Month: November 2009

Random San food facts

I thought it would be fun to share some random food facts (inspired by an earlier post from Katelin last month). Some of these facts may not be news to you, because I have mentioned them some other place before. 1. I LOVE (real!) bread. I would easily skip any...

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Yes, America still can!

© MSN.COM Today marks the one year anniversary of Barack Obama’s historic election for President of the US of A. I am still overwhelmed by what American voters made possible last year. Not only did they change the direction in which politics were going in this country, but they also elected the first African-American president in the history...

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Panic much?

Seriously. I’ve had it with the H1N1 news already. I am really getting sick and tired of hearing about H1N1 and  about “you need to get vaccinated”. People here in the US are freaking the ‘eff’ out. When I drove to work this morning, I was listening to NPR and...

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