I hate those days..

when everything that you do seems to get you nowhere. It felt like this today, because I didn’t really get anywhere with my project, because first there was? messed up file and I had to repeat some work that I did yesterday and then the software is running slow and all that :( just drives me nuts. I was also trying to deal with my tax return which is due next week and today it seems to be even more confusing than it had been before. I talked to a lady from the Temp Agency who really ALWAYS is very helpful, but she basically said the W-2 form is all I need (it’s something like our Steuerkarte), but I have to fill out forms to prove that I am exempt from taxes and that seems to be a little complicated right now (even though they told me that I am exempt, but I have to find the right Treaty articles and stuff!) Doesn’t really improve my mood today…I’ve planned to go running again tonight, but I am a little sore (or just tired) from yesterday and I don’t know if I have the nerve to do my taxes after running anymore and I have to get them done. Fortunately Jon volunteered to help me and we’ll go over the forms tonight. I hope it’ll be easy.

So, I am a little cranky today… don’t take it personally. It’ll go away ;) oh yeah, and I’ll try to post some photos later… so stay tuned!

Some of my scrapbooking pages… one, two, three (sorry for the flash… I took these pictures in a hurry).

  1. I’m cranky, too. All that shitty stuff going on… Arg!

  2. Sannie, Sanna, I hope today will be better for you – at least it´s weekend! Hope you´ll enjoy it!
    Thank for the photos, your scrapbook looks gorgeous!

  3. tell me ’bout being cranky.. jeesh – we should start a club or something.. but i love your scrapbook-pages and i hope the day got better. or at least today’s gonna be a better one for you. after all — it’s friday. and maybe we can talk on the weekend??.. ;-) {v} *hugs*

  4. honey,
    i can so understand how frustrating the tax stuff? is for you. and it is so depressing when you call a bunch of people and it takes you exactly nowhere. hopefully you got your project done at last. and you have a reason to be in a better mood today. :smile: so maybe my pakage will reach you on the weekend and that’s maybe something that you will enjoy. i enjoyed yours pretty much. maybe we’ll reach each other on the weekend. now that we didn’t managed to do that during the week.
    loads of kisses and hugs from good old siegen to u

  5. I didn’t put anything in part J……

  6. Your scrapbook really looks good. I don’t think I’d be patient enough to do that but I love it :)

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