I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.
As mentioned last week, I kicked off this week with the Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge. I hadn’t done any type of structured training in a while and was excited to start working on my speed a little bit. Unless I follow a training plan, I tend to ‘neglect’ speed work and just do my runs at a “feel good” pace (some days that’s faster, some days that’s slower), but as you all know, if nothing changes, nothing changes. It was time to challenge myself a little bit.
I also completed week 3 of the Power Zone Pack Zone Wars “Race to Beat the Evil Purge” Mini Challenge and there were some spicy Power Zone Rides this week with zones 4+5 intervals. I was lucky to have Tanja join me for most of these rides because it’s always good to know there’s someone sweating with you on the other side of the screen.
I also started the Peloton Pump Up The Volume 1 (PUTV1) Collection, a strength series that systematically increases reps, load, and volume over four weeks with three classes per week focusing on lower, upper, and full body workouts. I am pretty self-motivated when it comes to working out but I always love following a plan and this program makes sure I get some regular strength sessions in. (Note to self: I might have to get a couple more sets of different dumbbells.)
- Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge – W1R1
- 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Jess S (5/29/23)
- 10 Min Warm Up Run – Matt (12/15/22)
- 20 Min Distance Test – Matt (1/9/23) –Instructor Bingo
- 5 Min Cool Down Run – Matt (5/23/23)
- 10 Min Morning Yoga Flow – Chelsea (6/15/22) — Personal Streak
- 20 Min Lower Body Strength – Rebecca (9/19/22) — PUTV1 – W1D1/Instructor Bingo
I kicked off this week with a 20 min distance test – the runner’s equivalent of the FTP test for cycling to determine threshold pace – for the Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge. As always, tests can be anxiety-inducing, but they’re necessary to get a baseline and then, you can only go up from there. Amirite? I felt good and was pretty happy with my performance this morning. I ran 2.5 miles in 20 minutes (which is an 8 min/mi pace). Below are my calculated training paces. Let’s see what we can do from here. (I also counted this as my run for Global Running Day, which was Wednesday!)

- 10 Min Andrew Lloyd Webber Warm Up Ride – CDE (7/20/22)
- 30 Min Power Zone Ride – Matt (9/18/19) — Zone Wars W3C1
- 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Bradley (5/23/23)
- 20 Min Morning Yoga Flow – Mariana (3/3/22) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
- 10 Min Core Strength – Emma ( 7/19/22) — Instructor Color Hunt

A spicy Power Zone Ride in the morning and a great yoga flow. If you want an energized morning flow to wake you up, I recommend this flow with Mariana.
- 5 Min Pride Celebration Meditation – Cody (6/14/21) — Instructor Color Hunt/Rainbow Reach
- 20 Min Morning Yoga Flow – Kristin (9/5/21) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
- LIVE: 10 Min Barre: Glutes – Ally Love (6/7/2023) — 500th Peloton Strength Class!
- 20 Min Upper Body Strength – Rebecca (9/19/22) — PUTV1 – W1D2
- 5 Min Upper Body Stretch – Jess S – (11/4/20) — Rainbow Reach
- 10 Min Just Ride: Outdoors
- 10 Min Just Ride: Outdoors
I celebrated my 500th Strength Class with Ally’s LIVE Barre Class and some Streakers365 friends this morning! Woot! I also completed the second strength class of the Pump Up The Volume 1 collection. Unfortunately, it was my office day and I didn’t have the time to fit in a run, but Global Running Day was on my mind all week! Did you celebrate?
- Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge – W1R2
- 15 Min Lunge Matrix Stretch
- 15 Min Warm Up/90’s Rock Run – Jon (6/5/23) — Instructor Bingo
- 10 Min VO2Max Run/Extra 10: HIIT – Adrian 4/17/23 — Color Hunt/Instructor Bingo
- 5 Min Cool Down – Jeffrey — Instructor Bingo
- 10 Min Warm Up Ride – Sam (5/23/23)
- 30 Min Power Zone Ride – Matt (9/15/19) — Zone Wars W3C2
- 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Sam (5/19/23)
- 10 Min Yoga Flow – Kristin (3/28/21) — Personal Streak
The second run of the TW Run Challenge was a VO2 Max Run with intervals at VO2 Max pace. This is definitely faster than I usually run (duh!) and it was fun to push for short periods of time.
I was, however, a slave to my beeping Garmin watch. It was constantly telling me I was too fast or too slow. It’s so hard to hit (and hold) certain paces when you run outdoors and I wish I had a treadmill for this type of interval work. Hopefully, with time, I will learn what these paces are supposed to “feel” like when I run outdoors. I then followed the run with a power zone endurance ride. This wasn’t ideal planning on my part, but I had no other choice this week if I wanted to get it done.

