2024 Weekly Run Down 25/52 – Deload week

This week’s stats:

Running: 15.8 mi
Cycling: 40.2 mi
Bootcamp: 60 min
Strength: 120 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 115 min
Warm-up/Stretching: 70 min
Meditation: 20 min

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

This week was a deload week – at least for the Team Wilpers Run Challenge. Easy runs only. I’ll take it, although I am really thriving on the interval/tempo runs. They’re so fun and rewarding. 

We found out this week that Kristin McGee is leaving Peloton and that’s a devastating blow. She’s one of the best (and most popular) yoga instructors on the platform. There’s been a lot of announcements lately (Ross Rayburn and Kendall Toole are leaving too) and I am a bit afraid of what that all means.


  • 20 Min Full Body Strength: Week 3, Day 1 – Jess S (8/21/23) — PUTV8
  • 30 Min Bootcamp: Full Body – Callie (10/10/23) – Beachbody Bootcamp/PZ-W3AR
  • Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge – W4R1
    • 45 Min Classic Rock Run – Becs (3/16/24)
      • 15 Min Warm Up
      • 20 Min Main Set
        • 5 x 15 sec strides + 45 sec @ Easy Pace
        • 10 Min @ Easy Pace
        • 5 x 15 sec strides + 45 sec @ Easy Pace
      • 10 Min Cool Down
  • 10 Min Evening Stretch – Matty (6/14/24) — Summer and Self-Care
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Rebecca (6/14/24) — Six Pack Pool Party

Lindsay, Sherry, and I started week 3 of the Pump Up The Volume 8 program this week and also did a Bootcamp together this morning before I headed out for my 45-minute easy run (with strides). 


  • 5 Min Pre-Ride Warm Up – Irène (5/27/24)
  • 30 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Denis (2/16/21) — PZ-W3R1
  • 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Denis (6/11/24)
  • 10 Min Pop Barre: Lower Body – Ally (10/18/23) — Sizzling Summer Barre Burn/Personal Streak
  • 10 Min Strength Roll Call: Core – Ben (4/4/24) — Six Pack Pool Party

I kept my workout stack pretty short today and only met up with Tanja and Kristin for the Power Zone Endurance ride and finished with Barre and some core work.


  • 20 Min Full Body Strength: Week 3, Day 2 – Matty (8/21/23) — PUTV8
  • Flash 15 – Jess (6/17/24)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Core – Kristin (11/22/23) — Six Pack Pool Party/Personal Streak
  • 10 Min Breathe In, Speak Up Meditation – Chelsea (6/19/23) — Summer and Self-Care
  • 10 Min Warm Up Ride – Ben (6/12/23)
  • 30 Min Power Zone Rock Ride – Ben (8/30/23) — PZ-W3R2
  • 10 Min Cool Down Ride – Ben (1/2/23)

I started my morning with some strength training with Sherry and Lindsay and a focus flow with Kristin McGee, who announced today that she was leaving Peloton. She is such a great instructor and arguably one of the most popular ones, she’s definitely been my go-to for yoga, Pilates, and meditation. They say that she decided to leave after contract negotiations fell through (whatever that means). But what a huge loss for the Peloton community.

I met up with Tanja a little later for a power zone ride, which was also a milestone ride for us: 1400 rides on the bike that goes nowhere :) My sister and Kristin were also on the leaderboard and celebrated with us!


  • 20 Min Cher Barre – Ally (6/13/24) — Personal Streak
  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Becs (6/19/24)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge 2024 – W4R2
    • 45 Min Cher Run – Matty (5/31/19)
      • 10 Min Warm Up
      • 30 Min @ Easy Pace
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 5 Min Post-Run Stretch – Becs (7/12/21) 

Today was “Cher Day”. I joined the #BCBabes for Ally’s Cher Barre Class and then headed out for my 45-minute Team Wilpers run with Matty (I realized that this class was actually from 2019 (!), not recently recorded). I also realized that I know quite a few Cher songs, but there are also many I don’t know. Haha. 


  • 20 Min Min Full Body Strength: Week 3, Day 3 – Selena (8/21/23) — PUTV8
  • 20 Min EDM Pilates – Kristin (6/21/24) — Personal Streak
  • 20 Min Creating Space – Kirra (5/7/24) — Summer & Self-Care
  • 10 Min 2010s Barre: Upper Body – Ally (7/12/23) — Sizzling Summer Barre Burn
  • 5 Min Core Strength – Ben (5/20/24)

Since I had already gotten my running and PZ rides out of the way, I decided to take a bit of a cardio-rest day today and only joined the #BCBabes for Pump Up The Volume and Pilates in the morning and finished with a little bit of yoga and core work.


