Tuesday Topics | Global Running Day

I can’t believe it’s Global Running Day again this week. If you are a runner – or have been around here for a while – you might have seen these posts come around in June, because Global Running Day is every year on the first Wednesday of June. If you haven’t heard of it before, here’s the official description:

Global Running Day is a worldwide celebration of running that encourages people of all ages and abilities to get moving. This day plays an important role, reminding us of the positives that running can offer and the power of unification. During the past two years, many people have turned to running as a solution to help release anxiety, gain perspective, cope with cabin fever, and keep up wellbeing. This year let’s run together on Global Running Day to reflect upon the challenges we’ve faced and how our communities have endured.

As a runner, you cannot NOT participate in some capacity (what do you say, runner friends?). The running community is amazing as is, but it’s something special to go for a run and know that millions of other runners are also getting out there, dedicating miles to this event to come together as a community.

I am celebrating this year by joining the Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge. This week seems to be a particularly good week to do so. Since my last race in February, my running has been regular, but a bit haphazard, if I am completely honest,  and I am looking forward to a more structured training plan and hopefully seeing some improvements over the summer. 

As every year, I also signed up for the Virtual NYRR Global Running Day 5k powered by STRAVA. (Between June 3 and June 11, lace up your shoes and run the world with thousands of other participants in celebration of a day that encourages everyone to stay active and healthy).

The Virtual Running Club is also hosting a virtual 5k, not specifically for Global Running Day this year,  but I really like their motto: “I just felt like running”. So simple, so powerful. I think many of us can relate to it. Any day is a good day to move your body, so run this virtual race whenever you can!

Are you going to celebrate in any way? Let’s earn that badge!

This week, I am linking up with  Kookyrunner and Zenaida  for Tuesday Topics.

  1. Yes I signed up for Virtual NYRR Global Running Day 5k too… ran a 5k on Saturday.
    GL with Team Wilpers.

  2. I am sure you are going to love the program! I really found it super helpful and hope I can join again in the fall. Happy global running day

    1. Thank you for the feedback, Deb. I am looking forward to report back. Happy Global Running Day!

  3. I’m meeting my friend for our weekly #5at5 (five miles at 05:00) tomorrow morning ;-) Good luck with all your GRD fun!

    1. Oh yay, that sounds great. Have fun!

  4. Good luck with your runs, San!

  5. I’ll be running with our local running club for a 5K event tonight. Always fun to see my running friends!!

    1. Yes, that sounds like fun. Have a great run with friends!

  6. Happy Global Running Day! I celebrated with a 5K run this morning and got my Garmin badge.

    1. Have fun and go earn that badge! :)

  7. I didn’t know there was a global running day, and Wednesdays are an off day for me, so no running.
    I look forward to following along as you complete your run challenge.

  8. I didn’t realize it was until your post. I think I celebrate running everyday! :)

  9. Can you believe I didn’t participate on Wednesday? I was at school setting up my room. I did walk so that has to count, right?

  10. I’ve heard so many good things about the Team Wilpers Challenges. I am planning on joining the next one he has in the Fall.

  11. […] Unfortunately, it was my office day and I didn’t have the time to fit in a run, but Global Running Day was on my mind all week! Did you […]

  12. I’m back on a structured program because like you when I’m not, I run but it all feels a bit haphazard! So I’ve loved being guided by a plan!

  13. What fun ways to celebrate! Do you have your summer training plan figured out?
    My husband and I ran Wednesday evening to celebrate!

  14. Wednesdays are office days for me so I did not run that day unfortunately. We also had such terrible air quality (from the Canadian wild fires) that we couldn’t be outside with the boys after work so we were very cooped up that day! But I used to always be sure to run on this day pre kids!!!

  15. Alas, no GRD for me, anymore. I did walk. Does that count for something? :) Love reading your updates on your challenges – you put me to shame, for sure.

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