2024 Weekly Run Down 10/52 – Birthday Week

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

This week’s stats:

Running: 8.1 mi
Walking: 1.2 mi
Cycling: 70.1  mi
Strength: 15 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 70 min
Warm up + Stretching:  50 min
Meditation: 10 min

As I mentioned last Sunday, I participated in the  SUMMIIT Climb Event this week, a virtual climb challenge for Peloton/indoor bikes. You have 7 days to reach a peak of your choice. I only had 5 because I was traveling again this week, so I signed up for the lowest mountain, the ascent of Haleakala at 10,000 ft.

It was also my birthday on Sunday and I got to spend it in SoCal at the beach.


  • 30 Min Vocal Legends Ride – Ally (3/4/24) — Easter Egg Color Hunt/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Extra 10: Climb Ride – Cody (1/22/24) — Instructor Bingo
  • 30 Min Power Zone Country Ride – Denis (2/17/24)
  • 15 Min Climb Ride – Emma (2/28/24)
  • 10 Min Extra 10: Climb Ride – Bradley (2/12/24) — Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Bradley (9/25/22)
  • 10 Min Savasana – Aditi (2/24/24) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

I joined Sherry, Lindsay, and Kristin for Ally’s Vocal Legends Ride, which not only was a milestone for the first two, but also counted as a “Women History Month”(WHM) Ride for the Easter Egg Hunt Tracker. Sherry and I used this ride to “climb” for the SUMMIIT Climb Event and I had a longer stack planned afterward. Tanja joined me for the 30-minute Power Zone Endurance Ride and then we added a couple of shorter climb rides to finish day 2 with an ascent up to 5000 ft. I made it halfway up the mountain!


  • 30 Min 90s Rock Ride – Jenn (3/5/24)
  • 10 Min Extra 10: Climb – Mila (11/13/23)
  • 15 Min 90s Ride – Hannah F (6/16/21) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Climb Ride – Kendall (8/14/22) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Climb Ride – CDE (1/31/22)
  • 15 Min Rock Ride – Erik (3/17/21)
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Bradley (6/29/23)
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Callie (3/26/23) — Lucky in Self-Love
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Quads – Chelsea (2/14/24)  — Personal Streak/ Instructor Bingo

I texted with Sherry in the morning and she was going to hop onto Jenn’s 90s Rock ride and who am I to say no to 90s rock.. ahm… I mean, Sherry? I am glad I did because Jenn’s playlist was amazing and I was eager to get my climb started. Then I had a date with Tanja for our climb stack for the day and Sherry, who is also doing the climb, joined us for a few rides. The stack of shorter rides was on purpose! You need to hold a certain average cadence/output combination for the entirety of the ride, so it’s wise to keep the rides short (so you can get a little rest in between). My newest strategy today was to ride extra low cadence for a while (low 60s RPM) and then take a “break” in the high 70s but overall keep the average <70 RPM. That worked out well. At the end of my workout, I was 73% done with the (virtual) climb up Haleakala.


  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Erik (2/28/24)
  • 20 Min Pop Ride – Cody (1/16/24)
  • 10 Min Extra 10: Climb Ride – Charlotte (8/1/22) — Easter Egg Color Hunt
  • 10 Min Climb Ride – Ben (8/1/22) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Climb Ride – Hannah C (9/18/21) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Extra 10: Climb Ride – Denis (8/7/23)
  • 10 Min Barbie Full Body Stretch – Adrian (8/3/23)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Floor Poses – Anna (2/27/24) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

Sherry and I continued the climb today with Cody’s Pop Ride and a 10-minute climb with Charlotte (which we marked for the Easter Egg Color Hunt tracker), before Tanja joined us for more climbing with Ben, Hannah, and Denis. I made it 87% up the mountain (Haleakala) and was confident that I was going to finish the climb on Thursday. I had time for a quick stretch before I had to get ready to head to the office, but I got in another yoga flow with Anna after work. 


  • 20 Min Pop Pilates – Kristin (2/2/24) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
  • 15 Min EDM Ride – Jess K (8/17/23) — Easter Egg Color Hunt
  • 15 Min 80s Ride – Bradley (11/16/23) 
  • 10 Min Extra 10: Climb Ride – Matt (8/28/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Extra 10: Climb Ride – Denis (2/13/23)
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Bradley (2/20/24)
  • 5 Min Core Strength – Callie (2/2/24) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Irène (2/15/24)
  • 10 Min Relaxing Meditation – Nico (1/30/24) — Lucky in Self-Care

I hit 7k Peloton minutes during Pilates and then finished the SUMMIIT Climb and reached Haleakala Summit! I was able to push higher output as the event progressed and I learned more on how to strategize each ride and ended with a higher level than I started. I signed up as a beginner but finished as advanced. 

