2024 Weekly Run Down 3/52 – All the Badges

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

This week’s stats:

Running: 14.2 mi
Walking: 1.1 mi
Cycling: 58.1 mi
Bootcamp: 90 min
Strength: 150 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 130 min
Warm up + Stretching: 45 min
Meditation: 100 min

Hey friends, how was your week? Mine was pretty good. I continued with week 2 of the Power Zone Pack Heroes Vs Villains Challenge and the Team Wilpers Winter Run Challenge. I have the cycle and run days mapped out and it worked out well this week (despite some rain that I had to plan around).

Deb asked earlier this week if we are motivated by badges and challenges, and I am pretty sure you can guess what my answer is. Give me ALL the badges, challenges, and trackers. In my heart, I am a kid who lives for the sticker rewards. Haha.

Here’s a selection from this week, I am sure I missed some. From left to right: I earned Silver for the Crush Your Core Program and silver for the Peloton Move For Your Challenge this week, hit 2k Peloton minutes for this year, finished week 2 of the Power Zone Pack Heroes vs Villains Challenge, completed week 2 of Pump Up The Volume 7, and hit a PR in a 30 Min Bootcamp Class.


  • 20 Min Upper Body Week 2, Day 1- Callie (6/20/23) PUTV7 W2C1
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Emma (4/30/19) – Base Core of 2024 — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Hips – Denis (12/19/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
  • Team Wilpers Winter Run Challenge – W2R1
    • 30 Min Move for You: Run – Hannah F (1/13/24) — Instructor Bingo
      • 5 Min Warm up
        • 5 Min @ Easy Pace
        • 5 x 15 sec strides + 45 sec @ Easy Pace
        • 5 Min @ Easy Pace
      • 10 Min Main Set
        • 4 x 30 sec @ Anaerobic Capacity/ 30 sec @ Easy Pace
        • 4 x 45 sec @ Anaerobic Capacity/ 45 sec @ Easy Pace
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 10 Min Mindful Walking Meditation – Denis (10/10/23) — Collecting Badges
  • 10 Min Extra10: Walk – Joslyn (9/25/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 20 Min Sleep Meditation – Aditi (1/31/23) — Instructor Bingo

It was MLK Jr. Day, I had the day off and decided to sleep in a little. Sleeping in is always a special treat and it was wonderful not to have to set an alarm, but it’s also terrible because then I sometimes have a hard time getting my day going. Anybody else?

I did eventually get to my workout stack and completed week 2, day 1 of the Pump Up the Volume 7 program and a couple of classes for my trackers. I also got out for a run in the early afternoon. By that time it was perfect running weather –  55F/13C and sunny. Who doesn’t want to get out for a run in this weather? I had an anaerobic capacity interval run for the Team Wilpers Winter Run Challenge on deck and I love how fast these interval workouts fly by. 


  • 10 Min Barre: Full Body – Ally (7/19/22) — New Year, New Rear
  • 20 Min 90s Pilates – Aditi (1/16/24) — Personal Streak
  • 30 Min PZ Ride – Matt (3/9/21) — PZ-W2R1/Instructor Bingo
  • 30 Min Bootcamp: Full Body – Tunde (5/2/23) — Give 2023 the “Boot”
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Emma (5/26/19) — Base Core of 2024
  • 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Robin (1/9/24)

I started my morning with barre and pilates with Sherry and Lindsay. Next, I tackled a 30-minute power zone ride, before I caught up on my bootcamp tracker with Sherry. Tunde’s Full Body BC was hard, but since I was already drenched from the PZ ride, what’s a little bit more sweat on top of that, amirite? It’s all about the attitude! And I have to note, the playlist was excellent. Lots of 90s alternative and rock got me through. 


