2023 Weekly Run Down 21/52 – Zone Wars Mini Challenge

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

We’re in between “official” Power Zone Challenges (I had to skip the last one due to travel in April) and in preparation for the next one, which starts on June, 19, I decided to do the “Zone Wars: Race to Beat the Evil Purge” Mini Challenge (4 weeks) that is offered on the Power Zone Pack website. It will feature some of the older classes that Peloton has not yet purged, but which will probably be gone in the not-too-distant future. 


  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Ben (12/10/20)
  • 20 Min Power Zone Max Ride – Ben (5/8/23)
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Ben (12/30/21)
  • 20 Min Low Impact Ride – Robin (1/18/23)
  • 15 min Rock Chest & Back Strength – Erik (5/18/23) – Strength (Upper Body)/Instructor Bingo
  • 30 Min Morning Yoga – Kristin (1/13/23)

I got together with some lovely ladies from my Streakers group and we tackled a Power Zone Max Ride at 5:30 am PT (for us West Coasters). As one of them so eloquently stated: NOW we’re awake. :)

  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Matt (5/9/23)
  • 30 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Matt (7/11/19) —  Zone Wars W1C1
  • Extra 10: Low Impact Ride – Matt (4/24/23)
  • 20 Min Strength Roll Call: Glutes & Legs – Andy (5/10/22) — Strength (Lower Body)
  • 20 Min Yoga Flow: For Riders – Mariana (4/5/23) — Reset & Restore/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Lower Body Stretch – Rebecca (5/16/23)

I started off the Zone War’s Challenge with an old Matt Wilpers Power Zone Endurance Ride.

  • 5 Min HIIT Cardio Warm Up – Erik (4/23/23)
  • Flash 15 – Jess S (2/17/23) — Strength (Full Body)/Instructor Bingo
  • 30 Min Power Zone Ride – Matt (8/1/19) — Zone Wars W1C2
  • Extra 10: Low Impact – Camila (5/8/23)
  • 20 Min Full Body Stretch – Matty (11/16/22) — Reset & Restore

Power Zone (and Power Zone Max) Rides are intimidating for me right now (mainly because I haven’t done them in a while), so what do you do? You can only conquer them if you try. So, I tried and succeeded today. Zone 4 intervals FTW. 

  • 20 Min Yin Yoga – Aditi (4/26/23) — Reset & Restore/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Becs (5/22/23)
  • 20 Min Rock Run – Jeffrey (5/9/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 20 Min 80’s Run – Joslyn (5/23/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 20 Min Focus Flow: For Runners – Kirra (1/10/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Matty (4/21/23) – Strength /Instructor Bingo

Early morning run! So good to move outside! I also enjoyed Kirra’s yoga flow for runners!

  • 5 Min HIIT Cardio Warm Up – Adrian (11/14/20)
  • 30 Min Bootcamp – Jess S (4/9/23) — Strength
  • 45 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Denis (7/4/19) — Zone Wars W1C3
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Hips – Anna (1/24/22) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Floor Poses – Chelsea (5/22/23) — Instructor Bingo

I keep saying it: I always forget how much fun bootcamps are. I was glad my strength schedule suggested it. I also got another Power Zone Endurance Ride done.

  • 20 Min Pop Walk – Jon (5/19/23) – Strength (Free Choice)
  • 20 Min 80’s Walk – Rebecca (5/14/21) — Instructor Bingo

Active, low key rest day. Jon and I celebrated our anniversary.

  • 10 Min Elton John Warm Up Ride – Bradley (10/27/21)
  • 20 Min Tabata Ride – Leanne (6/24/19) — Zone Wars AR1
  • 30 Min 80’s Rock Ride – Bradley (5/27/23)
  • 10 Min Low Impact Ride – Robin (4/11/22)
  • 20 Min Focus Flow: Twists – Chelsea (4/9/23) – Strength (Recovery)
  • 10 Min Patience Meditation – Anna (1/18/23) — Reset & Restore

The accelerator ride for the Zone War’s Challenge was a Tabata Ride! So fun. I have to do these more often!

