photo credit: @kazmirova via Unsplash I woke up with chest pressure today, and it was not a residual from being sick last week. I haven’t had this kind of chest pressure in a while. I am convinced it has always been purely stress-related. Of course, it’s because of what day...
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I never talked about our kitchen tiles (until last week) and I surely did not plan to write a whole post about them, but here we are. I am sure some of you, who have endured frustrating home repair situations, can empathize, others might be able to sympathize. I am...
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It’s been a while since I blogged under this title. It seems like nobody talks about Covid anymore. People have moved on. And I won’t deny that it felt like things have shifted a fair amount. Honestly, I was ready to talk about how we’ve successfully got through the summer,...
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photo credit: Hayley Seibel via Unsplash And that, my friends, is how you fall off the blogging bandwagon. Did you miss me? Last week was my birthday. Two years ago on my birthday was the last time Jon and I had eaten out at a restaurant. On March 11, 2020,...
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{via @politico} If you thought things can’t get any worse, you can count on 2020 to throw another wrench into the works. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the second woman in history to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, died in Washington, from complications from cancer, at the age 87. When I...
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Photo by @rawpixel on Unsplash As briefly mentioned in my previous post, my blog URL had been hijacked on Saturday and I am still dealing with the repercussions. However, since you’re able to read this, at a bare minimum my URL is functioning again. I am only semi-happy with the support I received from...
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Photo by @rawpixel on Unsplash Remember how I said last week that I recently had a health insurance claim victory after being on the phone with them on and off for 15 months and that the next claim I submitted (same service, different date), they declined. Yeah, I take everything...
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© Cal Fire I am sure you’ve heard it on the news. California can’t seem to catch a break from the wildfires. New fires broke out again in Northern and Southern California and they’re devastating. I feel so heartbroken for the people that are threatened by – or have already lost everything...
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{Photo by John Moore.} Do you feel exhausted? I feel exhausted. Not from the long days at the office, the early wake-up calls on gym day, or the weekends that fly by way too fast for my liking, but rather all the news – bad news – lately. It’s not enough...
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Photo by Nathan Bingle on Unsplash ** Disclaimer: I am getting a little political here. You probably know where I stand. If you can’t handle politics being discussed, politely click away now.** If you followed the news over the weekend, you know that we were in a government shutdown situation again. If you recall,...
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