This week, I am linking up with Kookyrunner and Zenaida for Tuesday Topics again and we’re talking about our summer fitness goals. This is going to be a busy summer for me. I have a few field trips coming up, my workload is going to be pretty heavy for the next few months, and my family will be here for 3.5 weeks.
Still, fitness is a priority and will always be fit in somehow. Gotta keep the streak going! Here’s what’s on my calendar for the next few months.
Power Zone Summer Challenge – June 13 to July 25
Ever since I got my Peloton in August 2021, I’ve been obsessed with Power Zone Training. I explained more about what this is here, but in a nutshell, it’s personalized training (on the bike) that is tailored to your specific fitness level. I love the structure and the varying classes, especially the longer endurance rides. I am currently signed up for my 4th power zone challenge with the Power Zone Pack (which officially kicked off yesterday).
Summiit Stride – June, 18
Summiit Stride is the newest event put on by the organizers of the Pelofondo events. It’s a one-day running event where you pledge miles for a team or by yourself. Of course, I had to sign up and I pledged to run a 10k for my Streakers team.
Hiking, running, swimming with the fam – July
My family – my parents and my sister + family – will be here for 3.5 weeks in July and we’ll be going on a little road trip when they’re here. While I’ll be away from my Peloton, I am looking forward to being active while on vacation with my family. We’ll be going hiking in a few national parks, we’ll probably be hanging out at the pool some (not sure how much actual “swimming” will be happening – haha), and I am hoping to get a couple of runs in here and there (I love running in new places!) and maybe even coax my sister, BIL, or the kids into joining me.
Pelofondo – July 23-24
The next Pelofondo – my third! – is around the corner. It’s the weekend when my family leaves, so I am not sure how many miles I am actually going to ride, but I am planning to get on the bike again that weekend. It might help distract me from the inevitably heavy feeling after saying goodbye.
Pacific Crest Trail Virtual Challenge – all year
I’ll keep chipping away at the goal to virtually complete the 2485.5 miles/4000 km of the Pacific Crest Trail in 2022. You track your workouts through your smartwatch or fitness app (running and biking counts!) and sync the mileage with the Conqueror app, which shows you where you are on the map and how much distance you have accomplished at any given time. Tanja and I joined at the start of this year and we’re well ahead of schedule (I have 70% of the distance completed).
Get back to a regular running routine and start a training plan – August
My running has been a bit sporadic and unorganized lately and I definitely want to change that. Later this summer, I am planning to finally start a training plan and get into a regular running routine again. I am not signed up for a fall race yet, but I am eyeing a couple. I know having a race on the calendar will help me with my motivation and discipline. I haven’t run an in-person race in three years and I am hoping to change this before the end of the year.
What are your fitness goals for the summer?
Kim G
June 14, 2022 at 8:46 amLots of great fitness activities and challenges for you this summer! I originally wanted to do Summit Stride but I’ve been having some knee issues so I am going to opt out this time but hope to do it if they offer it again this Fall.
I forgot about PeloFondo in July – I may do that one!
Lisa of Lisa's Yarns
June 14, 2022 at 9:05 amYou have a fun, full summer ahead of you! You and your family have seen so many national parks! That is a goal of mine once our kids are old enough to hike and such. We have barely been to any national parks, but there also aren’t many around us. Someday we’ll get to them, though.
I finished a beach body 100-workout program right before getting covid so now I need to find a new program. I signed up for a 10k in October. The 10 mile was challenging last fall but I think it’s a bit too much for this stage of life, especially now that I’m back in the office 3 days/week. But a 10k is still a challenging distance and a more manageable distance for me to train for in this stage of life. So I want to keep up with running around 3 times/week and then hopefully will get 1-2 strength workouts in. Covid really threw a wrench in my plans for May/June – I was sick, then had kids home in quarantine for 20 days! But I got lots of steps in while they were home, they were just mostly walking steps which still counts!
June 14, 2022 at 9:53 amYou are such an inspiration – great goals for the summer.
So excited for all the things to come.
How the heck did you get to 70% on the PCT already? I need to catch up….
