Category: NaBloPoMo

9: Current Pet Peeves

photo credit: David Klein on Unsplash 1. When people say ‘Don’t break up relationships over politics” and ask me to be tolerant of other people’s political views. I can tolerate different political views just fine, but not different values. Don’t ask me to be tolerant when you voted for intolerance. 2. When someone...

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4: Halloween 2024

If you’ve read my blog for a while (or at least since last year’s NaBloPoMo), you might remember that I am not a huge Halloween fan. I didn’t grow up celebrating Halloween (in Germany, November, 1 – All Saint’s Day – is a national holiday, but we didn’t celebrate Halloween...

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2: Introduce yourself

As of this morning, we have 30 participants for NaBloPoMo. Hooray! NaBloPoMo and this community thrive because of every single one of you and I am so thrilled that you’re here! As I clicked through our official participant list yesterday, I was excited to find a few new-to-me faces this year....

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