2024 Weekly Run Down 8/52 – Two Milestones!

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

This week’s stats:

Running: 5.1 mi
Cycling: 55 mi
Bootcamp: 30 min
Strength: 40 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 135 min
Warm up + Stretching: 70 min
Meditation:  55 min

After catching up last weekend on week 6 of the Team Wilpers Winter Run Challenge, I got behind again this week. It’s a little challenging sometimes to squeeze in three runs – mostly it’s a time issue. And I have to admit, I was a little tired at the end of the week. I took a 2-hour nap on Saturday and slept in late on Sunday. I guess my body needed the rest.

But, I am still happy with my workouts this week. I’ve been chipping away at the Streakers365 trackers and I am confident that I will be able to complete them by the end of the month. Keep in mind that there are fewer days this month to complete them, so there was some extra planning involved. I also hit two milestones this week. I completed my 500th yoga class and my 50th bootcamp and was able to celebrate with friends on the leaderboard.


  • 10 Min Barre: Core – Hannah C (8/12/22)
  • 20 Min Focus Flow: Chest Openers – Anna (10/2/21)
  • 15 Min Sleep Meditation – Aditi (10/17/22) 

Rest Day! I was still in SoCal and it was raining ALL DAY. No exaggeration. There was hardly any break in the rain and after three days of running, it was the perfect excuse for a rest day. I just did a quick Barre class, some yoga, and a sleep meditation.  


  • 20 Min Morning Walk Meditation – Ross (10/10/23) — Self-Love Hug
  • 30 Min Evening Yoga Flow – Kristin (12/8/23) – Personal Streak
  • 10 Min Foam Rolling: Full Body – Rebecca (8/1/23)

I traveled back home in the morning and then worked in the afternoon. After dinner, I decided to do an evening yoga flow because I felt like I hadn’t moved much all day. Kristin’s flow was just what I needed. Our new (long) foam roller was also delivered earlier in the afternoon so I took advantage and also did a foam rolling class to finish out my evening workout.


  • 15 Min Yoga Conditioning: Core – Mariana (4/12/23) — For the Love of Core/Personal Streak
  • 30 Min Green Day Ride- Bradley (2/15/24) — My Favorite Things
  • 45 Min Power Zone Ride – Matt (12/2/20) — PZ-W7R2
  • 10 Min Cool Down Ride – Denis (2/9/24)

I started my day with a combination of yoga and core work and then hopped into Bradley’s latest Green Day Ride. I wanted to do a Green Day class for the “My Favorite Things” tracker, so I used it as a warm up for week 7, ride 2 of the Power Zone Challenge that Tanja and I had scheduled. Let me tell you, the 45-minute Power Zone ride with Matt was spicy. I had looked at the ride structure before but did not realize that there were so many 1-minute Zone 5 intervals in this ride. What in the fresh hell? In the end, we got it done and the graph looks pretty, but it was a tough ride. 


  • 20 Min Morning Yoga Flow – Denis (12/17/21) — 500th Milestone/Personal Streak
  • 30 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Ben (12/6/23) — PZ-W7R1
  • Extra10: Low Impact – Alex (12/14/20) — Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Core Strength – Tunde (3/22/23) — For the Love of Core/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Lower Body Stretch – Ally (2/7/24)

I started my day with an (old) morning yoga flow with Denis for my milestone yoga class (#500!). I was really happy I picked this flow because it was lovely to get my body woken up and the playlist was lovely, too. I was so happy that Melissa and Lindsay were able to join me for my milestone! 

I then met up with my sister for a Power Zone Endurance ride. I had invited her to join me for week 7, ride 1 of the Power Zone Challenge (Tanja had already completed the class earlier this week) and I was so happy she had time to join me! 18 minutes in Zone 3 were no joke, but endurance is my jam. Can you tell? 


  • 10 Min Yoga Flow – Nico (11/16/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Adrian (5/30/23) — For the Love of Core/Instructor Bingo
  • 30 Min Christina Aguilera Boot camp – Jess (7/13/23) — 50th Milestone/Love & Bootcamp/PZ-W7AR
  • 15 Min Flash 15 – Jess (11/19/21)
  • 10 Min AFO Full Body: Thomas Rhett Stretch – Matt (7/2/21) — Self-Love Hug

I started my day with a short yoga flow and a little core work before the #BCBabes joined me for my 50th bootcamp class! If it hadn’t been for them, I would not be celebrating this milestone. I had neglected bootcamps for too long and joined the #BCBabes in 2023 to do boot camps more regularly and it was the best decision. 


  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Matt (2/13/24)
  • 60 Min Power Zone Endurance – Denis (12/19/23) — W7R3
  • 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Denis (7/11/23)
  • 10 Min Yoga Conditioning: Core – Kirra (3/15/23) — For the Love of Core/Personal Streak
  • 15 Min Foam Rolling: Full Body – Hannah C (12/13/22) — Self-Love Hug

I had asked my sister if she had time to work out this weekend (yes!) and then asked her if she wanted to do a 45-minute or 60-minute Power Zone Endurance ride. She went for the 60 minutes! Ha!


