I am linking up again with Kookyrunner and Zenaida for Tuesday Topics again today and we’re talking about new running product that we’ve tried this year. I had to think about this for a minute, because as much as all runners love to try new products (am I right?), I...
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Photo by @Andyfitz on Unsplash Let’s talk about stinky running clothes or workout clothes in general. If you work out on a regular basis, you know it’s a problem. I sweat a lot when I work out and typically you can’t wash your running clothes right away. I usually do...
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This week, I am linking up with Kookyrunner and Zenaida for Tuesday Topics. This is a new link-up. Kim and Zenaida took over the weekly link-up spot that was previously taken by the “Tuesdays on the Run”-link up, which ended in December. I am happy to see someone took up...
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This week, I am linking up with Erika, Patty and Marcia for Tuesdays on the Run again. I am running *pun intended* a little low on inspiration and sharing my race bling with you is just the topic I need to get me writing again. I set out to run...
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This week, I am linking up with Erika, Patty and Marcia for Tuesdays on the Run again. The topic for the day is “racing mistakes” and I thought this was kind of fitting, because I was going to recap my last race for you, even though my “race mistake” (a...
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I decided it was time to participate in the Tuesdays on the Run linkup again hosted by Marcia, Patty and Erika. The topic for today’s post was intriguing to me. How has running changed me? The short answer: in so many ways. The long answer: I am still a fairly...
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The Davis Moo-nlight Run might be one of my favorite races. It’s local, it’s an evening race and it’s just so much fun. I also have a sweet spot for Davis (what can I say? It’s where J and I met many, many moons ago.) After I had to DNS...
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Happy Global Running Day, friends! Today is a day to celebrate all the joys of running…. the community, the challenges, the love for being outdoors! I pledged to run 5 miles in celebration and you can pledge your own miles over here, if you’re so inclined. Brooks running is also joining...
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I’ve mentioned it before: I am a numbers nerd. If you can measure it, I want it measured. I guess this is why I’ve been using a Fitbit and Garmin simultaneously (and then try to make sense of the measured differences, ha!). I know the concept of step counting and...
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Illustration by @kimothyjoy + It’s International Women’s Day today and I want to say that I can call myself lucky to have some of the most amazing women in my life! I believe women are the ones who are going to change this world. + Did you watch the Oscars?...
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