Category: nostalgia

The little reminders

Today is my great-aunt’s birthday. She would have turned 91. It’s hard to accept that I won’t be able talk to her today. In a way, since I’ve lived so far away form her for so many years already, she’s still over there somehow. This morning, I remembered the pashmina scarf. It...

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Happy Nikolaus!

Today is Saint Nicholas Day (German = Nikolaus). Unfortunately my shoes turned up to be empty this morning, might be due to the fact that there’s no “Saint Nicholas Day” in the US. Oh well, but I did put a little something in J’s boot this morning. He’ll be surprised :) In...

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What we’ve learned

Yesterday was J’s and my anniversary. I can’t believe we’ve been married for 6 years. Sometimes, it feels like we just got married yesterday, in many ways it seems much, much longer than 6 years. We took a little day trip to wine country (hooray! More on that later!) and...

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