Never say never

Remember when I talked about mantras and motivational quotes on Engie’s blog the other day. Well, here’s another one. 

Acknowledge your fear and do it anyway. (Emma Lovewell, Peloton Instructor)

Good one, eh? 

So I did just that; acknowledged my fear (and it is substantial, friends) and finally signed up for my first marathon.

I know we have many recent marathoners in our Cool Bloggers community –  SHU, Coco, Kim, Jenny (I am lumping her 50k in with the marathons) –  to name a few. (Can we make the Cool Bloggers Marathoners a thing?) I am fully aware that people run marathons all the time. Other people. Not me. And yes, I am being as dramatic as possible about it. Running a marathon feels like a really big deal to me. Did you know that less than 1% of the world’s population runs marathons?

Given the fact that up until my late 30s, I did not even remotely consider myself a runner, let alone someone who signs up for and runs races, I am rather surprised about this mindset shift. I’ve been running consistently for a decade now and completed several half marathons. To me, that’s an accomplishment in and of itself. Yet, I can’t tell you how many people have asked me in the past how my recent ‘marathon’ went. To which I usually replied, that it was just a HALF marathon. (A half marathon is 13.1 miles / 21.1 km, a marathon is 26.2 miles / 42.2 km, if you need a reminder). I also thought that I had convinced myself that I was NOT interested in running a full marathon. 

Half marathons are good. I am good. 

But if you’re a runner, you probably know that nagging little voice in the back of your head that always teases you “but what if you did sign up for a full marathon?”

Well, that little voice won a few weeks ago, when I received an email newsletter from Fleet Feet which introduced me to the CIM First Timer Program. CIM is the “California International Marathon” that takes place here in Sacramento in December. It’s a point-to-point race (from Folsom Lake to the State Capital) and it goes right through my neighborhood. I’ve been a spectator for years. The First Timer Program, as the name suggests, is a program specifically designed for first-time marathoners. It provides you with a training plan and connects you with coaches and the first-timer community. It makes the whole endeavor a lot more real, but also somehow less daunting.

Others are doing this, too! Ok!

So I signed up on a whim before I could change my mind again. I figured that if I wanted to run a marathon, ever, I might as well put it on my (non-existent) “Things I want to do before I am 50” bucket list and get on it.

I am taking this on with a lot of trepidation, but also a tiny bit of excitement. You know I am always up for a challenge, and I will be treating this as a physical challenge just as much as a mental one. You must know that distance events are at least 50% mental. Your mind usually wants to quit much earlier than your body, but I am committed to the work and waiting for all these mantras to come in handy again. Official training started this week.

To be honest, I contemplated not sharing this (at least for a little while) because what if I change my mind? Or what if I fail? If I didn’t tell anybody then nobody would know. But then I realized that this was silly because a) nobody cares about my trepidations, b) I know that I will want to talk about it (and if not here, where else?), and c) I need all the help and encouragement I can get in the next few weeks.

So here I am, acknowledging my fear and doing it anyway. 
After all, it’s better to try and fail than not try at all.

I am planning to document my marathon journey here over the next 18 weeks, mainly for myself to have a complete record of how it all went down. If that’s not your thing, feel free to skip these posts, but also, if running marathons and talking about it is your thing, please chime in with your best tips and tricks. Tell me your success stories and how running 26.2 miles has changed your life. Any advice from my seasoned marathon-running friends is very much appreciated.


  1. OMG CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It makes complete sense that you are ready to “level up” and join the Cool Blogger’s Marathon Club. Especially since CIM is such a big deal and it’s in your hometown. How can you not run it?????????

    To answer the “what if I change my mind or what if I fail” question:
    – You’re allowed to change your mind.
    – There is no fail! Sometimes life happens and people aren’t able to attend a race or they have to DNF, but those are “life happens” things, they are not failures.

    BTW do you read Hungry Runner Girl? She wrote about first time marathon advice today!

    1. Thank you, Birchie. I appreciate your excitement and kind words! Truly!
      And yes, I am reading Hungry Runner Girl (of course!) and saw that she posted about first time marathon advice today. How timely of her ;)

  2. How exciting! You won’t fail. And you will learn so much from this journey. Enjoy it!!! We do this for fun!

    1. Thank you, Kim. You’ve been such an inspiration to me.

  3. How exciting! When I saw your blog title my first thought was – she’s going to run a marathon! That is so great! My marathon days are over as I am susceptible to needing hip surgery on my other hip and I can’t bear to go through that again. But I am glad I ran 4 marathons! I know you will do great as you are such a disciplined person. And the CIM is great as it’s known for being slightly downhill! Go, San!!

    1. No way you had a hunch from the blog title what this blog post was about… that’s funny! ;) I understand why you don’t want to take on marathons anymore but I am so glad you had the experience and I value anyone’s encouragement and input. Thank you Lisa!

