2023 Weekly Run Down 33/52 – a hot week!

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

With the Power Zone Challenge officially over, I needed something to hold me over until the next one. Geez, Sandra, you might think, can’t you just take it easy for a while? No, I cannot. Hehe. I like to stay busy. To be fair, it’s a fun challenge on the Barkle platform (yet another off-shoot tool for Peloton athletes with challenges, races, and competitions) and it’s called the 4×4 Kennel Club Challenge (four 20 Min Rides per week for the next four weeks). 

This is perfect because it’ll keep me engaged on the bike while I focus on half marathon training. I am doing the Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge (for some structured workouts) and will be building my weekly mileage around it. 


  • 20 Min Lower Body Strength: Week 3, Day 1 – Rad (12/12/22) — PUTV3-W3D1
  • 20 Min EDM Ride – Ben (8/7/23) — Barkle 4×4 – W1R1/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Arms & Light Weights – Bradley (8/10/23) — Sun’s Out Guns Out
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Lower Body – Chelsea (8/9/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

I joined my Streakers365 friends for PUTV3 and then started the Barkle 4×4 challenge with Tanja. She also joined me for some ALW and yoga afterward. It’s more fun to work out with friends!


  • 5 MinPre-Run Warm Up – Matt (7/22/21)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off — W1R1
    • 30 Min HIIT Run – Jess S (8/2/23)
      • 10 Min Warm up
      • 15 Min Intervals
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 20 Min Strength Roll Call: Upper Body – Adrian (12/15/22) — Sun’s Out Guns Out
  • 10 Min Taylor Swift Midnight Arms – Kendall (11/25/22) — Sun’s Out Guns Out
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Chest Openers – Kristin (6/14/21) — Sunset Stretch/Personal Streak
  • 5 Min Full Body Stretch – Ben (2/27/23)

Today I completed the first run for the Team Wilper Summer Send-Off Run Challenge 2023. Since I just did the 20 min Test at the end of the previous challenge, I decided to work with these new paces and did the 30 min Intervals Run instead. I also knocked out two classes for the Sun’s Out Guns Out Challenge (we’re “allowed” to mark off 2 classes on Tuesdays and I took advantage). 


  • 20 Min Tropical House Barre – Ally (8/16/23) 
  • 20 Min Upper Body Strength: Week 3, Day 2 – Matty (12/12/22) — PUTV3-W3D2/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Upper Body Stretch – Andy (3/27/23) — Sun’s Out Guns Out
  • 20 Min Climb Ride – Emma (8/2/23) — Barkle 4×4 – W1R2/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Floor Poses – Ross (9/23/21) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

I started the day with a Barre Class to celebrate a Streakers365 friend’s milestone. We then moved on to this week’s upper body class for PUTV3 and I completed a ride for the Barkle 4×4 challenge after that. Ross’ focus flow on floor poses was excellent. I appreciate how well he always explains what muscles to engage for every posture. 


  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Jon (8/14/23)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off — W1R2
    • 30 Min Intervals Run – Joslyn (10/14/22) — Instructor Bingo
      • 10 Min Warm up
      • 16 Min Intervals
        • 4×2 min Threshold/2 min Easy
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: For Runners – Mariana (3/14/23) — Personal Streak
  • 10 Min Arm Toning – Hannah F (1/19/20) — Sun’s Out Guns Out

The Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge required hill repeats today. Well, there are no hills anywhere near me, not even overpasses that could pass as mini-hills, so I had to pivot and decided to do a threshold interval run instead. It was also pretty humid in the morning and already – or still – 72F/22C when I left the house. The temperatures have been a bit brutal this week (multiple days in the triple digits).


  • 20 Min Full Body Strength: Week 3, Day 3 – Callie (12/12/22) — PUTV3-W3D3/Instructor Bingo
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off — W1R3
    • 20 Min 2000s Run – Hannah F (7/26/23) — Barkle 4×4 – W1R3
    • Extra 10: Endurance – Selena (8/7/23) — Instructor Bingo
      • 10 Min Warm Up
      • 15 Min Endurance Run
      • 5 Min Cool down
  • 30 Min Bootcamp: Upper Body – Jess S (2/19/23) — Sun’s Out Guns Out
  • 20 Min HIIT Ride – Tunde () — Barkle 4×4 – W1R4/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Lower Body Stretch – Rebecca (7/4/23) — Sunset Stretch
  • 5 Min Standing Yoga – Anna (4/1/21) — Personal Streak

I started the day off by finishing up week 3 of the Pump Up The Volume 3 Program with some of my Streaker365 friends. Then I went for a quick run for the Barkle 4×4 challenge and then followed up with a 30 min boot camp for Sun’s Out Guns Out and another HIIT ride for Barkle 4×4. The stretch and yoga classes were very much needed afterward. You’ll be happy to hear that I also took a nap later in the afternoon. I take recovery seriously. Haha.


  • 10 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Matt (7/27/20)
  • 20 min Strength Roll Call: Upper Body – Ben (7/27/23) — Sun’s Out Guns Out
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off — W1R4
    • 45 min 80s Run – Susie (8/5/23)
      • 10 Min Warm Up
      • 30 Min Endurance Run
      • 5 Min Cool down
  • 20 Min Rock Run – Marcel D (5/19/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 15 Min 90s Run – Jess S (5/25/23)
  • Extra 10: Endurance Run – Becs (7/24/23)
  • 5 Min Cool Down Run – Matt (5/23/23)
  • 5 Min Post-Run Stretch – Becs (7/12/21)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Healthy Back – Anna (3/14/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

Today was a long run day. I completed the 45 min endurance run for the Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge and then added another 45 min endurance run to complete 9 miles. I got out a little later than I wanted, so the temperatures had crept up to 82F by the time I got back home. Luckily, I had taken some fluids on my run (which I usually don’t do, but since I was going to be gone for more than 60 minutes, I decided to accept the burden of a handheld water bottle. I usually like to run “hands-free”.)


