Stefanie asked in the comments what my typical weekday routine looks like and I am happy to share. 5:20 a.m. – My alarms goes off and I get up. The very first thing I do is turn on the little space heater in my bathroom, because, as I’ve mentioned before, fall is...
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© Today, twenty years ago, the Berlin wall fell. I was thirteen at the time and I remember seeing the news on TV. But because my family lived in the far western part of (West) Germany, close to the Dutch border, I think I didn’t really understand how huge this was. Yes,...
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J and I don’t eat out very often. Besides the fact that we just love home-cooked dinners, eating out is way too expensive. I am aware that eating out in the US is much, much more common than in Europe (and therefore overall also cheaper). In the US, you go...
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I thought it would be fun to share some random food facts (inspired by an earlier post from Katelin last month). Some of these facts may not be news to you, because I have mentioned them some other place before. 1. I LOVE (real!) bread. I would easily skip any...
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When I woke up this morning and turned on the computer, Google greeted me with this image: Ah yes, Big Bird on Wednesday, Cookie Monster yesterday and Bert and Ernie today. I see a trend. It’s Sesame Street’s 40th anniversary this month (it premiered on November 10, 1969) and what...
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Back in my teenage and early adult years, I was more of a tomboy – clotheswise. My favorite pants were army pants and pants with unusual stripes or checkered patterns. I owned a pair of blue suede Dr. Martens – which were no doubt my favorite pair of shoes! – please disregard how old...
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© MSN.COM Today marks the one year anniversary of Barack Obama’s historic election for President of the US of A. I am still overwhelmed by what American voters made possible last year. Not only did they change the direction in which politics were going in this country, but they also elected the first African-American president in the history...
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My job requires me to get up really early, around 5:30 a.m. every morning. If I want to take the bus, I even have to get up about 15 minutes earlier than that. This is simply cruel, don’t you agree? Who the heck gets up that early? FYI, I am not a...
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Seriously. I’ve had it with the H1N1 news already. I am really getting sick and tired of hearing about H1N1 and about “you need to get vaccinated”. People here in the US are freaking the ‘eff’ out. When I drove to work this morning, I was listening to NPR and...
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NaBloPoMo starts today! Like every year in the past three years, I am up for the challenge – posting every single day for the 30 days of November. I think this will be good. Puh. Well, I hope I can do this. I have a couple of things I want...
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