  4. Oh my goodness. Can you hear me screaming from Canada. I think this is just wonderful, San, and 100% fits perfectly into the story arc of your physical fitness journey. I also love that we’re all going to get to follow along with your preparations. It will be fascinating and I just know you’re going to do amazing.

    1. I heard you ;) Thank you for your excitement, Elisabeth. It means a lot. I do hope I can live up to this hype!

  5. You will have a great time!!! CIM is supposed to be awesome. I will be racing just 6 days after you too so we will be in sync!!! (Jacksonville FL- other coast :) )

    I swear by gels every 3-4 miles, 3 on race day!!! Helped me so much in my last training cycle and race.

    1. Thank you, SHU for the excitement and advice. I have not worked with fuel yet (not even in the half marathon, besides some chews) and I will have to work on that part for the marathon. I am so excited you’ll be racing around the same time. I’m looking forward to following your own training again!

  6. Oh- and hot take, but I don’t think running marathons changes your life. But it’s a very fun and gratifyingb hobby!!! You are going to have a blast.

    1. Haha, and thank you for that… maybe it’s not life changing, but I do hope it to be a lot of fun.

    2. I beg to disagree hahahaha Shu. Running has changed my life, not in term of accomplishing it, but as a secure, reliable, mental health management tool that I can take it anywhere with me.

      1. Yes but she already runs! Specifically talking about the marathon here.

  7. WOOOO!!!!!!! this makes my friday! I am smiling big!!! I love having another blogger runner doing a marathon! it’s life changing for me and could be for many! I will be following you along this journey. So exciting!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you, Coco. I appreciate your excitement. I’ll probably go back and scour your blog for tips and tricks :)

  8. Woohoo, it´s going to be a great experience and I know you will do amazing!

    1. Thank you friend, your support means the world to me.

  9. I was so surprised to read this, because I felt like you are already a marathon runner. You workout and run SO much. I didn’t realize that half marathon was what you normally do. In my mind, half or full marathon are both crazy accomplishments, so in my mind – you’ve got this. You are so committed to your workouts. I’m confident you can do this. And if you decide not to, that’s fine too. I’m excited for you. Woot woot! Go San!

    1. Thank you, Ernie. I appreciate your excitement and your belief in me! :)

  10. You’ve totally got this. I’m kind of surprised you’re as tentative about it as you are. The hardest part of running a marathon is putting in the time and effort of training for a marathon, and you already do SO MUCH cardio and strength work, you know how to put in the time, you know how to get started even if you don’t really feel like it, you know how to keep going even if it hurts or you’re tired. The hard part happens in you head, but you already know how to work with your thoughts when it’s hare on your body. You got this! You’ll probably love running a marathon and start doing them all the time! You’ve totally got this.

    1. Thank you Noemi for your kind words. You put some things in perspective for me. I think you’re right that the mental part is the hardest and that I already have a good, established routine to combat any negative thoughts and push through when motivation might be lacking. Thank you for that.

  11. This is so exciting. I am looking forward to hear about your journey. Way to go San!

    1. Thank you for your excitement and support, Meike!

  12. How exciting! I’ve never come close to wanting to run a marathon 🤣but I will definitely enjoy reading about your experience! I think it’s really cool!

    1. Thank you, Michelle, that means a lot.

  13. I am happily belonging to the 99% of the world population in this case. HA.
    But congrats for signing up. What a big thing to do. Yeah for stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new. I am all here to cheer you on.

    A colleague of mine also ran a marathon before turning fifty. He did it but also said seething he doesn’t need to repeat. But the pride he felt was so great to watch.

    1. Haha, I totally get that not everybody wants to run a marathon… I thought I was one of those people. But people (read: I) change their minds!
      It’s funny that your colleague ran a marathon and said that he doesn’t need to repeat it LOL (I’ve heard this before). We’ll see how I feel about it afterward! ;)

  14. I am so excited for you, San! You have such a strong work ethic – including a workOUT ethic, haha, that I know you will crush marathon training. This will be such a cool accomplishment for you!

    1. Aww, thank you Stephany. That’s so sweet and encouraging.

  15. I am SO EXCITED for you!!! This is going to be incredible. You can absolutely do it. You’re an athletic person with a lot of experience in running. Your recent half marathons were solid (like, you felt good and weren’t crawling to the finish line.) I think the whole experience, starting with the training and ending with the actual marathon- will be amazing for you. I can’t wait to follow along!!!

    1. Thank you, Jenny. Your assessment makes me much more confident about the whole thing. I appreciate your enthusiasm.

  16. Yay! I am putting down a reminder on my calendar to send you some inspirational mail before your race RIGHT NOW!!

    1. You’re so sweet. Your card last week was such a wonderful surprise ;)

  17. You already know how I feel, my friend. Cannot wait to cheer you on! You got this. :)

    1. Thank you, that means so much, Anne! <3

  18. […] have to prioritize. And it’s okay to say I am just working on “x” right now (like, I will be prioritizing running in the coming weeks. I know that other things have to be put on the backburner for that to happen […]

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