  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm up – Becs (1/31/24)
  • Team Wilpers Winter Run Challenge – W7R1
    • 15 Min Country Run – Selena (5/24/22)
    • 30 Min 80s Run – Joslyn (10/22/23)
      • 15 Min Warmup
        • 5 min @ Easy Pace
        • 5 x 15 sec strides + 45 sec @ Easy Pace
        • 5 min @ Easy Pace
      • 20 Min Main Set:
        • 5 x 2 min @ Anaerobic Capacity/ 2 min Easy 
      • 10 Min Cool Down
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Rad (5/15/23) — For the Love of Core
  • 5 Min Post-Run Stretch – Hannah F (2/5/24)
  • 10 Min Valentine’s Day Meditation – Kristin (2/14/23) — Self-Love Hug
  • 20 Min Restorative Yoga – Aditi (2/12/21)
  • 10 Min Kindness Meditation – Ross (1/19/22)

I was tired and allowed myself to sleep in this morning. Which was – don’t get me wrong – a nice treat, but then of course I had a hard time getting going (anyone else?). I finally got myself out the door for my intervals run around 3 p.m. – my first run this week. I am behind two runs on my run challenge. Oh well, I will catch up eventually. Luckily, there is only one more week left in the challenge.

I enjoyed Serenity Sunday today, a yoga class and a meditation that one of our Streakers365 members picks out weekly to help relax and wind down. I really enjoyed Ross’ Kindness Meditation. Check it out! The perfect way to end my weekend.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Streaker365 My Favorite Things
Streaker365 For the Love of Core
Streaker365 FeBARRErary
Streaker365 Self-Care Hug
Streaker365 Love and Bootcamp
Streaker365 February Personal Streak (Daily Yoga/Pilates/Barre)
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly) 
PZPack Power Zone Challenge “Heroes vs. Villains” (8 weeks)
Team Wilpers Winter Run Challenge 2024 (8 weeks) – TWWRC

I did not pay attention much to my bingo card this week, as you can see, but hey at least I got one bingo. I focused more on getting the classes for my trackers checked off and those classes just didn’t vibe with the bingo card instructors this time around. I am ok with that though because at least I am confident that I’ll be able to complete all my Streaker365 trackers by the end of this month. I only have three classes left + my yoga streak.

Did you let yourself sleep in this weekend? Is it a treat, or does it throw you off your schedule, or both?

  1. Congratulations on your milestones! When I used to do Peloton yoga, Denis was my favorite. Yes, I guess it would make it tricky having fewer days in the month! Good thing it’s a leap year ; )

    1. Thank you Jenny. And yes, I remember you were also quite fond of Denis :)

  2. Congrats on your milestones this week! When I first started Peloton I had a serious crush on Denis. I did mostly his cycle classes and a few of his yoga. So many great classes to try to fit in!!

    1. Thank you Deb! And who DOESN’T have a crush on Denis? LOL

  3. Congrats to your milestones!! I haven’t even thought of how the shorter month affects challenges we might be doing.. I join a lot of walking challenges on Garmin and Strava and have been working hard to catch up lately because I walked so little in January when we had such cold weather.

    1. Thank you, Susanne. I love the run/walk challenges on Garmin and Strava, but I hear you on the challenges of bad weather! I hope it improves – it’s almost spring!

  4. Another solid week! Great job with all your challenge groups, and congrats on the Pelo milestones!

  5. Very nice week!
    So yes, I did sleep in a little this weekend, and yes, it does throw me off track. I always feel guilty and regret it when I do, but also… it’s nice to get some sleep. I just can’t make up my mind.

    1. Ha, I am glad I am not alone with the conundrum of sleeping in vs. working out early! ;)

  6. Congrats on your milestones! I rarely do yoga or bootcamps, so you’re way ahead of me there. I do like Kristin McGee’s classes though.
    I’m not doing any challenges this month — I’d need a spreadsheet to keep up with all yours!

    1. Kristin is an excellent instructor!

  7. That Wednesday ride has so much Zone 5!! I would be dead after that. Congrats on your milestones – what an exciting week.

    1. Thanks my friend. That Wednesday Ride really was a challenge… but it feels so good to get it done :) The pretty graph is like a reward :)

  8. Another fun week! And good for you for taking the time to rest when you needed it. I am terrible at taking rest – I feel like I am “losing time” when I (try to) sleep in, and my brain usually manages to convince me that it’s the wrong decision, even when my body is protesting the idea of getting up as usual. Any tips for the stubborn? ;)
    So glad you were able to make it to SoCal and then home again, despite your crazy weather. I hope Jon’s mom is doing well.

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