2024 Weekly Run Down 23/52 – Let’s PZ again!

This week’s stats:

Running: 16.2 mi
Cycling: 55 mi
Bootcamp: 75 min
Walking: 3.5 mi
Strength: 90 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 100 min
Meditation: 10 min

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

This week, I started power zone training again. It’s been a while since my last challenge (I think it was January) because travel and life prevented me from joining the last two times, but I am so glad to be back. As mentioned last week, I thrive on structured training plans and really look forward to riding regularly again with Tanja. I also continued with week 2 of the Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge, started the Peloton Pump Up The Volume 8 program with Sherry and Lindsay, and continued with my personal streak (daily yoga, Pilates, or Barre), while also trying to keep up with all but one of the new Streakers365 June trackers (see below). Why yes, I like playing “Workout Tetris”, thanks for asking :)


  • 20 Min Full Body Strength: Week 1, Day 1 – Jess S (8/7/23) — PUTV8
  • 30 Min Bootcamp: Full Body – Callie (5/27/24) — Beachbody Bootcamp
  • Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge 2024 – W2R1
    • 45 Min 90s Run – Susie (4/27/24)
      • 5 Min Warm Up
        • 5 Min @ Easy Pace
        • 5 x 15 sec strides + 45 sec @ Easy Pace
        • 5 Min @ Easy Pace
      • 20 Min Main Set
        • 2 x 4 Min @ Half Marathon Pace/ 3:30 @ Easy
        • 5 Min @ Marathon Pace
      • 10 Min Cool Down
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Core – Nico (2/2/23) — Personal Streak/Six Pack Pool Party

I started the Pump Up The Volume 8 (PUTV8) Strength Program with Lindsay and Sherry this morning, followed by a Full Body Bootcamp. That was a nice warm-up for me before I headed out the door for Week 2, Run 1 of the Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge. I got my new running shoes, Asics Novablast 3s, last weekend and was excited to take them for their first spin. My first impression is very good. They were comfortable and very cushioned and I nailed my paces on this run, which is always exciting on outdoor runs. I finished with a quick yoga core session. 


  • 20 Min Morning Slow Flow – Ross (3/16/24) — Personal Streak/Summer Self-Care
  • 5 Min Warm-up Ride – Ben (6/3/24)
  • 30 Min Classic Rock Power Zone Endurance Ride – Ben (1/23/24) — PZ-W1R1
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Ben (5/21/24)
  • 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Ben (8/11/23)
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Adrian (6/10/22) — Six Pack Pool Party

I started my morning with a lovely slow flow with Ross (to wake up my body) and then Tanja and I tackled Week 1, Ride 1 of the new Power Zone Challenge. I have to admit, I was a little nervous because I hadn’t done any power zone rides in a while, but in the end, it was all good… I was able to hold my zones (albeit sweating like crazy, which I am sure was partly due to it being 75F in the duplex at 8 am). I finished with a cool down, stretching, and a little bit of core work. 


  • 10 Min Metal Barre: Core – Ally (1/31/24) — Sizzling Summer Barre Burn/Personal Streak
  • 20 Min Full Body Strength: Week 1, Day 2 – Matty (8/7/23) — PUTV8
  • Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge 2024 – W2R2
    • 15 Min 80s Run – Hannah F (4/24/24)
    • 30 Min Global Running Day Run – Camila, Susie, Jess, Jeffrey, Becs (6/4/24)
      • 5 Min Warm Up
        • 5 Min @ Easy Pace
        • 5 x 15 sec strides + 45 sec @ Easy Pace
        • 5 Min @ Easy Pace
      • 20 Min Main Set
        • 2 x 1 Min @ V02 Max Pace/ 1 Min @ Easy Pace
        • 4 x 2 Min @ Threshold Pace/ 1:15 Min @ Easy Pace
        • 1 x 1 Min @ V02 Max Pace/ 1 Min @ Easy Pace
        • 1 Min @ V02 Max Pace
      • 10 Min Cool Down
    • 30 Min Power Zone Ride – CDE (7/31/23) — PZ-W1R2
    • 10 Min Duran Duran Cool Down Ride – CDE (1/11/23)
    • 10 Min Lower Body Stretch – Callie (6/4/24)

This morning, I started with a Barre core class and week 1, day 2 of the PUTV8 program with the #BCBabes. Then I tackled both an interval run and a power zone ride. You’re probably thinking that is crazy and I won’t disagree with you. I normally wouldn’t do these workouts on the same day but sometimes circumstances call for flexibility. Originally, I had planned to do the run on Thursday, but today is Global Running Day so I definitely wanted to run today.  I had also agreed to ride a power zone ride together with Tanja and my sister. I have to take advantage when our schedules align! 

