2023 Weekly Run Down 26/52 – if it’s not work, it’s the weather

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

If it’s not work, it’s the weather that can put a wrench in your workout schedule, amirite? Well, that sounds dramatic, it wasn’t really that bad, but I did have to shuffle a few things around this week. June has been such a mild and pleasant month here in Northern California (much more temperate than usual) and I didn’t have to worry much about hot weather until this week.

I run in the mornings most days anyway, but it’s not always at sunrise (or shortly after), so I usually do keep an eye on the weather app and the expected temperature. (On a side note, I am a wimp and entirely spoiled to be able to run in mostly pleasant weather all year round and I know it.)  This week though, I had to make sure to get out early as warmer weather has started to move into the area. I thought I was going to be able to say we made it through June without triple digits, but alas, that was too good to be true. The hot weather arrived on Thursday. 

Since I don’t have access to a treadmill in an air-conditioned space, I usually do have to make sure to get the outdoor runs in early during the summer months.

  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Susie (4/10/23)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge 2023 – W4R1
    • 10 Warm Up Run
    • 30 Min Endurance Run / 45 Min Endurance Run – Susie (6/22/23) –Instructor Bingo
    • 5 Min Cool Down Run
  • 5 Min Post-Run Stretch – Adrian (5/15/23)
  • 20 Min Lower Body Strength: Week 4, Day 1 – JJ (10/10/22) — PUTV1 – W4D1/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Core – Kristin (5/9/23) — Rainbow Reach/Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

Week 4 of the Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge is a pull-back week, so I had an endurance run at an easy pace on the schedule. I also started week 4 of the Pump Up The Volume 1 strength program.

  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Bradley (6/19/23)
  • 30 Min Power Zone Hip Hop Ride – Matt (3/9/21) — Breaking Zones – W2R1
  • 10 Min Barbra Streisand Cool Down Ride – CDE (6/15/22)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Lower Body – Mariana (4/5/23)

I started the day with a fun Zone 4 power zone ride and I really enjoyed Mariana’s Lower Body Flow. It was a perfect mix of yoga and stretching and I bookmarked it for future use! You should check it out!

  • 20 Min Morning Yoga Flow – Kristin (1/4/22) — Personal Streak
  • 15 Min 80’s Barre – Ally (6/28/23 – LIVE)
  • 20 Min Upper Body Strength: Week 4, Day 2 – JJ (10/10/22) — PUTV1-W4D2
  • 5 Min Full Body Stretch – Ally (11/4/19)
  • 10 Min Just Ride: Outdoors
  • 15 Min Walk Caribbean Walk – Joslyn (12/23/22) — Instructor Bingo
  • 20 Min Power Walk – Marcel D (5/12/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Just Ride: Outdoors

I joined a Streakers365 friend for her Barre milestone and then joined her and a couple of other Streakers365 for another class of the Pump Up The Volume 1 strength program. Later I wrote my (outdoor) bike to work.

  • 5 min Pre-Run Warm Up – Becs (7/13/20)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge 2023 – W4R2
    • 10 Min Warm Up Run – Becs (8/18/22)
    • 30 Min Endurance Run/ 30 Min Madonna Run – Becs (6/22/23)
    • 5 Min Cool Down Run – Becs (5/20/23)
  • 10 Min Warm Up Ride – Leanne (5/15/22)
  • 30 Min Power Zone Endurance EDM Ride – Ben (2/22/22) —  Breaking Zones – W2R2
  • 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Matt (4/20/23)
  • 15 Min Yoga Flow – Denis (5/9/23) — Personal Streak

I started the day with a Team Wilpers 45 min endurance run and then hopped on the bike to join Tanja for a 30 min power zone endurance ride for the Breaking Zones Challenge. I opted for running and riding on the same day because of the anticipated heat wave in the following days.

  • 5 Min Dance Cardio Warm Up – Leanne (6/27/23)
  • 20 Min Full Body Strength: Week 4, Day 3 — JJ (10/10/22) — PUTV1-W4D3
  • Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge 2023 – W4R3
    • 10 Min Warm Up Run 
    • 30 Min Endurance Run/ 45 Min Taylor Swift Run – Susie (6/29/23)
    • 5 Min Cool down Run
  • 5 Min Cool Down Walk – Joslyn (5/17/23)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Hips – Nico (2/27/23) — Instructor Bingo

I finished the 4-week Pump Up The Volume 1 program with some fellow Streakers365 and then went for this week’s third Team Wilpers endurance run. I usually run on Saturday mornings but wanted to get this run done before the excessive heat wave arrived. 

  • 5 Min Kindness Meditation – Kristin (6/27/23)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Standing Poses – Mariana (5/24/23)

I opted for a (very light) active rest day. Temperatures scorched to 107F/42C here and we were “laying low”. We don’t run the AC all day long, so it was pretty hot inside, even though we kept the windows and blinds shut, and it got to 90F before we pulled the trigger. 

  • 15 Min 80’s Pop Ride – Erik (8/3/21) — Instructor Bingo
  • 45 Min Power Zone Ride (Baby Bear Claw) – Denis (6/9/20) — Breaking Zones – W2R3
  • Extra 10: Low Impact – Cliff (11/28/22) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Andy (3/3/23) — Heat It Up 
  • 10 Min Yoga Flow – Kristin (5/23/23) — Personal Streak/The Cool Down

The “Baby Bear Claw” Ride (you can see why it’s called that) is a legendary ride with Denis Morton, everybody in the Peloton community knows about it. Unfortunately, it’s an older ride and it’ll be a sad day when it’s purged from the Peloton library. It looks a lot worse than it actually is, the Zone 5 speed pushes were fun and made the intervals go by fast! I also started a couple of new Streakers365 challenges for July (you didn’t expect anything else from me, or did you?)

