Month: January 2009

Use your brain!

This post is inspired by Sizzle because she got me thinking about something that has been on my mind a bit lately: Is my way of thinking really so completely different from other people’s thinking? Is there something that we call “common sense” or are people’s rules and values and ways...

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Girl time

On Saturday, I went to the Bay Area to visit Susi. The visit came as a prerequisite for her putting me on her Costco Account as a co-member, which I have to say is awfully nice of her (Thanks again, sweetie! :)), but was also very much anticipated as I was in dire need of...

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I feel a little gloomy these days. After the recap of my Germany trip, I feel like there is not much left worth writing about. Oh. Besides our new administration, of course. That was definitely worth mentioning. Other than that: I think I have a case of the mondays vacation-is-over-back-to-works. Who...

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CHANGE starts today…

Today at 9:05 PST, Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States. It was truly a historic moment. To see an African-American taking the oath of office even made me – a white foreigner, who however will live and work under this administration – tingle with excitement. Instead...

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