- 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Bradley (8/13/21)
- 45 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Denis (10/17/19) — Zone Wars W3C3
- 20 Min Full Body Strength – Rebecca (9/19/22) — PUTV1 – W1D3
- 10 Yoga Flow – Kirra (1/17/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
- 30 Min 80s Walk – Jon (10/5/22) — Color Hunt
- 30 Min Country Walk – Jeffrey (1/19/23) — Instructor Bingo
I completed a power zone endurance ride in the morning and then joined some Streaker365 for the third PUTV1 full body strength class.

- Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge – W1R3
- 10 min Warm up Run – Joslyn (7/15/22)
- 30 min Endurance/Y2K Rock Fun Run – Andy (8/15/19) — Color Hunt
- 5 min Cool Down Run – Matt (3/31/23)
- 20 Min Power Walk – Jess K (8/12/22) — Instructor Bingo
- 14 Mn Just Walk: Outdoor
- 5 Min Post-Run Stretch – Matt (5/10/23)
- 20 Min Focus Flow: For Runners – Denis (&Matt) (6/7/23) — Personal Streak
Oh, did I forget to mention that this week was also the SUMMIIT Stride Event? Oops. As you can tell, I had a lot of things going on this week (but in my defense, I try to sign up for things that overlap with each other to maximize credit for my workouts). I had an endurance run on the calendar for Saturday and used these miles (4.5 mi) and a cool down walk (2.5 mi) to contribute miles to my Streakters365 Stride team!

- 10 Min Warm Up Ride – Ben (3/25/22)
- 45 min Power Zone Ride – Matt (10/17/19) — Zone Wars W3AR
- 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Jenn (5/23/23)
- 15 Min Focus Flow: Floor Poses – Ross (2/1/23) — Rainbow Reach
- 10 Min Cool Down Ride – Mila (6/1/23)
- 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Kendall (5/17/22)
Tanja was crazy enough to join me for another – 45 min! – Power Zone Ride this weekend and let’s just be honest here and admit that I probably would have given up if it hadn’t been for her being on the other side of the screen. The first interval block was okay, but the second was a real struggle. Don’t let my smiling face fool you!

Current Challenges + Trackers:
Streaker365 June Instructor Color Hunt – 5 classes
Streaker365 June Rainbow Reach (Recovery) – Week 1 complete!
Streaker365 Eat the Rainbow Bingo (Nutrition Challenge) 2 Bingos
Streaker365 June Personal Streak (10+ min yoga/day) – 7 classes
Peloton Pump Up The Volume 1 Strength Program (4 weeks) – Week 1 complete!
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly) – 2 Bingos

