Today is my great-aunt’s birthday. She would have turned 91. It’s hard to accept that I won’t be able talk to her today. In a way, since I’ve lived so far away form her for so many years already, she’s still over there somehow. This morning, I remembered the pashmina scarf. It...
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When I was perusing the Antique stores last weekend, I came across a set of china which kind of stopped me in my tracks, because it was so familiar to me. This is the china that I will have inherited from my great-aunt. A full dinner and coffee set, that...
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I’ve felt a little lost the last few weeks. I just got back from this whirlwind trip back to Germany. I am behind on blogging, reading blogs and everything else. I am tired, I have a cold, but after all the precious time that I was able to take off...
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Today is Saint Nicholas Day (German = Nikolaus). Unfortunately my shoes turned up to be empty this morning, might be due to the fact that there’s no “Saint Nicholas Day” in the US. Oh well, but I did put a little something in J’s boot this morning. He’ll be surprised :) In...
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Yesterday was J’s and my anniversary. I can’t believe we’ve been married for 6 years. Sometimes, it feels like we just got married yesterday, in many ways it seems much, much longer than 6 years. We took a little day trip to wine country (hooray! More on that later!) and...
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Last night I saw an old friend from College. We both were exchange students at UC Davis at the same time (only that I went back to Germany after 6 months and she ended up completing her degree in the US) and seeing her again was a bit of a...
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{source} “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt Ten years ago today, I stepped off the plane onto Californian soil for the very first time. At the time, I had no idea that by doing so, my life would forever...
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Aren’t long weekends the best? I had been looking forward to this long weekend for the whole month of May, since the last few weeks had been so busy with the move and lots of stuff going on at work. I know I am pretty spoiled with my 3-day weekends...
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{via} I really regret that I’ve never lived with my sister. Yes, of course, I lived with my sister when we still lived at home at my parents’ house. I mean, I regret never having shared an apartment with her. Before marriage and (her) kids and all. I think we...
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