This post is inspired by Sizzle because she got me thinking about something that has been on my mind a bit lately: Is my way of thinking really so completely different from other people’s thinking? Is there something that we call “common sense” or are people’s rules and values and ways...
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No, I am not quite yet jumping on the bandwagon of the mysterious “snowball effect” that has rippled through the blogosphere. I can’t quite commit to the 365 days right now, but I definitely find grace in the small things in life on a daily basis. I just talked about...
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On Saturday, I went to the Bay Area to visit Susi. The visit came as a prerequisite for her putting me on her Costco Account as a co-member, which I have to say is awfully nice of her (Thanks again, sweetie! :)), but was also very much anticipated as I was in dire need of...
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I feel a little gloomy these days. After the recap of my Germany trip, I feel like there is not much left worth writing about. Oh. Besides our new administration, of course. That was definitely worth mentioning. Other than that: I think I have a case of the mondays vacation-is-over-back-to-works. Who...
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Today at 9:05 PST, Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States. It was truly a historic moment. To see an African-American taking the oath of office even made me – a white foreigner, who however will live and work under this administration – tingle with excitement. Instead...
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Monday morning, I woke up to something I had already accepted to not see (in the Rhineland) during my stay in Germany. Snow! Lots of it. Like 8 inches. I felt like a little kid, starring out of the window in awe at the beautiful white blanket that had been...
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Apparently, the second half of my vacation was so packed with activities that I didn’t have the time to update at all. If this recap might get a little lengthy, I apologize in advance. I spent New Year’s Day at my sister’s place. We had some friends come over in...
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I still owe you the update of the second half of my Germany trip and rest assured, I am working on it, but for today I’ll just ask you to delurk!   Yesterday was Official Delurking Day’09 and since we all like to know who reads our blogs and follows our...
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I am back home after 3,5 wonderful weeks in Germany with my family. I think, this time it’s going to take a little longer for me to completely settle in again. Saying goodbye to everyone – especially my niece – was incredibly hard. I don’t want to think about that I won’t...
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After Greta’s baptism, there were two more days left for J before he flew back to California. On Sunday the 28th, we went back to Kaster (where we had our wedding celebration). It has a cute little “old town” and we had dinner at the local “Pfannkuchenhaus”. J had a...
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