1. I got an Odwalla Smoothie on a whim a couple of weeks ago at the supermarket because it was on sale. It was surprisingly good and I could see myself buying it again for after workouts. I could see adding protein or collagen powder to it to give it an...
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Oh remember? I wanted to tell you all about the roadtrip with my cousin B and his girlfriend in September when we visited all the National Parks? Right! So, let’s get back to it, shall we? Here are parts 1, 2, and 3. As you might recall from my last...
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enjoying the California weather. It’s perfect running weather right now. Crisp temperatures, but lots of sunshine, too! (Well, except for the hard freeze warning we had last night when the temperatures dipped into the 20’s. We don’t get that here very often.) counting the days until I will get to hug my bff. I...
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Did you notice that I completely skipped over Valentine’s Day? I didn’t post a romantic picture or professed online how much I love my husband or how we celebrated our relationship on Wednesday! I didn’t get any flowers, we didn’t go out for a romantic dinner, but we did get...
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Just another round of click-worthy links that I recently gathered up. Around the Interwebs If you click on one link today, make it this one: Use emergency SOS on your iPhone. I’ve had an iPhone for 7 years, but I’ve never known about this (maybe it is new, but still,...
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I am jumping on the bandwagon again this week and join the Tuesdays on the Run link-up with Marcia, Erika, and Patty. And since it’s almost Valentine’s Day, I am sharing six things I love most about running this week. Running is “me-time”. I don’t know about you, but as an introvert, I need a...
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A few weeks ago, I saw the jars of Dark Morello Cherries at Trader Joe’s and magically one of them ended up in my shopping cart. I love cherries and thought it would be time to bake a cherry crumble cake again sometime soon. Crumble cake is one of my – and...
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Thursdays are slowly but surely becoming my ‘brain dump’-days. You don’t mind, do you? Because all these little tidbits that I’ve been sharing are rarely worth their own posts. But tidbits are fun and tell you so much more about the person behind the blog, am I right? So, for...
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As I mentioned in a couple of previous posts (and on Instagram), I have ventured into the realm of bullet journaling. As the name suggests, it has to do with bullets and with journaling and it is – in short – a customizable planner system. If you have no idea...
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As I mentioned last week, my reading was bit sidelined by the fact that my Amazon Fire died. Ok, this is honestly just an excuse, because a) I could have continued reading on my phone, if I had wanted to, I guess, and b) my fire died at the end...
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