What a sad day. Last night was the Season Finale of Summerland. Two episodes back to back – although they pulled that crap on the audience again – something they ALWAYS do on the season finale to ensure that you’re desperately await the next season. Everything fell apart or got...
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I came home Friday night and Jon’s like “Sandra, our computer won’t boot up again”. I got all freaked out, because where would I be without my computer??? Besides, all my photos, files, letters were on the machine and I hadn’t made burned copies from all of them. We first...
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you really DON’T want to know if today was any better than yesterday. Well it was considering that I got one of my project tasks done, but regarding the taxes? Don’t even get me started :( After I came home yesterday all frustrated and moody, I didn’t work out (which...
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when everything that you do seems to get you nowhere. It felt like this today, because I didn’t really get anywhere with my project, because first there was? messed up file and I had to repeat some work that I did yesterday and then the software is running slow and...
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After two days with a fairly busy schedule and working overtime, I’ll make it out off the office at 5 pm today. Sweet! I am planning to overcome my inneren Schweinehund today and go running again. Yes, it must be done. It’s not that I feel like I gained weight...
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where did this weekend go? I must say, if it is a lazy weekend like mine, it goes by even faster! :( I started out with the Kings game on Friday when I got home. It was such an exciting game and the Kings… won!! Thanks for keeping your fingers...
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It’s that time… Just real quick: Hope you have a wonderful weekend guys! Seems to be a sunny one over here :) P.S. Oh yeah, and the Kings are playing tonight. Guess who’s going home to see the game now?! :)
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Yeah, I know… I am annoying. Talking about Basketball a lot lately. But hey, you neither have to understand the game, nor understand my babbling just cheer for the Kings They have to make it to the Play Offs. Last night they played the Detroit Pistons and it was a...
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OMG… did anyone watch the Kings game last night? No? NO? It was soooo exciting. J and I went for a long walk beforehand and then were home in time to prepare dinner before the game started. So there we were with our plates on the couch in front of...
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This is coming a little late, I know… I just hope you all had a wonderful weekend with lots of sunshine and many, many chocolate eggs! My Easter was pretty unspectacular this year. No colored eggs, no chocolate eggs, no easter egg hunt, but at least some really nice Easter-E-mails....
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