I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah. With the Power Zone Challenge officially over, I needed something to hold me over until the next one. Geez, Sandra, you might think, can’t you just take it easy for a while? No, I cannot. Hehe....
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Are you sick and tired of reading yet another post that includes the word Peloton? Ah well, that’s what you get around here these days… I try to keep it short, but today is a day of celebration and I cannot let this day go by without acknowledging the fact...
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I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah. This week, I finished the Breaking Zones Power Zone Challenge. I can’t believe how fast these challenges fly by. This meant a “taper week” with two power zone endurance rides and an FTP test at the...
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I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah. I’ve tentatively decided to run another half marathon this fall, so on the heels of the Team Wilpers Run Challenge, I am transitioning to a half marathon training schedule this week. I am already signed up...
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I am linking up again with Kookyrunner and Zenaida for Tuesday Topics and we’re sharing some of our favorite Instagram (athletic) Memories today. It was fun to scroll through my Instagram feed and find some of the precious moments of my athletic journey over the last few years. November 2015 My...
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I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah. This was week 8 of the Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge 2023 and it concluded – just like it started – with another 20 min distance test, the runner’s equivalent of the FTP test for cycling...
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I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah. Another really exciting week! I hit another milestone with Tanja on the bike, and I spent a few days at a friend’s house and got to try her Peloton tread. Cue my excitement! I also participated...
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I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah. Whee, what a week. Team Wilpers training was ramping up again with some spicy interval runs, and so were the temperatures. We were heating up to a toasty 110F/44C by Saturday. I had a race on...
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I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah. This was a short (work) week for me. Since July 4th fell on a Tuesday, I took Monday off for an extra long weekend and then I only had two work days this week. Since I...
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I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah. I know you all must think I am a little crazy what with all the challenges I have going on (and I probably am), but what can I say, they’re just really fun and motivating for...
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