Category: Friday Facts

Friday Facts

I took a sick day this week (because of a legitimate raging headache) and I felt bad about it. What has become of me? I shouldn’t feel bad for staying home and taking care of myself, but the mentality here unfortunately is a little different. (This should be another “Things...

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Friday Facts

  Today is my nephew’s 4th birthday and as always I am really bummed that I can’t squeeze his cute little face today.  How is he four already?? We got to talk on the phone this morning though and he told me about the shirt that I sent him in...

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Friday Facts

I had a doctor’s appointment this morning because of an ongoing cough (and stomach pain) that I had on and off for the last 10 months. The doctor thinks it might be related to acid reflux (even though I don’t really have heartburn), so he prescribed a heartburn medicine to...

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22: Friday Facts

I had a dentist appointment this morning. Even though I don’t particularly like going to the dentist (who does?), I always feel so accomplished and grown up when I walk out of the dentistry. Because that is what adults do, right? Schedule their bi-annual dentist visits and stick to them....

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15: Friday Facts

I still haven’t booked my Christmas travel and I am getting a bit nervous, because airline prices are crazy. I am so determined to  find affordable flights though. We need to  go home for Christmas. Mostly for my own sanity. • • • Our new office is the weirdest when it comes...

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Friday Facts

As of yesterday, I am back at work. Hooray! I am so glad Congress came to a resolution and we were able to return to work (although one might wonder: what in the world was this whole shutdown for in the end? Did anybody win? Or did ordinary people –...

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Friday Facts

This week has been the longest and shortest week in a while. It’s the most bizarre thing how long the hours are, but how short the day is. * * * Some friends from Germany/Switzerland are visiting California this week and as soon as I have finished my coffee, we’ll...

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Friday Facts

This week completely wiped me out. The last few days were filled with setting up our new office, unpacking, more purging and trying to make things work in our smaller space. The last few days have left me physically and emotionally exhausted and I practically collapsed and fell asleep on...

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