2023 Weekly Run Down 31/52 – New Challenges

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

I’ve tentatively decided to run another half marathon this fall, so on the heels of the Team Wilpers Run Challenge, I am transitioning to a half marathon training schedule this week. I am already signed up for the next Team Wilpers Challenge, which starts in another 10 days but will build my HM training around that. I think it will be good. 

The beginning of a new month also means a whole slew of new Streakers365 trackers (so glad you’re joining in the fun this month, Deb!). I’ve been trying to hold back a little bit and not sign up for ALL the trackers (it’s a problem, haha!), but I decided to join a fun upper body strength challenge (Sun’s Out Guns Out) this month and the Sunset Stretch recovery tracker. I also started the Peloton Pump Up the Volume 3 program and will continue my yoga streak in August.


  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Adrian (3/24/21) 
  • 30 Min Red Hot Chili Peppers Run @ easy pace – Adrian (7/27/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 20 Min Lower Body Strength: Week 1, Day 1 – Rad (11/28/22) — PUTV3 – W1D1/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Lower Body Stretch – Ben (6/21/23)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Hips – Mariana (5/12/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo


  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Erik (7/27/23)
  • 30 Min Power Zone Ride – CDE (1/20/20) — Breaking Zones W7R1
  • 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Hannah F (7/27/23)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Core – Aditi (6/16/22) — Personal Streak 
  • 10 Min Arms & Light Weights – Bradley (11/6/21) — Sun’s Out Guns Out

I did not feel ready for the Power Zone ride this morning. I think my legs are a little tired, or maybe just my head, because I finished surprisingly strong. Does that ever happen to you that you feel like you won’t be able to perform, but then you do? It’s a strange thing, but I think sometimes your body just knows what’s up. 

I also started the new Sun’s Out Guns Out (Upper Body Strength) Challenge today with a “BEFORE” flexing selfie. Let’s see if we can see any change at the end of this.


  • 15 Min Focus Flow: Upper Body – Aditi (8/13/21) — Sun’s Out Guns Out/Sunset Stretch/Personal Streak
  • 20 Min Upper Body: Week 1, Day 2 – Matty () – PUTV3-W1D2
  • 5 Min Upper Body Stretch – Matt (5/23/23)
  • 10 Min Just Ride: Outdoor (Work Commute)
  • 10 Min Just Ride: Outdoor (Work Commute)
  • 10 Min Rest Day Meditation – Anna (2/23/21) — Sunset Stretch/Instructor Bingo

Engie asked me the other day if I ever take rest days. I do! Wednesdays are usually my (active) rest days, I don’t do anything cardio-heavy on Wednesdays. I also occasionally have days where I literally just take a meditation class or go for a short walk and call it a day. Granted, these days are rarer, but they do exist (also see Saturday below).


  • 10 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Selena (6/14/23)
  • 30 Min Aussie Rock Run @ easy pace – Becs (11/11/21) — Instructor Bingo
  • Extra 10: Endurance @ easy pace – Andy (2/13/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Ben (3/13/23) — Sunset Stretch
  • 10 Min Yoga Conditioning: Upper Body – Mariana (7/12/23) — Sun’s Out Guns Out/Personal Streak 

A 4-mile endurance run and a bit of stretching and yoga. This was a low-key day before work and a work lunch. 


  • 5 Min Summer Break Warm Up Ride – Benny Adami (7/30/23)
  • 45 Min Power Zone Ride – Matt (10/5/22) — Breaking Zones – W7R2/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Kendall (8/2/23)
  • 20 Min Morning Mobility – Adrian (5/2/23)
  • 20 Min Full Body Strength: Week 1, Day 3 – Callie (11/28/22) — PUTV3-W1D3/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Arm Toning – Iréne (8/4/20) — Sun’s Out Guns Out
  • 5 Min Standing Yoga – Anna (4/21/22) — Personal Streak
  • 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Alex (1/25/22) — Sunset Stretch
  • 45 Min Walk + Run – Olivia (9/23/22)

Tanja and I tackled week 7, ride 2 of the Breaking Zones Challenge and holy mo, this was a spicy ride. People had already talked about it in our Facebook Group and we were both a bit scared. It turned out to be sweaty, but doable. I liked it much better than the ‘washing machine’ ride last week. 


  • 10 Min Arms & Light Weights – Hannah C (8/13/21) — Sun’s Out Guns Out
  • 10 Min Standing Yoga – Kristin (9/24/20) — Personal Streak

Unplanned (active) rest day. I had a scheduled Skype call with a family friend (overseas) and then a spontaneous long overdue (4-hour) phone call with another dear friend (also overseas) and so my day simply disappeared. I treat these calls like IRL meet-ups (even though in-person would be so much better), get a coffee/drink, and settle in for a few hours. It’s always worth it!  


