Thursdays are slowly but surely becoming my ‘brain dump’-days. You don’t mind, do you? Because all these little tidbits that I’ve been sharing are rarely worth their own posts. But tidbits are fun and tell you so much more about the person behind the blog, am I right? So, for now, I’ll continue to do this by Thinking out Loud with Amanda from Running with Spoons.
+ I am aaaalmost done with my latest knitting project and I can’t wait to show you. This up there is when I started about 4 weeks ago. I also can’t wait to start something new. Do you know that feeling when after a while, you get ‘bored’ with a project and want to start something new? That’s were I am at. Have you been working on a crafty project lately?
+ I am just a teeny-tiny bit so freakin’ excited to tell you that I booked a flight to visit my family back home. I’ll also be able to see my bff (which I am so happy about!) and a skiing trip with my family to Val Gardena (South Tyrol) will definitely be happening again! SQUEE! I CANNOT WAIT.
+ Today is Fat Thursday, or Weiberfastnacht (Weib = woman, Fastnacht = “night before Lent’) or “Wieverfastelovend” as we say in Cologne. It’s is an unofficial holiday in the Rhineland. At the majority of workplaces, work ends before noon. Celebrations start at 11:11 am. In comparison with Rosenmontag (Rose Monday), there are hardly any parades, but people wear costumes and celebrate in pubs and in the streets. In many towns across the state of North Rhine Westphalia, a ritual “takeover” of the town halls by local women has become tradition. Among other established customs, on that day women cut off the ties of men, which are seen as a symbol of men’s status. The men wear the stumps of their ties and get a Bützchen (little kiss) as compensation.
(The photo is a throwback to a time when my bff and I went out for Carnival many years ago and while I was never a huge “(Karnevals)jeck”*, I do miss it a little bit every year. )
+ Last Saturday, I got my Amazon Fire back. Well, I got a new (refurbished) replacement for the Fire that had died (after only two months). That was sad, but on the plus side, I now don’t have “offers” on my screen anymore (which I hadn’t paid for to be removed for my initial purchase). All in all, a little blessing in disguise? Just crossing my fingers that this Fire will last (quite a bit) longer.
+ I am on the edge of my seat again (figuratively speaking, and okay, maybe I am a little exaggerating, because it’s more eye-rolling than anything) about what Congress – or should I say, Trump? – is going to do tonight. Will there be another shutdown? Will they pass the spending bill with a DACA deal attached?
*“The word [jeck] is used almost exclusively in the Rhineland, especially in the city of Cologne […]. Jeck can be a noun (ein Jeck), as well as an adjective (you can be jeck). Originally, it refers to a person who actively participates in a carnival celebration. […] But the more important meaning of the word is used year round. In this sense, it is an adjective that reflects the tolerant Cologne way of life and the general attitude of the Rhinelanders, […] a humorous person who does not take things – or himself – too seriously.”
February 8, 2018 at 8:48 amSO excited for your trip! I bet you are just bouncing with excitement!! I’m looking forward to seeing your latest knitting project too!
February 8, 2018 at 8:51 amI love reading these posts in particular–it’s always fun to get to know the blogger behind the blog :) Also I loved reading about this German tradition and the female takeover on the streets :) How fun! Also I love the tie-cutting ritual.
Congrats on getting a new-to-you Kindle! That’s wonderful. I’m trying to alternate reading on the Kindle with reading a book, but I’m not sure what I’d do without mine either. They’re so great for travel!
Awww, yay for a trip to visit your family <3 I can't wait to hear about it!! XO
February 8, 2018 at 9:16 amI’m so glad you’re going to be able to visit home – I’m sure seeing friends and family will be awesome! Ooh I like hearing about celebrations/rituals that other countries have. Fat Tuesday is this coming Tuesday in the U.S, which I’m sure you know…lol I’m excited to have some king cake! :)
February 8, 2018 at 9:50 amYou must be SO excited to go visit your family!! I’m heading to LA with my boyfriend next week for a little vacation + getting to see one of my very best friends who I haven’t seen in a couple years. I’m so excited and definitely battling trying not to slip into vacation mode too soon. :)
February 8, 2018 at 10:34 amI sure hope they pass a spending bill or have another continuing resolution at the very least. I’m trying to go to a workshop next week and can’t book my travel because of a potential government shutdown. Ugh…
February 8, 2018 at 11:21 amWoohoo for booking a trip to the motherland :)
Let’s hope for a good outcome tonight !!!