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Power Zone Pack Breaking Zones Challenge (8 weeks) — Week 2 complete ✔
Streaker365 June Personal Streak (10+ min yoga/day) – complete ✔
Peloton Pump Up The Volume 1 Strength Program (4 weeks) – complete ✔
Streaker365 Eat the Rainbow Bingo (Nutrition Challenge) – complete ✔
Streaker365 Rainbow Reach – complete ✔
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly) – 2 Bingos

New Challenges for July

Streaker365 Heat It Up (Bodyweight Blackout Bingo)
Streaker365 The Cool Down Recovery Tracker
Streaker365 June Personal Streak (10+ min yoga/day)
Streaker365 Healthy Habits Tracker
Peloton Pump Up The Volume 2 Strength Program (4 weeks)

This week’s stats:

Running: 13.6 mi
Walking 3.7 min
Cycling: 47.9 mi
Strength: 70 min
Yoga: 85 min
Warm Up + Stretching: 105 min
Meditation: 5 min

How was your week? Any reshuffling of workouts because of the weather?


Rainbow Reach =  Streakers365 Recovery Tracker
Heat It Up = Bodyweight Blackout Bingo
Breaking Zones = Power Zone Pack Challenge “Breaking Zones” (8 weeks)
W1C1 = Week 1, Class 1
W1AR1 = Week 1 Accelerator Class 1
Instructor Bingo = Pelotrak Instructor Bingo

  1. Okay, the Baby Bear Claw workout is totally off my radar, LOL. I’m gonna have to do a little research to see what I’m missing out on ;-) I am always amazed at how many daily workouts you get done…everyday!

    1. You should really check out the Baby Bear Claw (and there’s also a Bear Claw Ride (12/9/2019) with intervals in zone 4 and 6). So fun!!

  2. I am also doing the pump up the volume series. I am finishing up vol 1 this week. Wow you keep up a ton of challenges at one time! Where do I find all of these streaker challenges?

    1. The link in my post for the Streakers365 group goes to our Instagram page, they always pin the challenges to the top. We also have a Facebook Group (not sure if you’re active there), if you’d like an invite.

  3. Wow, it did get hot there! You let your house get up to 90 before putting on the AC??? That’s hardcore.
    I’m not on Peloton anymore but I love Denis! i actually never did any of his cycling classes, but he was my favorite yoga instructor.
    Nice week of workouts! I hope your weather cools down a little this week.

    1. Ha, I know, that was not smart letting the house get that hot… I just don’t want to run AC the whole day. Today we were smarter!

  4. Look at the baby bear claws! So fun!
    It’s hot af here, so some days, I’m just walking instead of running, or cutting the run portion short if it’s too hard to breathe. No point in getting hurt or enduring heat exhaustion, right?
    I need to figure out a July challenge.

  5. The air quality here last week was terrible, so I was inside for more time than I generally like. We also try not to run the AC much, so we open up and night and then shut the windows and draw the blinds in the morning to keep the cool air in, but it’s been a real challenge. Sometimes it’s in the eighties upstairs when I’m working out and I can get tired pretty quickly! Oh, well, at least I can take a cold shower at the end of it all!

  6. I don’t handle the heat that well either. Honestly, 10 years ago or so, the weather was pretty mild here for summer and it wasn’t that bad to run at different times of the day. But I 100% believe in global warming because the heat and humidity are NOT NORMAL here. Seriously. we are inland, why is it so humid! Anyway, a long answer to your question, yes I definitely adjust if the weather is not to my liking!

    Good week!

  7. My husband cranks the AC here. I’d prefer to go without, but I do need it to sleep. 90 is pretty hot inside! That 107 weather is crazy. I don’t think we’ve ever got that hot here in Ohio, but maybe a few days of 100 or 101. Great workouts for you this week!

  8. It has rained basically every day (at least part of the day) since the first of June. It is CRAZY. So the biggest impact to outdoor activity lately has been all the precipitation. We needed the rain and it stopped all the Atlantic Canada wildfires…but I can’t ever remember a June/early July like this. Seriously – rain every. single. day!!!

  9. 90 in your house? I can’t handle that! When I go to my mom & it’s 80 in her apartment, I’m dying! Plus that would be way too hard on Bandit, too. Which is why I can no longer bring him to my mom during the Summer . . .
    We keep going back and forth between rain (including some thunder) and really bad air days (which is something we’re not used to!). Now we have the heat — no triple digits but it’s getting up to 90 for a few days.

    But I am lucky — I have a treadmill & I don’t mind using it.

    I hope it cools down for you!

    1. Haha, I admit, I let it get out of hand with the 90F in the house! That’s pushing it a bit far.

  10. I’m always impressed with how many challenges you do! So fun!
    Like everyone else is saying, you don’t turn on the AC until it reaches 90°? You’re a stronger person than I am, I’d be miserable. We keep our main level AC around 74-75° depending on how active we are, but put our upstairs at 72° for sleeping.

  11. I’d probably be the only other person who would be perfectly happy with the inside temp at 90. Ha! I do wonder, though, at what point does “not running the a/c all the time” to save energy and money actually, well, stop? That is, if you let it get to 90, does it then have to run longer/harder to cool it down, negating the savings?
    I often turn off my own air and let it get to 79 or 80 in here. I can’t do that at night, but I’m always so cold that it’s fine during the day. (I actually looked up your monthly average temperatures and…wow. Your WINTER highs are in the 50s, usually? I need to move…)

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