Besides, the next few days are going to be really HOT around here (it was already 76F at 7 am this morning!) and I just wanted to get it over with and not have all my workouts pile up over the weekend.


  • 20 Min Pop Barre – Ally (3/11/22) — Sizzling Summer Barre Burn/Personal Streak
  • 30 Min Power Zone Ride – CDE (7/31/23) — PZ-W1AR
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Hannah F (7/16/22)
  • 10 Min Core for Runners – Becs (6/4/24)

We started the morning with a lovely Barre class and then Sherry and I jumped on the Power Zone Ride that I already did on Wednesday so Kristin didn’t have to ride alone. I opted to keep it in Zone 2 (I needed to keep it low-impact after Thursday) but was glad to support Kristin for this ride. I did a quick cool down ride and a core class for runners, before getting ready to go to the office. 


  • 20 Min Full Body Strength: Week 1, Day 3 – Selena (8/7/23) — PUTV8
  • 45 Min Pop Bootcamp – Cody (5/31/24) — Beachbody Bootcamp
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Callie (3/26/23) — Summer and Self-Care
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Core – Mariana (8/11/22) — Personal Streak/Six Pack Pool Party

I finished the first week of the PUTV8 this morning and joined the #BCBabes for a bootcamp. I finished with a stretch and a yoga flow.


  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm-up – Andy (4/3/24)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge – W2R3
    • 60 Min Rock Run – Becs (10/1/23)
      • 10 Min Warm Up
      • 45 Min @ Easy Pace
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Erik (4/25/24)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Core – Aditi (2/3/21) — Personal Streak/Six Pack Pool Party
  • 60 Min 90s Walk – Jon (7/1/23)

This morning, I headed out for a 60-minute endurance run and picked a Rock Run with Becs. What a great choice! She played 3 (!) Pearl Jam songs, which made me very happy, as you can imagine. Becs outed herself as a big Pearl Jam fan herself and I adore her even more now knowing this about her. I did some stretching and a core yoga flow and also joined Jon for a walk in the afternoon.


  • 5 Min Pre-ride Warm-up – Matt (5/9/23)
  • 45 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Matt (3/17/21) — PZ-W1R3
  • 10 Min Cool Down Ride – Matt (10/11/23)
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Matty (3/27/24) — Six Pack Pool Party
  • 5 Min Lower Body Stretch – Andy (1/17/24)
  • 20 Min Restorative Yoga – Kristin (4/17/21) — Personal Streak
  • 10 Min Calming Meditation – Aditi (8/31/23)

I finished week 1 of the Seven Deadly Zones Power Zone Challenge with Tanja and Kristin this morning. This was “only” a PZE (power zone endurance) ride, but the 45 minutes were a good reminder that power zone training is as much a physical challenge as it is mental, and I am up for it! Later in the afternoon, I joined again for ‘Serenity Sunday’ (restorative yoga + meditation).

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Let me share the tracker palooza for June with you! So many fun challenges again this month. I also have an official tracker for the Power Zone Rides now (courtesy of one of our creative Streakers!). Maybe I should also create one for my Team Wilpers Challenge. Mmh. Something to consider :)

Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge 2024 – 8 weeks
“Seven Deadly Zones” Power Zone Challenge – 7 weeks
Peloton Pump Up The Volume 8 Program — PUTV8
Streaker365 Beachbody Bootcamp
Streaker365 Six Pack Pool Party
Streaker365 Sizzling Summer Barre Burn
Streaker365 Summer Self-Care
Streaker365 June Personal Streak (Daily Yoga/Pilates/Barre)
Streaker365 Serenity Sunday (restorative yoga + meditation)

Did you start a new workout program this week? Any favorite moments?

  1. Wow, that’s a lot to keep track of, LOL…but you’re a master at doing all these challenges with finesse ;-)

    1. Thank you, I realize it’s a little crazy ;)

  2. I also like to be on a scheduled program especially with strength. I think that’s why my last week was a little chaotic. Way to get back into it this week

    1. It helps a lot with strength training if someone “tells you what to do” :)

  3. Tracker palooza is so fun to see… you do, not me! 😜

  4. I endorse what Ally said. This looks like fun…for you! I can barely fit in 30 minutes after work and I’m relieved when I can do that!

    1. Haha, it’s ok. I don’t expect anybody to be half as crazy ;) You’re doing great and you’re consistent and you get all these dog walks in with Hannah!

  5. I thrive on structure as well, but I don’t think I could keep up with the variety of things you do. Nicely done!

    1. Haha, thanks Debbie. Nobody has to ;)

  6. What a full week of workouts! And look at all those trackers for your challenges! I love challenges and you do it right!

    1. Thanks Jenn, they’re just really fun for me!

  7. Nicely done with these challenges! You are very organized and efficient!

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