  • 20 Min Upper Body: Week 2, Day 2 – Logan (6/20/23) — PUTV7-W2D2/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Move for You: Upper Body Stretch – Erik (1/11/24)
  • 60 Min Hip Hop Ride – Hannah F (4/22/23) — Collecting Badges in 2024
  • 30 Min PZE Ride – Hannah F (11/12/23) — PZ-W2R2
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Emma — Base Core of 2024
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Hamstrings – Kristin (11/15/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Meditation for Healing – Ross (12/13/23) — Better Yourself Bingo/Instructor Bingo

Upper Body Strength with Pump Up the Volume 7 and a bit of stretching to start my morning. Then there was a 60-minute class on one of my trackers that I had to do before I could advance on the tracker (we are supposed to do the classes in order and not jump ahead). Because I didn’t want to wait for the weekend, I decided to bite the bullet and do the 60-minute Hip Hop Ride this morning as a looooong warm-up before my scheduled Power Zone Endurance Ride. I was going to pedal in Zone 1/2 and just get it done. 60-minute rides don’t intimidate me, but I will admit that I was so happy when Sherry spontaneously and last-minute decided to hop on the ride with me. It’s always better to ride with friends. And then I seamlessly transitioned to the Power Zone endurance ride with Tanja


  • 10 Min Salt-n-Pepa Dance Cardio – Jess K (9/6/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 30 Min Bootcamp: Full Body – Callie (1/9/24) — Give 2023 the “Boot”
  • 30 Min Flow & Let Go Flow- Aditi (10/26/23) — Collecting Badges in 2024/Personal Streak
  • 20 Min Sleep Meditation – Ross (6/23/22)

I started Thursday with Jess K’s Dance Cardio with Lindsay and I haven’t felt so silly in a long time.  Haha. As it turns out, I’m not very coordinated at 6 am in the morning. We followed the dance warm up with a Bootcamp and then Melissa joined me for Flow & Let Go yoga. I had to end it there because it was my office day and I actually had to get dressed and leave the house.  I squeezed in another a sleep meditation at bedtime and I am really enjoying them right now.


  • 20 Min Upper Body: Week 2, Day 3 – Rebecca (6/20/23)
  • 20 Min Classic Rock Pilates – Kristin (1/19/24) — Personal Streak
  • 20 Min Strength: Bodyweight – JJ (1/16/24)
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Emma (5/28/19)
  • Team Wilpers Winter Run Challenge 2024 – W2R2
    • 15 Min 90s Run – Susie (3/24/23) — Instructor Bingo
    • 30 Min Move For You: Run – Hannah F (1/13/24)
      • 15 Min Warmup
        • 5 min @ Easy Pace
        • 5 x 15 sec strides + 45 sec @ Easy Pace
        • 5 min @ Easy Pace
      • 15 Min Main Set:
        • 5 x 30 sec uphill @ Threshold Pace/ :30 sec Downhill or Flat @ Easy Pace
        • 5 x 1 min uphill @ Threshold Pace/1 min Downhill or Flat @ Easy Pace
      • 15 Min Cool Down
  • 10 Min Move For You Stretch: Lower Body – Adrian (1/9/24)
  • 10 Min Sleep Meditation – Nico (11/15/21)

Lindsay and I finished week 2 of Pump up the volume 7  and Kristin joined us for Live Pilates with Kristin. We followed with JJ‘s BW class for Peloton’s Move For You Challenge and then I also checked off Core with Emma for Base Core. 

My hill threshold run for the Teams Wilpers Winter Run Challenge 2024 turned into a V02 Max run because I was lacking the proper terrain ( = no hills), but it was still work and the graph‘s pretty. Doesn’t it look like a skyline? According to this website, which approximates equivalent efforts between running on a treadmill at different paces and inclines and running outdoors on a level surface, running @ V02 Max pace yielded about the same effort as running hills @ threshold. Good to know when I have to pivot!

I added an Extra 10 min walk with Matty as a cool down and ended with Adrian’s Move For You stretch. 


  • 10 Min Barre: Upper Body – Ally (8/12/22) — New Year, New Rear
  • 10 Min Extra 10: Low Impact – Olivia (8/14/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 45 Min Power Zone Endurance Rock Ride – Sam (11/14/23) — W2R3/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Sam (12/7/23)
  • 30 Min Pop Ride – Cody (1/20/24)
  • 15 Min Core Strength – Emma (3/19/19) — Base Core of 2024
  • 10 Min Peace Meditation – Anna (5/2/23) — Instructor Bingo

I met up with Tanja for the week 2, ride 3 Power Zone Endurance Ride with Sam. We had long zone 2 intervals (7-6-7 minutes) but the rock playlist was really good and kept us entertained. I hit 2k Peloton minutes in Sam’s class. So exciting! After a quick stretch, I hopped on Cody’s LIVE Pop Ride to celebrate Melissa’s milestone (1600 rides). She even got a shoutout from Cody, which is hard to get.


