It’s the 2nd anniversary of Kristine’s Stuff Portrait Friday and she asked us to ” go back to our roots and remember where we came from: Go open your fridge, stand in front of it and flash me a two finger salute.” So here we go: Tomorrow is my shopping...
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I think all postal delivery services have ganged up on me. It’s getting to the point where my experiences with the postal services beggars all description. I had ordered a case for our camcorder through Amazon at an Online Store at the beginning of April. The order information stated that...
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Ok you guys, if you have been over at Kim‘s blog, then you know that she had someone interview her with 5 questions and then posted the answers. Then it was her turn to interview someone and she sent me 5 questions that I’ll answer now for you to enjoy...
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Yes, it’s another STUFF PORTRAIT FRIDAY and to keep up with all the “early-posters” around here [just kidding ;)], I’ll just get to it and post my photo of “knobs”. Well, in fact, it’s only one knob, representing all the other door knobs out there. And I apologize for the...
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Remember how I mentioned HERE that I had received a package from my parents and that it had been opened and resealed and that someone had taken stuff out of it? Well, after my Dad talked to people at the Postal Office in Germany and they told him that I...
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You certainly have heard about the shootings in Virginia [who hasn’t?]. My first thought was, once again, “What the hell is going on in the heads of people who do these horrible, horrible things?”. I don’t understand it. I can’t even remotely wrap my mind around it. I can somewhat...
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I love the assignment that Kristine came up with this week, because I think it tells you a lot of the people who took the photo :) She asked us to post a photo of the “Stuff” that makes people say “This is so YOU”. So here’s my stuff. Click...
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The last few days have been kind of hectic… more later. First of all, I want to say that I had a good Easter weekend. On Saturday, I colored eggs. I used “natural substances” like tea, cherry juice and spinach. The eggs didn’t turn out very colorful, but they still...
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I hope you’re all having a great Easter weekend with lots of chocolate eggs!
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On Wednesday, I drove up to Ventura to spend a day with my mother-in-law. She had talked about taking me to the Thrift stores and honestly, I didn’t really care too much about it, because I thought they would be ordinary “second-hand” stores with a lot of crap. Boy, was...
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