Kind request

I usually don’t like to talk about too personal things on my blog – especially if those personal things concern other people in my life –  and if I do so occasionally, I password-protect these posts. It is not so much about protecting myself as it is about protecting people that I write about or protecting work- or family-related matters.
Sometimes I just don’t want certain people (or strangers) to read about certain things.

But today, I need to ask a big, big favor from each of you, my dear friends and lurking readers. Even though I won’t go into details here and therefore I don’t need to protect this post (and would plead with you to not inquire further), I assure you that the reasons for my request are substantial.

May I kindly ask you to send some VERY positive vibes for a very dear friend of mine who undergoes surgery tomorrow (Thursday)? It would be so, so much appreciated.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  1. will be crossing my fingers tommorrow all day!

  2. You know I will be praying very hard. I truly believe in the power of prayer!

  3. vibes are going to be sent ALL DAY!

  4. I am one of your lurking and silent readers,
    But tonight I will send you many good vibes for your friend …
    Greusse aus Texas

  5. Sending you all my love and positive vibes from Down Under :-) xoxoxoxo

  6. I will keep your friend in my thoughts all day!

  7. i will be thinking of her all day today. let me know how things go, please and tell her i’m sending positive vibes from up north! *big smooch*

  8. wishing your friend all the best, although it might comes belated.

  9. @ all… THANK YOU so much for all your good vibes, finger crossing and prayers. My friend’s surgery seems to have gone well… I’ll keep you updated on the progress.
    Thanks again!

  10. I am too late. :-( But I send all my best wishes and cross my fingers for a good and fast recovering!!!

  11. I hope your friend got the positive vibes you asked for.
    Also, good to see your blog up and running again… I came by a couple weeks ago and was hoping you didn’t take it down!

  12. sorry, i am late as well. i hope everything turned out well for your friend!!

    and congratulations on becoming an aunt, that is so exciting!!!

  13. Hugs to you and your friend.

  14. Late Late Late! But I always put positive vibes out.I read the Secret!! Hope all went well.

  15. hope it went well and your friend is recovering well!

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