Month: April 2014

Photo of the week: McKinley

Hello, hello. Another week and another  ‘Foto der Woche‘.   My Glücklichmacher #14:  McKinley (taken on April 6, 2014) It’s nice, beautiful spring weather (mostly) around these parts now and I’ve taken my treadmill running out to the park again. There is a row of houses across from the park where I go...

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Friday Facts

I took a sick day this week (because of a legitimate raging headache) and I felt bad about it. What has become of me? I shouldn’t feel bad for staying home and taking care of myself, but the mentality here unfortunately is a little different. (This should be another “Things...

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Photo of the week: Farmers bread

Hello fellow photography nerds, what’s been making you happy this week?   My Glücklichmacher #13 is something delicious this week. Farmers bread (taken March 30, 2014) I love baking and trying new things and a few weeks ago, I gave bread baking a new chance again. You know, bread is one of...

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