Streaker365 Challenges:

I finished the Reset & Restore tracker this week and kept up with the Strength Schedule and my Personal Streak (64 oz of water daily). I also played some PeloTrak Bingo again. It’s been fun to seek out classes with a variety of instructors and I hit 4 (!) bingos!

This week’s stats:

Running: 4.5 mi
Walking: 1.7 min
Cycling: 74 mi
HIIT/Cardio: 45 min
Strength: 60 min
Yoga: 130 min
Warm up + Stretching: 70 min
Meditation: 10 min

How was your week? Did you stick to your regular schedule?


Reset & Restore =  Streakers365 Recovery Tracker
Strength = Streakers365 Strength Tracker
Zone Wars = Power Zone Pack Mini Challenge “Zone Wars: Race to Beat the Evil Purge” (4 weeks)
W1C1 = Week 1, Class 1
W1AR1 = Week 1 Accelerator Class 1

  1. Wow, you really do a variety. I’m impressed with all the stretch and yoga classes- I need to do more of that. Your challenges sound really fun too. I like the instructor bingo. Overall it sounds like you had a great week!

    1. Thanks Jenny. I definitely have a problem that I want to *do it all* … but it also keeps me motivated to try a variety of classes every week.

  2. You did a lot of cycling this week! I have not done a boot camp in a long time. Looks like a well rounded week of workouts!

    1. I DID a lot of cycling (and sacrificed my running – ugh – I hate that LOL)

  3. Great week!

    When I remember to work one into my schedule, I like Andy’s recent 30 min bootcamps because of how he programs the strength blocks — one block you do each move as a circuit, then two blocks in an AMRAP. I start with a 10 min run to warm up and feel like it’s a solid combination.

    Of course, there’s nothing like a Saturday 60.

    1. I really like Andy as a strength instructor – he’s very “organized”, but I think his bootcamps are all tread bootcamps, so they’re not an option for me. Bummer.

  4. Love the variety of your classes this past week!

    It makes me so sad that Peloton is continuing to purge the 2019 classes – some of them were SO good! I have gone through my bookmarked classes to try to take any leftover 2019 classes.

    1. I know, right? It makes me sad, too, that they’re purging all the older classes – they should at least keep the popular ones (they must have that information from the class stats).

  5. I really think someday I’m going to screenshot your blog and send it to Peloton with a note that they should really make you a brand ambassador!

    1. Haha, you make me laugh, Engie ;)

  6. Your challenges all look interesting! Great job with all those bingos:-) Gosh, I’m outdoors on my bike pretty much exclusively in the warm weather, but I’m thinking I should schedule-in a weekly cycling Tabata ride… it’s been ages, and I really miss them!

    1. Tabata rides are so much freakin’ fun… I really need to schedule them in once a week!

  7. What a great variety! I love seeing people mix it up so much – I have the worst time breaking from what I know (and love).

    1. Thanks Jenn. I think it’s great : if you have a great routine, stick to it!

  8. wow great work this week! and bingo is such a fun way to mix it up!! I also had a great week last week and kept all my appointments with myself for my workout schedule. So really pleased with that. And we also had an incredible parkrun long weekend (you had Memorial Day, we had Pinksteren) with great weather, meeting lots of parkrun tourists and even a picnic in the park!

    I did see your reply to my comment last week – it’s so great there is a bit of biking /walking culture where you live now.

    1. So happy to hear you had a good week, too. Isn’t it fantastic when you can keep the appointments with yourself? ;) So important! And the park run sure sounds like fun!

  9. I’m getting back into my regular schedule now, thankful that the sickness is gone and I think the injuries are too! It was a good week :)
    Great workouts for you this week!

    1. So happy to hear you’re feeling better and had a great week! :)

  10. I STILL don’t know how you keep track, San! So glad you were able to “fill in” the time between challenges. ;) I agree with Engie – you should be an ambassador! I also love how you fully embrace rest days. I could learn something from your balanced approach…

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