  • 10 Min Morning Meditation – Aditi (8/14/23) — Sunset Stretch 
  • 20 Min Tabata Ride – Kendall (8/9/23)  — Barkle 4×4 – W2R1
  • Extra 10: Low Impact – Charlotte (12/26/22) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Robin (7/10/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 20 Min Whitney Houston Arms & Shoulders – Rebecca (12/21/22) — Sun’s Out Guns Out 
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Lower Body – Aditi (5/5/22) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

Today was for marking off the last few classes for my trackers for the week. Yes, I go into each week with a solid plan! I was happy that Tanja joined me for a fun little stack with a little bit of “everything”… Tabata, core strength, upper body, and yoga.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Streaker365 Sun’s out Guns out  ✔
Streaker365 Sunset Stretch  ✔
Streaker365 July Personal Streak (yoga daily)  ✔
Peloton Pump Up The Volume 3 Strength Program (4 weeks) – week 3 complete  ✔
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly) – 4 bingos

I kept up with my “daily yoga” streak, continued upper body classes for the Suns Out Guns Out Strength Challenge, and got 4 instructor bingos this week. I also finished week 3 of the Pump Up The Volume 3 program and week 3 of the Sunset Stretch Recovery Tracker.

This week’s stats:

Running: 18.7 mi
Cycling: 21.5 mi
Strength: 160 min
Bootcamp: 30 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 85 min
Warm up + Stretching: 45 min
Meditation: 10 min

How was the weather in your area this week? With all the crazy weather all across the country, I hope your week wasn’t impacted too much! Stay safe out there!

Sun’s Out Guns Out = Streakers365 Upper Body Strength Tracker
Sunset Stretch = Streakers365 Recovery Tracker
Barke 4×4 = Barkle 4×4 Kennel Club Challenge (4 weeks)
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo

  1. We are nowhere near triple digits, thankfully, but most of my runs have started at about 70! Except for yesterday, which was a nice break.

    You definitely get a lot of variety!

  2. Wow look at all those challenges! I don’t even know where to sign up for those ha. We had warm weather this week (80s) but then it cooled down and though it was pleasant, I am not ready for summer to be over. I’d be okay with 70-80s all year round :)

    1. The challenges are through a few different platforms: Power Zone Pack puts on the Power Zone Challenges, Barkle organizes challenges and then I am part of the Streaker365 group on Facebook and IG and they have fun monthly challenges. I know I go a little overboard, but it’s fun! :)

  3. Wow you are the queen of the challenges! I could not keep things straight with the streaker challenge lol. It was warm here too again and crazy humidity but we had a nice break this weekend. Great job on your workouts this week

  4. Well, you obviously enjoy your challenges, so why not?
    I used to run without water, or just stop at water fountains. But in the heat of summer if I’m going to be out there longer than an hour, I always bring my water bottle. I hate handhelds (I know some people love them) so I have a hydration vest and the water bottle goes in the back- I love it!
    I hope you get some cooler weather soon!

  5. We are also just being obliterated by the heat. I’m over it.
    I don’t know how you keep track of all those trackers and challenges! You do sos maany!

    1. I hope we both get some cooler temps soon!

  6. Dang, another solid week! YOU are the queen with all these challenges and awesome daily workouts. We hit 103F feels-like this afternoon, and it’s looking like we’ll have similar temps for the next several days as well. I love the heat, but the extreme humidity is rather annoying, LOL.

    1. Ugh, I cannot even imagine 103F WITH humidity. It’s brutal and uncomfortable without it already. I am sorry.

  7. You did a lot of workouts this week, well done! We had a nice dip in temps, but I see they will be up near the 90’s again in the upcoming week. I can pass on that, I am ready for fall!

    1. 90’s is plenty warm. I think I am ready for fall, too.

  8. Hill training with no hills is a tough one! I guess you did well on opting for an interval run instead.
    Another option would be to find a highrise and then run up the stairwell… but I guess the logistics around that are also difficult, ha!

    1. Someone suggested running up the stairs at a parking garage (which I also don’t really have close by – ha!), but is that “hill training” though?

  9. Nicely done on all the challenges!
    I wanted to Matt’s Summer Sendoff, but it didn’t work wiht my 10m training. I definitely look forward to the next

    1. We can’t do it all ;) (although I sure try!) Hope to see you at the next TW challenge!

  10. So impressed with ALL your workouts!
    I’m enjoying the cooler mornings for running but the humidity is still there. Not complaining.. I do love summer.

    1. I am glad you’re able to enjoy summer despite the humidity. I think humidity would kill me – at least it’s “dry heat” here.

  11. Nicely done! What a full week. You are so organized :)

  12. Nice work on all those workouts! The cards for tracking your challenges are so fun! I love a visual that shows your progress.

    We’ve had high temps on and off and many days above 90 with very little rain. We have another heat wave today – highs of 97 and high humidity. It’s gross out there! Saturday was really hot and humid, too, so we were cooped up inside quite a bit so Saturday was the longest day of solo parenting!

    And hey, feedly at least seems to be dumping posts from you more often? I just got 2 days of post instead of the 5+ I’ve typically been getting!

    1. I am totally a visual person and I think that attracts me to the challenges as well.
      Ugh and 90’s + humidity sounds awful. At least it’s mostly dry heat here in CA.

  13. Very nice week of workouts as usual, San! I like to stay busy, too, but you run circles around me!

    1. Haha. Well you do keep busy yourself, that is for sure!

  14. I love your personal yoga challenge – and the name of your Sun’s out guns out challenge, too. Will you focus on legs this winter? :)

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