2023 Weekly Run Down 35/52 – a “normal” week

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

This week was a normal week of workouts for me. No milestone classes, no new PRs, just a solid week of putting the work in and sticking with my routine.

I finished week 3 of the Barkle 4×4 Kennel Club Challenge (four 20-minute rides per week) and week 3 of the Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge this week and started the Pump Up The Volume 5 program. It’s also the start of September (HOW? I ask you!), so the Streakers365 group offered a bunch of new trackers for the new month and of course, I picked a few (not all! I know you probably thought I did!) to keep me entertained.


  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Sam (12/8/21)
  • 20 Min Power Zone Max Ride – Sam (6/7/23) — Barkle 4×4/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Sam (5/18/23)
  • 20 Min Full Body Strength: Week 1, Day 1 – Andy (2/21/23) — PUTV5-W1D1/Instructor Bingo
  • 30 Min Full Body Bootcamp – Callie (7/18/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Morning Yoga Flow – Chelsea (6/21/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

I started the new week with a 20-minute Power Zone Max Ride with Tanja and Sherry. I did not know 20-minute PZ Max rides existed and was hoping they were at least quick and painless. That was not the case. Despite an 11-minute warm up, we spent 5 out of 8 remaining minutes in zone 6. I was drenched. 

Afterward, I started the Pump Up The Volume 5 Strength program with Sherry, Lindsay, and Kristin and then joined them for a bike boot camp. I have been talking about wanting to take more boot camp classes forever, as it is my most neglected workout category on my Peloton profile. I usually find excuses because I stack so many other classes. I keep reminding myself that I cannot do it all, but I sure try! Haha. It’s nice to do bootcamp with friends though and maybe I’ll join them more often now. I also realized that I had a milestone today and hit my 10th boot camp during our class. Must have been a sign!


  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Matt (7/22/21)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge – W3R1
    • 45 Min Intervals Run – Matt (8/24/23) — Instructor Bingo
      • 15 Min Warm up
      • 20 Min Intervals
      • 10 Min Cool Down
  • 5 Min Post-Run Stretch – Matt (5/10/23)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Core – Kirra (5/25/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

Tuesday was run day and I had a Marathon Pace & Half Marathon Pace Interval Run on the Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Schedule. I was looking forward to it. The structure of the interval runs is great and I have enjoyed practicing “feeling” my paces. I still often start out too fast but I am getting better at pulling back and honing in on the right pace.


  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Hannah F (4/13/22)
  • 20 Min EDM Ride – Hannah F (8/23/23) — Barkle 4×4
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Hannah F (7/13/23)
  • 20 Min Upper Body Strength: Week 1, Day 2 – JJ (2/21/23) — PUTV5-W1D2
  • 30 Min Bootcamp – Callie (8/4/23) 
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Upper Body – Anna (11/2/21) — Personal Streak /Instructor Bingo

I started my morning with an EDM Ride for the Barkle 4×4 challenge with Tanja, followed by the Pump Up The Volume 5 Strength program and a bike book camp with Sherry, Lindsay, and Kristin. It’s so fun to know your friends on the other side of the screen and work out together. It really gets me up in the morning!


  • 10 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Olivia (6/5/23) 
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge – W3R2
    • 45 Min Progression Run – Susie (9/16/22) — Instructor Bingo
      • 15 Min Warm Up
      • 20 Min Progression Intervals
      • 10 Min Cool Down
  • Extra 10: Walk – Jeffrey (7/17/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Post-Run Stretch – Jess S (7/5/23)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Sun Salutations – Kristin (7/20/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

Today was a progression interval run which was hard to do outside because the margins between the prescribed paces are relatively small, but I think I did pretty well. I am getting much better at honing in on specific paces.
On a side note, I’ve really come to love the built-in 15-minute warm-up with strides. Sometimes when I start my runs in the morning, I am not quite awake, but when I hit the main set after this warm-up, I am usually ready to do the work.


  • 10 Min Strength Roll Call: Core – Callie (8/2/23) — Core Bingo/B2S Hustle
  • 20 Min Lower Body Strength: Week 1, Day 3 – Jess S (2/21/23) — PUTV5-W1D3
  • Flash 15 – Jess S (8/18/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Jenn (9/13/21)
  • 20 Min Climb Ride – Jenn (4/18/22) — Barkle 4×4
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Hamstrings – Ross (11/19/21) — Self Care/Instructor Bingo
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge – W3R3
    • 30 Min 80s Run – Kirsten (1/25/23) — Instructor Bingo
      • 10 Min Warm Up
      • 15 Min Endurance 
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 5 Min Post-Run Stretch – Joslyn (6/12/23)

It’s a new month! That means new challenges and trackers. I started the day off with my Streakers365 crew for some strength training. Jess Sims was not messing around during the PUTV5 class and one of her infamous Flash 15 classes. Tanja joined us for a climb ride for the Barkle 4×4 challenge and I went on a short endurance run for my Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off challenge/half marathon training. It was cool and drizzling this morning and I enjoyed it so much! The first taste of fall. No doubt, there will be still some hot days ahead, but for now, I am enjoying the cooler temperatures. 