  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Sam (3/20/23)
  • 45 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Denis (10/1/20) — Breaking Zones W7R3
  • Extra 10: Low Impact – Charlotte (2/5/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Barre: Upper Body – Ally (8/2/23) — Sun’s Out Guns Out/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Floor Poses – Ross (7/19/23) — Personal Streak 
  • 10 Min Core Strength – JJ (5/3/23) — Instructor Bingo

Tanja and I finished up week 7 of the Breaking Zones Power Zones Challenge with Denis. I really love his classes, but sometimes his cues for the zones can be all over the place.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Streaker365 July Personal Streak (yoga daily) ✔
Streaker365 Sun’s Out Guns Out – 6/25 ✔
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly) – 5 Bingos
Streaker365 Sunset Stretch – week 1 complete ✔
Peloton Pump Up The Volume 3 Strength Program (4 weeks) – week 1 complete ✔

I started a new “daily yoga” streak for August, took 6 classes for the Suns Out Guns Out Strength Challenge, and got 5 (!) instructor bingos this week. I also finished week 1 of the Sunset Stretch Recovery Tracker and week 1 of the Pump Up The Volume 3 program.

This week’s stats:

Running: 7.2 mi
Walking: 2.1 mi
Cycling: 47.2 mi
Strength: 100 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 80 min
Warm up + Stretching: 60 min
Meditation: 10 min

Are you signed up for any races/challenges this fall? 


Sun’s Out Guns Out – Streakers365 Upper Body Strength Tracker
Sunset Stretch – Streakers365 Recovery Tracker
Breaking Zones = Power Zone Pack Challenge “Breaking Zones” (8 weeks)
W1C1 = Week 1, Class 1
W1AR1 = Week 1 Accelerator Class 1
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo

  1. Wow! You do have a lot going on! I’m just trying to decide whether to start another Peloton strength program!

    1. I admit, I can get carried away :)

  2. I have already messed up the tracker for the streakers! LOL it is a lot to manage not sure how you do it. I am also moving to the pump up the volume 3 as well. Great week for you!

    1. Oh no, how did you mess up? I am sure you can correct ;) I do plan my week in advance, which helps quite a bit.

  3. You DO have a lot going on! You must me a lot more organized than me to keep all those challenges straight, LOL ;-) I need to check out some challenges and find a program that will fit my schedule (or MAKE one fit, right?).

    1. I pre-plan my week to make sure things fit in… maybe that is a bit TOO organized? I don’t know LOL

  4. Congrats on signing up for another half marathon! You certainly keep busy! Well done though. Nice cycling mileage!

    1. Thank you, Susanne. I always say “I don’t have any other hobbies” haha (which is a lie).

  5. Wow, what a great week for you! I’ll be curious to see how you work your half marathon training into your challenges. What half are you doing?

    1. Thank you, Wendy. I am contemplating the Urban Cow HM. I have run it a couple of times. It’s a local race, so easy to get to.

  6. Wow this is a lot!
    Your arms already look incredible – so toned. I can’t believe how much you fit in.

    I tend to avoid talking on the phone (I used to love it, but now…I kinda loathe it) so to me FOUR hours sounds epic, but also sounds like a lovely time to reconnect with friends and I love that you settle in with a coffee <3

    1. Thank you – I guess my arms don’t look as bad as I thought but I could definitely work on my upper body strength.

      I also tend to avoid talking on the phone usually, but if that’s the only option I have to hang out with my friend, I’ll take it!

  7. You’re ready!

    That’s already a fantastic flex picture! You’re going to rock that challenge.

    1. Thank you Jenn. I keep on keeping on :) Let’s see if I can see any difference in my “after” flexing picture. Haha.

  8. Well, you’re busy! All those challenges plus HM training. I think your “before” flexing picture looks pretty good- I’ll be interested to see the “after.” It’s a lot, but it all sounds fun!

    1. Thanks, Jenny. I know you’re also someone who tries to “fit it all in”… and I am also curious if I can see any difference in my flexing picture. Haha. Upper body is not my strong suit.

  9. Oh, how fun- what half are you planning to do? Your arms looks great!

    1. Thank you, Jessie :) I am contemplating the Urban Cow HM.

  10. You always have such a wide variety of exercises going on – love all of your challenges!

    1. Thank you Debbie. I appreciate your comment :)

  11. Doesn’t look like there will be a half for me this year. Although I also enjoy the lower stress of just running for fun (not that it’s much fun in Summer, for me).

    You definitely do have a lot going on! Glad you were able to catch up with your friends.

    1. Just running for fun can be such a nice change! Enjoy it!

  12. hooray for new challenges!! and a half on the schedule! which one are you doing?

    1. I am contemplating the Urban Cow Half Marathon here in Sacramento.

  13. I love how you set goals in your exercise journey. All the best for getting ready for your half marathon.

    1. Thanks friend <3 I appreciate that.

  14. Goodness, another half? You will (continue to) be in the best shape of your life!
    I’m astonished that you can – and do – talk on the phone for four hours. Wow. That shows the power of friendship, for sure. I don’t have friends like that anymore but oh, it brings back wonderful memories of days spent just hanging out with friends in the past. <3

    1. Haha, another half… the last one was in February! It seems like such a long time ago. There are people who run a LOT more back to back races. I usually just pick 2-3/year.

      Talking on the phone is not my favorite, but the things you do when people you care about are far away. Sigh.

      1. That was FEBRUARY? Holy moley. Time really does fly, doesn’t it? And also – I would have needed to build bathroom breaks into that phone call. ;)

        1. Haha. You’ll laugh. We did take bathroom breaks during the long phone call ;)

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