Kimberly Hatting
June 14, 2022 at 11:16 amI need to pencil-in the July PeloFondo. It’ll be my third as well. I did the January one all outdoors (I was in Florida at the time), but had to do the April one on my stationary bike (due to the crappy weather in Iowa). Fingers crossed, I can do the July one all outdoors!
June 14, 2022 at 11:25 amWow! Look at you with such ambitious plans! I’m basically going to try and keep my working out five times a week goal and keep my fingers crossed that I don’t lose momentum when it gets super hot outside.
Virjinia @ With Purpose and Kindness
June 14, 2022 at 11:53 amIt sounds like you will definitely be moving this summer! I did Power Zone Training while training for my last marathon and it was HUGE game changer! It’s amazing how we could all be doing the same class but it’s still tailored to our needs!
June 14, 2022 at 12:19 pmI was going to say wow to having your family there for 3.5 weeks — that’s a LONG time — but it makes more sense since you’ll be going on vacation. Love visiting National Parks — that will be an awesome trip! And pool time is fun, too.
Sounds like you have a lot of cool Summer adventures lined up!
Nicole MacPherson
June 14, 2022 at 1:26 pmI don’t have any goals per se, but I’ll be running and Pelotoning (while at home), hiking and yoga-ing. The usual stuff! I will be visiting my MIL and my parents for a bit, and that’s when I’ll be mostly running or hiking, plus paddleboarding. Nothing out of the ordinary, but summer is when I am a bit less structured in my plans.
June 14, 2022 at 6:18 pmWow – what a busy summer ahead for you. Sounds full and busy, but in a wonderful way :)
I have so little structure in my exercise routine right now. I’m still walking daily, but the distances vary significantly. My running has really slowed down. I have a foot injury and it doesn’t hurt once I get going, but it’s enough discomfort at the start that I’ve really eased off. I did a treadmill run yesterday and that felt good (so, so different from running outside). I’m eyeing a local race in October, but will only do a 5 or 10 km. Even so, I know having something organized would prompt me to stay on top of regular running more consistently.
I’ve started planking at least once a day. I hate it, but it’s over fast and definitely works up a sweat and I can feel it in my core, so I’m persevering!
June 15, 2022 at 4:33 amSo happy your family will be visiting! It will be so fun to explore those national parks with them – and yes hopefully they join in on some of your runs too!
June 15, 2022 at 5:53 amLooks like you have some great goals. Enjoy the time with your family. I would love to the Pacific Crest Trail IRL.
June 15, 2022 at 6:31 amYou’ve got some great plans! I like having specific events to focus on- Pelofondo, Summit Stride, etc. It makes it more fun than just saying “I’ll do 20 pushups a day.” Right now I’m focusing on a 5k race on July 4th- not like I”ll be setting any PRs, but it’s fun to have a goal.
I’ll bet you’re looking forward to your family’s visit! So exciting that we can travel again.
Deborah Brooks
June 15, 2022 at 8:41 amAll of these years with Peloton and I have yet to do the Pelofondo! Everyone seems to love it. Maybe I will jump in too, Love your summer goals!
Grateful Kae
June 15, 2022 at 12:36 pmThis is very cool! I love the variety and it’s all very interesting! Very different from my current workout “stage”, but I love it. I’m just mostly sticking with my 4 strength training workouts per week at the gym, plus trying to do ~2 home cardio workouts, plus aiming for around 10,000 steps/ summer walks. No races or anything like that on the agenda for me, but I’ll live vicariously through those who do. :)
Zenaida Arroyo
June 15, 2022 at 3:14 pmGreat goals this Summer! I’ve heard so much about Power Zone Training but have never done it. I want to use my Peloton while training for my 50k but not sure how it will affect it (good or bad).
Tobia | craftaliciousme
July 3, 2022 at 3:13 amI continue to be amazed how much exercise you do and what priority it has in your life. I wish a bit would rub off on me.
July 8, 2022 at 4:41 pmSo many wonderful goals, but I was fixated on this:
my family will be here for 3.5 weeks.
<3 <3 )
July 8, 2022 at 4:42 pmIt cut off my comment!
I know you are mid-visit and loving it. :) And yes, fitness will continue, and you will continue to rock it!