SPF: Stuff

I love the assignment that Kristine came up with this week, because I think it tells you a lot of the people who took the photo :) She asked us to post a photo of the “Stuff” that makes people say “This is so YOU”.
So here’s my stuff.

SPF: stuff that makes me, ME.

Click on the photo to see the notes that will tell you more about my stuff.

I am sure, people who know me personally will look at this and seeing one thing or another will go “Ah yes, this is so her” … right, RIGHT? :)

So, did you play?

  1. which one is your favorite?? I played..

    happy friday

  2. I love the bunny and the red sneakers!

  3. Neat stuff you’ve got there. I love me a good book! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I was thinking the same when I saw your laptop. I have the Inspiron E1505.

  5. The first of your SPF what my Eyes saw? The IKEA Catalogue. I love IKEA. *hahahahaha* Sorry for watching so late.

    Wish you a great week. ;-)

  6. I love the Boston hat!!

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