Unfortunately, I couldn’t ride with Tanja today and she finished the climb in the morning (European time), but I was so happy to have all of the #BCBabes by my side for one ride or another. Melissa and Sherry are both doing the SUMMIIT Climb as well, but they’re going for higher summits (as this is not their first climb) and have a bit more to go. I am so in awe of their efforts! 


  • 10 Min Focus Flow Forward Folds – Ross (2/28/24) — Instructor Bingo
  • Team Wilpers Winter Run Challenge – W8R1
    • 10 Min Endurance Run – Jeffrey (12/18/23) — Instructor Bingo
    • 20 Min Rock Run – Selena (3/9/23) — Instructor Bingo
      • 15 Min Warm up
        • 5 min @ Easy Pace
        • 5 x 15 sec strides + 45 sec @ Easy Pace
        • 5 min @ Easy Pace
      • 10 Min Main Set
        • 10 x 30 sec anaerobic capacity/ 30 sec @ easy pace
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 10 Min Extra 10: Walk – Marcel D (5/15/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Extra 10 Walk – Matty (1/4/23) — Instructor Bingo

I ran again today. I feel like it’s been forever. Well, it’s been a week as I focused my efforts on the SUMMIIT Climb the last few days! I could still feel the fatigue in my legs in the morning. I only had a 30-minute intervals run on the schedule though. I was in SoCal (traveled down there on Thursday afternoon) and it was glorious running weather (mid-50s/sunny), so it wasn’t terrible. :)


  • 5 Min Standing Core Strength – Rebecca (12/7/23) — Easter Egg Color Hunt/Instructor Bingo
  • Team Wilpers Winter Run Challenge – W8R2
    • 20 Min 80s Run – Becs (8/24/23) — Instructor Bingo
    • 15 Min Thirty Seconds to Mars Run – Susie (9/6/23) — Instructor Bingo
    • 10 Min Extra 10: Endurance Run – Adrian (9/18/23) — Instructor Bingo
      • 15 Min Warm Up
      • 5 x 15 sec strides + 45 sec @ Easy Pace
      • 10 Min Easy Pace
      • 5 x 15 sec strides + 45 sec @ Easy Pace
      • 10 min Cool down
  • 10 Min Extra 10: Walk – Logan (2/13/23) — Instructor Bingo

I went for another Team Wilpers Run by the beach in the morning. It was an endurance run with two blocks of strides. Not sure why my Garmin messed up the interval programming, but you can see that I completed my second block of strides, even though my Garmin pretended it was one long interval.


  • 10 Min Yoga Flow – Kristin (3/6/24)
  • 5 Min Core Strength – Jess (6/28/21) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Extra 20: Walk – Mariana (10/30/23)

Today was my birthday. My birthday tradition usually is to go for a run in the morning to honor the fact that I woke up healthy with no pain and that I could move my body but because I wasn’t at home and we had some plans in the morning, I opted for a bit of yoga and core after waking up and rolled with the rest of the day.

I got to see a beautiful sunset for my birthday and that was a real treat.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Streaker365 Easter Egg Color Hunt
Streaker365 Lucky in Self-Care
Streaker365 March Personal Streak (Daily Yoga/Pilates/Barre)
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly) 
Team Wilpers Winter Run Challenge 2024 (8 weeks) – TWWRC

I am keeping it light with the trackers this month because I’ll be traveling again soon. The Easter Egg Color Hunt looked like too much fun to pass up though and I am hoping to continue with the self-care tracker and my personal streak of Yoga, Pilates, or Barre every day although I already missed one day on Saturday.

I hope you all had a great week. Did you see a sunset or sunrise this week?

  1. That is a beautiful sunset! We were in Maui a couple of years ago, and one popular thing to do is to drive to the top of Haleakala and watch the sunrise or the sunset. I really wanted to do that, the stars are supposed to be amazing, but from where we were staying it would have been about 3 hours each way, and my family was not up for that, and I didn’t want to do it alone. Sigh. Congratulations on riding up it, virtually! What an accomplishment! AND, Happy belated birthday!

  2. I just caught the sunrise on Saturday on my run (it is late at the moment – not morning person). I needed to get my 24K finished before it got too hot because the top that day was 40C. Your birthday sunset was beautiful. Happy birthday.

  3. Happy belated birthday! What a beautiful sunset!

  4. Happy belated birthday my friend. Driving up the Haleakala was tough! I’m glad we got it done and I had you by my side for a few of these rides.
    Glad you got this beautiful sunset view on your special day!

  5. Happy birthday! A good birthday is a birthday when you can be at the beach!

  6. Happy very very belated birthday. I am so glad you were able to spend time at the beach, and with family, on your birthday. (And now, I hope, you are enjoying a late birthday celebration with your own family, back in Germany. <3)

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