2024 Weekly Run Down 13/52 – Mountain High!

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

This week’s stats:

Skiing: 61.9 mi
Walking: 4.5 mi
Strength: 10 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 60 min
Meditation: 10 min

I spent this week in the Dolomites skiing with my family and I had the best time. The Dolomiti Superski is a ski area in Northern Italy. It comprises 12 ski resorts and is one of the largest ski areas in the world. It offers 450 ski lifts and 1,246 kilometers of slopes, about half of which are directly connected to each other, and all of which can be used with a single ski pass. We were able to ski in different resorts every single day.

I’ll be writing a separate recap of this trip (in case you’re interested) but will give you the brief weekly run down per usual.

I was able to fit in a few Peloton classes in the mornings or evenings to keep up with my trackers, but spent most of the days on the slopes. Unfortunately, we had a few days of crappy weather toward the end of the week but tried to make the best of it.


  • 17 mi Skiing
  • 5 Min Savasana – Denis (10/25/23)

Today, we circumnavigated the Sella massif on skis. The Sellaronda is one of the most impressive ski circuits in South Tyrol and in the entire Alpine region. Thanks to well-connected lift systems and slopes, you can ski about 18 miles of slopes in one day and you almost never have to actually get off your skis and won’t pass any of the routes twice. It’s an amazing all-day adventure.


  • 10 Min Morning Yoga Flow – Chelsea (3/20/24)
  • 16.5 mi Skiing
  • 59 Min Outdoor Walk

We went skiing on the the Seiser Alm today, which is the most breathtaking Alpine pasture worldwide. It offers breathtaking views over the nearby Dolomite peaks of the Langkofel Group and the Schlern.
Unfortunately, it was pretty cloudy and it snowed on and off. We were lucky to see the mountain peaks at all.


  • 10 Min Yoga Flow – Aditi (4/1/22)
  • 7.7 mi Skiing
  • 15 Min Outdoor Walk 

Today was definitely the worst day weatherwise. It was windy, foggy, and it snowed the whole day. Not ideal, but we weren’t going to waste a day of skiing and got bundled up. We did make it down the famous FIS World Cup slope Saslong which hosts two World Cup races every year – a downhill and a Super G race. We didn’t get as much skiing in as we would have liked, but hey, hanging out in the mountain lodge is a not-too-shabby pastime.


  • 5 Min Core Strength – Ben (8/4/22)
  • 10 Min Chair Yoga – Anna (12/12/23)
  • 7.9 mi Skiing

Another day of poor visibility and persistent snow fall, which was great for the slopes (we needed some fresh snow) but not a super-enjoyable skiing experience. Today we made our way to Seceda, which is part of the Puez-Odle Nature Park, and usually offers a stunning view of the Odle Peaks (Geisler Spitzen) — well, when the visibility is good, that is. We did a lot of “skiing by feel”.


  • 5 Min Core Strength – Callie (12/15/21) — Instructor Bingo
  • 12.8 mi Skiing
  • Extra 10: Walk – Joslyn (9/25/23)
  • 10 Min Restorative Yoga – Kristin (3/19/24)

Today was our last ski day and we made it over to the Edelweiß Valley in Colfosco. And even though the weather was still not cooperating (it snowed in the morning and snow even turned into rain later), we made the best of it and stayed on the mountain until the lifts closed.

We might have spent some time at the ski lodge drinking (THE BEST!) hot chocolate to warm up :)


  • 5 Min Core Strength – Selena (4/28/21) — Easter Egg Color Hunt
  • 152 Min Outdoor Walk in Munich
  • 5 Min Savasana – Ross (5/16/22) — Personal Streak
  • 10 Min WHM: Intention Meditation – Kristin (3/8/21) — Lucky in Self Love

We left the Dolomites today with a little bit of a heavy heart. I wasn’t quite ready to leave and could have happily stayed another week. Sigh. On a positive note, we decided to spend a night in Munich on our way back home and we had lovely day visiting and walking around at the Olympic Park and English Garden.


  • 10 Min Pilates – Aditi (2/20/24) — Easter Egg Color Hunt/Personal Streak

We drove back home today and spent most of the day in the car, so a little bit of Pilates before bed was just what my body needed.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Streaker365 Easter Egg Color Hunt 
Streaker365 Lucky in Self-Care
Streaker365 March Personal Streak (Daily Yoga/Pilates/Barre)
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly)

I was able to finish the few trackers I had picked out for March and also managed to get one instructor bingo this week.

I hope you all had a great week! I am looking forward to catching up with you all soon!

  1. Wow what a cool vacation! Yes, I’d love a full recap on this ski destination.

  2. It sounds like you had a fabulous trip with your family! I’m impressed that in addition to lots of skiing, you still found time to fit in some yoga and core strengthening.

  3. Wow. what a great vacation.

  4. This looks like an absolutely epic vacation! I would love to read more about it!

    And look at how you managed to fit so much in on top of skiing! Absolute rock star!

  5. Wow, how amazing was your trip? Looks beautiful and challenging.

  6. Dang, that’s a lot of time on the slopes! Sounds like you kept plenty busy & had a great trip :-)

  7. That hot chocolate (and whole adventure) looks amazing! Always so impressed how you keep up with the trackers, even when on vacation!

  8. I’m all about everything in this post!! That skiing sounds amazing. I have heard that the lift ticket prices are actually quite affordable compared to the prices here in the states. I look forward to seeing your post about the ski trip. I will be in Munich in October. I’m still planning that trip!

  9. Wow, this is amazing. For some reason your posts aren’t showing up in my blog reader again (ARGH), so I’ve missed all these recent posts. What an epic skiing vacation. I wish you’d had nothing but flawless weather, but it really looks like you made the most of the experience. And that hot chocolate look AH-MAZING.

  10. Oh wow! Dolomites look amazing and are on my “must visit” list. I’ve only ever been to small ski resorts in the US before but I have added this to my dream skiing destination. incredible!

  11. This looks and reads amazing. Skiing all week long is such a great adventure… It’s been years or maybe even a decade since I did that. I miss it. And then together with family even better.

  12. Oh, how wonderful to spend so much time with your family, and skiing as well! I’m sorry the weather was not ideal but so glad you were able to be there. <3

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