  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up — Rebecca (7/4/23)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge – W3R4
    • 20 Min 80s Run – Marcel M (5/28/23) — Instructor Bingo
    • 20 Min 80s Run – Marcel D (12/19/22) — Instructor Bingo
    • 20 Min Grunge Run – Tobias (1/30/23) — Instructor Bingo
      • 10 Min Warm Up
      • 45 Min Endurance
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 20 Min 90s Run – Adrian (3/25/22) — B2S Hustle/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Post-Run Stretch – Camila (4/24/23)
  • 10 Min Restorative Yoga – Nico (2/14/22) — Instructor Bingo 

When I don’t get my workout done first thing in the morning, I can be a major procrastinator. I had my monthly Skype call with my 92-year-old family friend this morning and decided to sleep in a little bit and go for my run afterward. Well, I didn’t leave until almost 1 p.m. At least it was overcast and cooler today, but because we got some rain overnight, it was also pretty humid. I didn’t realize the sweat factor until I stopped running and sweat was dripping from my ponytail. 


  • 10 Min Acceptance Meditation – Aditi (10/22/20) — Self Care/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Ally (2/24/23)
  • 20 Min Pop Ride – Erik (2/12/23) — Barkle 4×4/Instructor Bingo
  • Extra 10: Low Impact – Emma (8/7/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Assal (7/19/23) — Core Bingo/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Basics: Garland Pose – Kristin (10/26/22) — Personal Streak

Today I finished up week 3 of the Barkle 4×4 challenge and made sure to fit in another few short classes to get my bingo card filled in and a couple of trackers checked off.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Streaker365 Back to School Hustle
Streaker365 Self Care September
Streaker365 Core Bingo
Streaker365 September Personal Streak (daily yoga)
Peloton Pump Up The Volume 5 Strength Program (4 weeks)
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly) 

I started a bunch of new trackers this week. The Back to School Hustle is the Streakers365 monthly prize challenge. I am also continuing my daily yoga (personal streak), I finished week 1 of the Pump Up The Volume 5 program, and I’ll be using the Core Bingo and Self Care Tracker for some variety. I also hit 8 Pelotrak instructor bingos this week. I was so close to finishing the whole damn bingo card. ;)

This week’s stats:

Running: 21.1 mi
Cycling: 38.4 mi
Strength: 80 min
Boot Camp: 60 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 65 min
Warm up + Stretching:  80 min
Meditation:  10 min

I hope you had a great week. Did you start any new habits for September?


B2S Hustle = Back to School Hustle Streakers365 Tracker
Core Bingo = Back to School Core Bingo Blackout Edition
Self Care September = Streakers365 Recovery Tracker
Barke 4×4 = Barkle 4×4 Kennel Club Challenge (4 weeks)
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo

  1. Nice week, San! No new habits here, just trying to get my legs back in the running game again. I’ve been really struggling to find my pace back after Leadville in July. Frustrating!

    1. I feel you on the struggle to find your pace. It’s like these weird up and downs: sometimes running feels so easy and then all of a sudden it feels hard. I hope you find your pace again!

  2. Great week! Hmm, am I starting any new habits? I would say I’m just trying to keep up with the ones I already have- although I am, as usual, trying to get more sleep. Maybe that will be my September project!
    Yes, you were very close to getting that entire Bingo card filled : )

    1. Keeping up with old habits is good. It’s not always possible to add new ones, maybe just “swap” some in and out ;)

  3. Looks like a solid week for you! I have been working on my sleep and that is going well now just need to get the rest of me back up and running correctly. Have a great week

    1. Sleep is very important and always a good habit to work on. I hope you’ll be back to running in no time. I know how frustrating that must be.

  4. You had a nice solid week of workouts.You nailed it when you said that you (we) can’t do it all, but you (we) can certainly try – my sentiments exactly!

    Have a great week!

    1. Haha, I was sure some people could relate ;)

  5. Nice week! You always have such impressive stacks, daily! Do you plan them out each evening (for the next day), or do you plan them out on a weekly basis? I sometimes have a tough time just grouping 2-3 classes together, LOL.

    1. I usually plan my stacks out for the whole week (subject to little tweaks along the way) because otherwise I’d probably not stay on top of these trackers. Haha.

  6. Showing up to do the usual work is not to be underrated! Looks like a good week for you! I think my only new habit for September will be to go on the indoor bike at least Tuesday and Thursday, even if it means getting up extra early on the Tuesday.

    1. Yes, that is right: showing up to do the routine work is important. Nothing happens if the base is not there. Good luck with your new cycling habit!

  7. Cool and drizzling sounds perfect… we have a heat wave on the way.
    New habits? Our Thursday scheduled trail walks have ended… I want to continue making them happen.

    1. A Thursday trail run sounds fun and should be continued! I agree.

  8. Sounds like a really solid week for you. No new habits here. Except trying to learn how to create YouTube Shorts — it’s making my brain hurt, LOL!

    1. Oh boy, YouTube Shorts? I am of no help. I am not dabbling into video-making! Good luck! :)

  9. That’s a lot of trackers! But great motivation I’m sure. That’s the funny thing about getting older and running – I never used to need a warm up, and now it takes me at least 2 or 3 miles until I’m moving at a decent pace! 😆

    1. Lisa! I hadn’t even thought about the fact that getting older might be the reason for my appreciation for the longer warm ups. Haha. Thanks for that.

  10. We spent the first four days of the month doing family stuff, so all of my regular routines were broken! I certainly didn’t start any new routines, but fingers crossed that I can settle into my regular routines ASAP.

  11. Your workouts create my favorite skylines! I love it!

    Solid week!

  12. Love your consistency and dedication, my friend. It’s always so motivating to see you getting out there (whether running or on the bike, or yoga-ing) and just doing the thing. :)

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