  • 5 Min Lower Body Strength Warm Up – Adrian (4/10/24)
  • 5 Min Core for Runners – Becs (3/17/21)
  • Teams Wilpers Summer Run Challenge – W4R3
    • 60 Min 90s Run – Susie (1/6/24)
      • 10 Min Warm up
      • 45 Min @ Easy Pace
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 5 Min Cool Down Walk – Rebecca (6/13/24)
  • 5 Min Arm Toning – Irène (2/9/21)
  • 30 Min Bootcamp: Core – Callie (5/28/23) — Beachbody Bootcamp
  • 5 Min Barre Cool Down – Ally (4/23/21)

Today was going to be hot (like triple-digits hot) and I got up early-ish (7:30 am) to get my endurance run out of the way. I also decided to do a 30-minute bootcamp when I got home because I am still trying to finish the bootcamp tracker for this month.


  • 5 Min Standing Core – Rebecca (6/4/24)
  • 5 Min Barre: Core – Ally (1/10/24)
  • 10 Min Barre: Lower Body – Ally (11/8/23) — Sizzling Summer Barre Burn
  • 45 Min Power Zone Ride – Matt (1/6/21) — PZ-W3R3
  • 10 Min Cool Down Ride – Sam (6/6/24)
  • 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Bradley (5/23/24)
  • 10 Min Breathwork – Denis (5/18/21) — Serenity Sunday

I went to a (free) “Injury Prevention” class at our local Fleet Feet store in the morning. Although I have not had any injuries from running in the ten years I’ve been pursuing running as a sport (either I must be doing something right, or I am just plain lucky), I thought it wouldn’t hurt to get some free information, and it was a very informative class by a local physical therapist.

I postponed my own workout to the early afternoon because I first wanted to watch others play sports (the European Championship soccer game between Germany and Switzerland took place at noon). I had another Power Zone ride on the schedule for today and while it was a sweaty workout with work in Zone 3, Sweet Spot, and Zone 4, it went pretty well. The dip in my graph during the last interval was due to a temporarily frozen Peloton screen (damn it ;)).

Current Challenges + Trackers:

I kept chipping away at my trackers this week. I completely blanked on a yoga, Barre, or Pilates class on Monday (that’s why you see the big, fat red X on the first tracker), but that can happen when you try to keep too many proverbial balls in the air. Haha. I am not sweating it.

Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge 2024 – 8 weeks
“Seven Deadly Zones” Power Zone Challenge – 7 weeks
Pump Up The Volume 8 — PUTV8
Streaker365 Summer Sweat Fest
Streaker365 Beachbody Bootcamp
Streaker365 Six Pack Pool Party
Streaker365 Sizzling Summer Barre Burn
Streaker365 Summer Self-Care
Streaker365 June Personal Streak (Daily Yoga/Pilates/Barre)
Streaker365 Serenity Sunday (restorative yoga + meditation)

How was your week? Are you also sad to hear that Kristin McGee is leaving Peloton?


  1. I don’t do as much yoga as you do but Kristin is my go to. I love the short 10 min hips classes she does. Ross was a little too technical for me. there are still 57 Peloton instructors don’t panic :)

    1. Haha, you’re right. I still hate to see my favorites leave.

  2. I’m not very active with Peloton yoga (my bad), so I guess these departures don’t affect me much. It is a little disconcerting. I did occasionally go to Kendall for cardio, though.

    1. I know there’s still plenty of instructors, it just irks you when your “go-to” instructors might not be available anymore. I hope the content stays on the app for a long while.

  3. I know it’s disappointing when instructors move on, but it’s bound to happen from time to time. At least their classes will stay on the platform for a while — there are still a few classes from Chase left!
    I want to take Leanne’s Cher ride, but I’m not sure I could cope with a whole Cher playlist!

    1. You’re right, it’s bound to happen that instructors come and go… I just don’t want my favorites to go (haha!).

  4. Lucky you to not have injuries! (well, probably not luck, probably doing something very right!!) I hope that streak continues for you.

    1. Ah, thanks Lisa. I just read that you’re still dealing with your tendon and I am so sorry, it sounds so very frustrating. Hoping for some good news from the PT.

  5. Its surprising to see instructors leave when it seems like such a good gig, the fitness industry is a tough one I’m sure! I’m sure its frustrating to lose a favorite!

    1. Yeah, I am wondering if there’s just some pairing down going on at Peloton – although it seems counterintuitive to let the really popular instructors go.

  6. It’s got to be frustrating when your favorite instructors leave the platform. I’m such a creature of habit that that would really bother me. Here’s hoping you find another yoga teacher who inspires you as much as Kristin.

  7. Ugh. I’m sorry your favorite instructor is leaving. I don’t see nearly as much Peloton content as I used to, so I don’t follow the comings and goings.

    Another great week for you, even if it was supposed to be easier!

    1. There’s plenty of great instructors, but we’re creatures of habits ;)

  8. I am obviously a peleton newbie here but I am very sad to hear Kristin is leaving – she was the first instructor I tried and I really like her pilates and yoga classes! She also had twins and does a lot of the postnatal classes too. I don’t know how long old classes stay around – I’ve never done a live class yet – so hopefully I can keep doing the classes I love for a while. I just started doing Ross’s meditation classes too. I guess I’ll have to try some new instructors soon but I’m sad that the to I liked immediately are both going :(

    Well done on your trackers!

    1. Ah, yeah, that’s a bummer that she’s leaving now that you got introduced to her. I do hope her classes will stay around for quite a while!

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