Currently | February

enjoying the California weather. It’s perfect running weather right now. Crisp temperatures, but lots of sunshine, too! (Well, except for the hard freeze warning we had last night when the temperatures dipped into the 20’s. We don’t get that here very often.)

counting the days until I will get to hug my bff. I can’t wait to spend some quality time with her! Only 4 more weeks!

stoked that I got our taxes done last weekend. I usually try to do them as soon as I got all the paperwork together and get it out of the way. We’re expecting a refund, too, which I am very excited about. It’s always better to get something back than to owe.

eating whole grain bread with gouda. J and I have been doing a lot of ‘German dinners’ lately: bread, cheese, and cold cuts. I am not complaining!

drinking lots of water. 

watching The Incredible Dr. Pol. It’s a great show to watch while I knit. Multi-tasking ftw!

drooling over some new gradient yarn that I will be getting soon.

reading Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life by Henry Cloud and John Townsend. I was super-intrigued by the high ratings, but I have to admit that I am a little put off by the constant mentioning of God and the bible. Let’s see how I feel by the time I finish this book. 

listening to Classical Music on the Music Channel. It’s our go-to background noise choice these days.

loving my bullet journal. I’ve been enjoying getting a little bit more creative by setting up my own spreads and tracker pages and I’ve been reaching for it more consistently in the last few weeks than I did for my planner last year. That makes me really happy. So far, it’s been really working well and I can’t wait to share more about my experience with it in the future.

looking forward to a short work week. Having Monday off and then only working until Thursday? Sounds pretty nice, right?

wringing my hands over the fate of the Dreamers. I mean, what’s going to happen on March, 5th?

What’s going on with your currently?

  1. Only 4 more weeks? That’s amazing – and time will fly by sooo fast!
    March 5th – fingers crossed!!!!!
    The weather this morning – geez, waaaaay to cold :)
    Lucky you – I could use this kind of short week. Unfortunately we only get the major Holidays, and Presidents day is not one of them :(

    1. Yeah, less than 4 weeks now. Can’t wait.
      I am sorry you didn’t get President’s Day off… how many holidays do you get off per year?

  2. Awww I wish someone had warned you about Boundaries. They are both Christian authors and this is definitely a Christian book! I liked it but yeah you have to buy into the philosophy.

    Right now Henrik and I are in California too! While I’m happy to be out of freezing temps, I’m a little sad it isn’t warmer. Only 60 degrees today in San Diego.

    1. Yeah, I guess I should have read more reviews before picking up ‘Boundaries’… I mean, there are some good points in there, but the constant references to the Bible are a bit much.

  3. I’m counting down the days until our baby arrives. I should be down to single digits as I will likely be induced late next week. I’m sooo ready to be done with pregnancy and to meet our little one!

    That’s great that you have had beautiful weather lately! I can’t wait for warmer, spring weather to arrive. It’s been a pretty cold winter here and we got a snow/ice mix yesterday. Luckily I didn’t have to leave the house yesterday as Phil and I both had the day off and I didn’t have any doctor appointments. Woo hoo! (Last week I had 3 + a lab appt for a blood draw!).

    I’m reading “My Name is Lucy Barton.” Elizabeth Strout’s books can be hit or miss for me but I’ve heard good things about this book so hopefully I like it. I picked it up when I went to pick up a book I had on hold at the library. Usually I only pick up books that are being held for me but when I saw this on a display table I decided to check it out as well. I”m reading so much these days since I’m not able to do much between my blood clot and pain from my RA flare. But it’s nice to get a ton of reading done as I don’t know how much I will get done after the baby arrives – at least in those initial weeks!

    1. Hey, you gotta go with the flow… and if reading is the only thing you can get done right now, ENJOY it :)

  4. Bread, cheese and cold cuts are kind of my favorite thing ever. And I have some German heritage in my blood so I guess it makes sense! I wish it would be warmer here, I’m so ready for spring!

    1. The German heritag is coming through… :)

  5. I am loving the weather as well! For the past few days, it’s been in the upper 60s and low 70s! I’m so over winter and can’t wait for spring! I’m almost done reading My Friend Fear by Meera Lee Patel. It’s such a great book. I’ve also been reading lots of articles.

    1. Upper 60’s to low 70’s is PERFECT. I wouldn’t mind having those temperatures all year long :)

  6. I love that tree lined photo, I can almost smell the clear crisp air! We’re having some weather issues with cyclone Gita, but I like hunkering down and working around the house.

    1. Thank you – the picture definitely captured the weather perfectly!

  7. I’ve never tried a bullet journal but have heard good things about them! Enjoy your short work week:)

    1. You should look into the bullet journal… it’s really a lot of fun.

  8. I really hope everything works out with the Dreamers.

    Yay for seeing your BFF soon. :)

    I can’t wait to see more about your bullet journal. Don’t forget to share at the Keep It Together linky!!


    1. Oh yes, thanks for the reminder about the link up!

  9. I hope a judge keeps blocking it. I mean, I hope they come up with a solution, but I am skeptical. The judges need to keep blocking. I hate our president.

  10. I hope a judge keeps blocking it. I mean, I hope they come up with a solution, but I am skeptical. The judges need to keep blocking. I hate our president. He is soulless. Just like McConnell and Ryan.

  11. I so jealous that you have your taxes done! Way to go! Mine are sitting there, staring at me, just waiting for me to pick them up and get them done.

    1. Aaaand… did you get started on your taxes, Penny?

  12. I know we’ve discussed this, but bread + cheese + meats = THE BEST. I love it so, so much.

  13. Weather has been crazy here. Got 7″ of snow on Saturday, then yesterday it was 70 degrees, and today back down in the low 40’s- ugh! And though it’s a weird thing to be excited about, I’m super excited to be getting my taxes done tonight, and hopefully getting a nice size return! Short weeks are the best- hope you enjoy the long weekend!

    1. Oh man, that’s crazy weather indeed. I hate when it goes back and forth like this…

  14. Loved reading your responses to these (currently lists are my favorites!). Also YIKES that is COLD for Cali weather! We had a77 degree day last week which was so unusual in New Jersey, but I loved every minute. It was so nice to see what my neighbors looked like after months of hibernation, ha!

    Also I love your German dinners! Simple and basic and flavorful (with good, hearty German bread!) those are the best <3

    Hope you have a great week ahead!

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