Category: love

Kind request

I usually don’t like to talk about too personal things on my blog – especially if those personal things concern other people in my life –  and if I do so occasionally, I password-protect these posts. It is not so much about protecting myself as it is about protecting people that I...

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Reasons to love him

With all the chaos going on in our lives, I just recently told you that I wouldn’t be able to get my designated “birthday present” for a little while. J knows that I want the DSLR really badly. Even though it is a pretty expensive little toy, I know he...

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Happy Birthday, love!

Yesterday was J’s birthday. When I got up, I baked him marble-cake-muffins while I was in the shower. [clarification for Ute : The muffins baked in the oven while I was in the shower :)] I have to say that I am a big advocate of everybody having a birthday-cake...

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