February 8, 2018 at 11:30 amI share your excitement about booking flights back home! I just booked flights back to Scotland for my nephews wedding and I’m so excited about seeing family and friends! We have a tradition of Pancake Tuesday and while I do love to eat pancakes, your tradition sounds like a lot more fun :)
February 8, 2018 at 11:31 amThe colours on that piece are beautiful. Purple is my favourite colour.
Fat Thursday sounds like my kind of jam. We have Fat Tuesday and that is on the 13th of February. In my city we celebrate by eating these super duper high fat donuts called Paczkis. They’re kind of like a jelly filled donut but are deep fried in goodness. I swear I eat at least 4 of them.
I am super excited for you to be able to go and visit your family. That must be so wonderful!
February 8, 2018 at 1:27 pmKoelle Allaaf! :)
February 8, 2018 at 1:56 pmWhile I loved spending fall/winter in Germany, part of me wishes I had studied abroad during Carnival. Fat Thursday sounds so fun. We celebrate Fat Tuesday – we used to eat King Cake, but now we just have lots of food and drink. That is so exciting about your trip!
Penny Struebig
February 8, 2018 at 5:29 pmCan’t wait to see your finished knitting project. My mom is quite the knitter, but I never picked it up. So cool that you booked your flight to see your family!
Megan @ Meg Go Run
February 9, 2018 at 2:49 amI’m glad you get to go home!!! :) That’s exciting. Will J go with you?
February 9, 2018 at 5:06 amMore German, please! In fact, you should do posts dedicated to just German. I don’t know if anyone else would be interested, but I certainly let would be. :)
February 9, 2018 at 7:19 amI miss celebrating Carnival! In mexico we went all out for Carnival! here… we eat fastnachts and that’s all.
when I first saw your picture dressed as a lion, I thought that it was a Snapchat filter!
how exciting to be going home!
Lecy | A Simpler Grace
February 9, 2018 at 9:44 amI really need to get back into knitting. I set my projects aside last year when I was focusing on writing my novel and never picked it back up. I also need to learn how to knit on round needles. I’ve never tried that before. So excited to see what you made! How exciting that you get to go home to visit your family. I hope you have a great time!
February 9, 2018 at 9:54 amOh, how wonderful that you will be spending a ski trip with your family! That is wonderful! SO very excited for you!
I do know what you mean about being at the end of one project and looking forward to another. I am nearly done with my daughter’s afghan, and the next one will be a ripple afghan for my BFF for her 60th birthday! The pattern is fairly easy, but the colors are wonderful!
When do you leave for Germany?
February 10, 2018 at 8:46 amI love reading these types of posts. Going to visit family is always fun. I can’t wait to see your knitting project.
Lisa @ Mile by Mile
February 11, 2018 at 1:51 pmI bet it will be so great to see your family and friends! Thats pretty nice that you got your Amazon Fire back without any ads!
February 11, 2018 at 4:33 pmHow exciting that you’ll be able to visit your family!
Lisa of LiSa’s yarns
February 12, 2018 at 7:50 amI hadn’t heard of Fat Thursday. I love learning about holidays and traditions in other countries. In the upper Midwest we don’t do anything around the start of Lent. No Fat Tuesday indulgences or anything!
That’s so exciting that you bought a ticket to see your family!! And how awesome that you will also get to go skiing!
February 15, 2018 at 8:47 amCongratulations on booking your trip home! I know you’ve been looking forward to that for so long & I’m so glad you’re one step closer!