up with...
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Today is November 11 and unfortunately I missed to post this at exactly 11:11 am which marks the beginning of the “fifth season” in Germany – Carnival. The Rhineland area, where I come from, is especially famous for their Carnival celebrations which culminate in a week-long street festival leading up...
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