This week’s stats:
Running: 12 mi
Walking: 4.5 mi
Cycling: 43.5 mi
Strength: 80 min
Yoga: 105 min
Warm up + Stretching: 130 min
Meditation: 5 min
How was your week? Did you participate in any fun challenges/races or have you started a new program?
Color Hunt = Streakers365 Instructor Color Hunt Challenge
Rainbow Reach = Streakers365 Recovery Tracker
PUTV1 = Pump Up The Volume 1 (Peloton Strength Collection)
Zone Wars = Power Zone Pack Mini Challenge “Zone Wars: Race to Beat the Evil Purge” (4 weeks)
W1C1 = Week 1, Class 1
W1AR1 = Week 1 Accelerator Class
Kimberly Hatting
June 11, 2023 at 3:30 pmGood for you to have all those challenges going, but I’d be SO confused if it were me, LOL. Now I’m really intrigued with the PUTV challenge…I’m going to look into that tonight and see if it’ll fit my summer schedule (most likely it will). I’m also self-motivated with daily workouts, but it is nice to have a structure all mapped out (without having to create my own workouts or frantically get my stacks scheduled-in before lights-out the evening prior)..
June 11, 2023 at 6:02 pmHaha, I gotta admit – it is a bit challenging sometimes to stay on top of all of them, but it makes planning my week out a little easier :)
June 11, 2023 at 4:41 pmThe TW run challenge sounds great! I agree- it’s SO hard to find your paces when you start something like that. I did a couple speed workouts outside, absolutely could not find my pace, and then did the next couple on the treadmill. This week I’ll probably be outside again so we’ll see how it goes! I think you really do get better at it the more you do it.
You’ve got a lot of fun challenges going on! I can see it’s going to keep you busy.
June 11, 2023 at 6:03 pmI think you’re right Jenny – practice makes perfect and it’s good to be able to “feel” your paces outdoors!
Darlene Cardillo
June 11, 2023 at 6:15 pmwow – you had quite a busy week… and ALL those challenges.
Having to run fast for a test seems scary to me… but you did great. can’t wait to see how you progress.
June 16, 2023 at 4:12 pmThank you :)
Deborah Brooks
June 11, 2023 at 9:10 pmWow you are doing a lot of challenges! Glad you like the Wilpers run program too. I finished Andy’s density program and I will also start the pump up the volume when I get home from my trip Have a great week!
June 16, 2023 at 4:12 pmAndy’s density program ist on my radar too!
June 12, 2023 at 12:15 amGlad I could be a bit of help on Sundays ride… but to be honest: I wouldn’t even had picked that one, if it wasn’t for you – so thank you!!
Totally agree with everyone – ALL those challenge, they get me so confused (hint: that’s why I’m not participating lol).
June 16, 2023 at 4:13 pmHaha, all these challenges just keep me on my toes… I have “decision fatigue”, so I am glad when I can pick something that’s suggested :)
June 12, 2023 at 4:29 amI have so much trouble programming my Garmin for intervals, much less speed trials! We’re doing speed trials at CrossFit, but our coaches keep the time–it’s not that precise.
I’m so impressed with all you do. Congrats on those bingos!
June 16, 2023 at 4:14 pmThank you, Wendy. Intervals outdoors are always hard. A treadmill would be so easy to just “set the pace” and forget about it. LOL
June 12, 2023 at 9:47 amI love all your crisscrossing challenges! PUTV looks so well put together. I just started Crush Your Core, but I have that in the back of my mind for later this summer or the fall.
June 16, 2023 at 4:15 pmI just finished week 2 of PUTV and really like it (although I am missing the variety of weights that’s required, I think)… the Crush Your Core Program is really good, too.
June 12, 2023 at 11:22 amYou definitely had a lot going on this week! I’ve try to program paces with my Garmin in the past, and it always left me really annoyed. Luckily at the moment I’m just running to keep my heart happy!
June 16, 2023 at 4:16 pmHaha, I can see why you were annoyed… this is really the first time I am really using the Garmin for intervals/paces. I am glad you’re able to just run for fun right now!
Kim G
June 12, 2023 at 2:40 pmI totally missed the meme that the SUMMIT Stride was this weekend – ugh! I need to add the next date to my calendar. I actually really love the SUMMIT events because it seems like so much of the Peloton community gets involved.
June 16, 2023 at 4:18 pmIf I remember, I will remind you about the next SUMIIT Stride. :)
June 12, 2023 at 4:01 pmIncredible work! You are definitely getting it all done!
I’m just keeping up with my run streak and trying to enjoy some quality me-time.
June 16, 2023 at 4:19 pmLove that you’re doing a run streak!
June 13, 2023 at 6:43 ammassive well done with all your workouts and challenges! I know what you mean about the beeping Garmin – hopefully you’ll be able to “feel” the paces you need soon! great work!! and hats off to Tanja who stuck it out with you as well!
June 16, 2023 at 4:20 pmThank you Renée. Practice makes perfect, right? ;)
June 14, 2023 at 3:42 pmI’m so exhausted just reading this! I have a lot of logistical questions about how you fit all this in. When do you do this? Morning? Evening? How do you make sure you have enough fuel to get through these workouts? I need more details!
June 16, 2023 at 4:24 pmHaha. I can see that. It must seem a lot. I do these in the mornings before work… I usually plan it out a few days in advance, so I have my stack ready to go in the morning. I usually plan to workout between 1-2 hours… and, don’t be alarmed, but I get through these workouts on an empty stomach. I like to fuel after (or sometimes during the workout, if it’s a long effort), but I do drink a lot and add electrolytes.
June 28, 2023 at 4:19 pmDang, woman. I don’t know how you keep track of it all! I love seeing your posts – and knowing that someone else is out there working hard. (I also fast, and also exercise first thing in the morning… it’s hard for others to understand, sometimes, but it works for me!) Keep it up!
June 30, 2023 at 11:35 amThank you, Anne. I know working out fasted is not for everyone but it works for me!
2023 Weekly Run Down 30/52 - trust the process! - theinbetweenismine
July 30, 2023 at 7:30 pm[…] was week 8 of the Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge 2023 and it concluded – just like it started – with another 20 min distance test, the runner’s equivalent of the FTP test for cycling to […]