The Cool Bloggers October Walking Club

Hey, you probably already know – and are signed up – for the Cool Bloggers October Walking Club, but just in case you missed the announcement, Elisabeth is hosting this Daily Walking Challenge (which she first introduced in April), again this month! I am sure you want to be part of it. 

In Elisabeth’s own words, there is no set agenda for pace or time or distance, just getting outside (or inside as circumstances demand) to stretch our legs and our minds.

Everybody is welcome, inside or outside walks count, and we’re simply aiming for 10 intentional minutes of walking every day. 

You don’t need to be a blogger to participate, but if you do, you’re cool and part of the club!

Sadly, I missed Round #1 in April because I was traveling for most of the month, but you can be sure I am joining for October. I feel like I’ll be cheating a little bit, because I am running 5x per week right now, so movement is pretty much built into my week right now but there are still two days where I have to make a concerted effort (my rest day and cross training day).

Elisabeth has posted a nifty tracker (and if you’ve been around for a while, you know how I feel about trackers!) that you can download and print out to track your progress (or you can track digitally like me). I don’t know if it motivates you but it surely does motivate me!

Elisabeth would also love it if you share pictures from when you’re out on your walks. You might be featured on her blog, if that’s an incentive! 

Come join us for an active October!

Before I go, can I just reiterate that I love what is coming out of our Cool Bloggers Community so very much? It all started when Engie started the Cool Bloggers Book Club (a term coined by Birchie), then there was the Cool Bloggers Summer Salad Challenge, there’s a Cool Bloggers Treadmill Workout (somebody has to fill me in where this originated because I think I missed its inauguration but did see it mentioned on Jenny’s blog), a Cool Bloggers Postcard Club, and even a Cool Bloggers Colonoscopy Club (which nobody wants to be part of, but we all will be sooner or later. Isn’t that fun?)

I am intrigued to see what else people come up with. You all are so creative. 

  1. I am aware of the book club and this walkers club, although I didn’t participate in April. I can, because I walk or run a lot (or chase babies and tots around my yard or at the park) – but I missed it. I’m chuckling at the colonoscopy branch of this club. Yep – it’s a good idea. Whatever works as an incentive.

  2. Doggo is all in on the Cool Blogger’s walking challenge.
    Every IRL conversation that I’ve had with a Cool Blogger always loops back to YOU as the OG Cool Blogger – you seem to be the connection that we all have in common!

  3. Oh my goodness I LOVE THIS! You are filling in the tracker with pictures?????!!!!!! San, your genius strikes again. Brilliant. Can you send it to me next week ahead of my roundup on Friday so I can post this.
    And yes, you are the central connection to so many blogging friendships. You’re like the Cupid of Cool Bloggers.
    I’m pretty sure I was the one that first mentioned what became the Cool Bloggers Treadmill workout. I did it about 5 times and started to hate it. I’m just not a treadmill girl…So that’s one Cool Blogger trend that did not stick (for me at least). Birchie did it the most of anyone I think and she is the person who launched the “Cool Blogger” moniker.
    Isn’t our little community the best?!
    I got my Cool Bloggers postcard from Birchie and Kyria this week. What a delightful surprise in my mailbox!

  4. YES!! I just want to echo that I would never have met any of the cool bloggers without you, San. You are the true queen of our connections and community!!

  5. San, you are the OG Cool Blogger, for sure! I’m so glad that you host NaBloPoMo every year, because that is how I found everyone, even though I was quietly doing the challenge on my own (just committing to post every day). Since I go for walks every day, I kind of have this challenge covered too…except that since my boy Mulder died in May of 2023, I have NOT been walking every day. I still walk 5 or 6 days a week, and a lot of weeks I walk all 7, but I’ve noticed that I’ve been slacking off a bit. So this challenge is a good way to get me back in the habit of making it a daily thing.

  6. I am loving our Cool Bloggers Community. I was already thinking about if we should be having a logo for everything. I’m already thinking about another challenge… we’ll see. All in all I am just happy I am part of the group.

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