  • 10 Min Calming Meditation – Ross (1/21/24)
  • 15 Min Flash 15 – Jess (1/21/24) — Collecting Badges
  • 30 min Bootcamp: Full Body – Tunde (5/2/23) — Give 2023 the “Boot” – Bootcamp PR!
  • 5 Min Full Body Stretch – Emma (5/28/19) — Base Core of 2024
  • Team Wilpers Winter Run Challenge – W2R3
    • 45 Min Beatles Run – Selena (8/31/23) — Instructor Bingo
      • 10 Min Warm up
      • 30 Min Easy Pace
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 10 min Extra 10: Walk – Kirsten (11/20/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Post-Run Stretch – Jeffrey (2/21/23)
  • 20 Min Restorative Yoga – Chelsea (1/16/22)
  • 10 Min Patience Meditation – Kristin (8/22/23) — Better Yourself Bingo

I joined Lindsay at 10 am for her meditation milestone with Ross. Besides that I had only planned to go for my easy-pace endurance run, but then the #BCBabes1 got on a Flash 15 (which I needed for my Collecting Badges tracker – fine!) and then spontaneously decided on a Bootcamp after. Peer pressure is real, guys. So I jumped into the Bootcamp (which, as it turns out, Sherry and I had already done earlier this week – see Tuesday! Haha) but the playlist was great and we didn’t mind repeating it with the rest of the #BCBabes. I even ended up getting a PR in that class. Maybe I should go to bed late more often (confession: I stayed up with Jon way too long on Saturday night.)

I took a little break after this (to talk to my uncle in Germany), but then took advantage of a break in the rain and got my 45-minute endurance run done. I nailed my (average) easy pace. Yay. Selena’s Beatles Run was fun although she chose a lot of less popular Beatles songs and I had hoped for a bit more “sing-a-long” material (not that I sing while running… only in my head).

I finished the day off with “Serenity Sunday”, a restorative yoga class and meditation that one of our Streakers suggests every Sunday. Love it. A perfect way to end the weekend.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Streaker365 Collecting Badges in 2024
Streaker365 Base Core of 2024
Streaker365 New Year – New Rear Barre
Streaker365 Better Yourself Bingo
Streaker365 Give 2023 the “Boot” Bootcamp Tracker
Streaker365 December Personal Streak (Daily Yoga/Pilates/Barre)
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly) 
PZPack Power Zone Challenge “Heroes vs. Villains” (8 weeks)
Team Wilpers Winter Run Challenge 2024 (8 weeks) – TWWRC
Peloton Pump Up The Volume 7 (PUTV7) (4 weeks)

I hope you had a good week and felt productive. I sure did!

  1. aka Bootcamp Babes (a small “subgroup” of Streakers who started doing Bootcamp Classes (Bike + Strength) together ↩︎
  1. Another busy & very active week! I had to laugh about your dance cardio comment… I’m horribly uncoordinated, 24/7 so I don’t even consider those classes.

  2. You sure are motivated by badges! It feels good to get sticker or reward doesn’t it? Well done this week keeping up with all of the challenges and hitting your 2K. Hope to hit mine this week. Have a great week ahead

  3. Ha ha ha. I’m like this with Duolingo. I’m more motivated by their badges than I’m willing to admit. My monkey brains wants the (electronic) trinkets!

  4. I hear you on loving to complete challenges to earn badges. At the beginning of each month I sign up for the Garmin badges that are applicable to my activities. It’s always a fun treat to see one pop up when I finish a workout that completes the mileage/minute requirements for that badge.

  5. Very good week of activity! I love badges and challenges too, I try to join as many as possible with Garmin and Strava, I have a few in the works at the moment but most are about walking and the weather has been total **** so I guess that’ll be a fail this time. I think those badges give that extra push to try harder!

  6. Sounds like another great week! 55 and sunny is probably my favorite weather (for running and just about anything else.) And yes… I LOVE sleeping in, but then hate that feeling when half the morning is gone and I haven’t done anything. I think I like the idea of sleeping in more than the reality. Have fun with your badges!

  7. My body doesn’t really let me sleep in anymore. After years of getting up around 6 every day, or earlier, it just doesn’t happen. So even when I am on vacation, I’m up around 7 which I guess is kind of “sleeping in”. But I think I’d need to take a tranquilizer to sleep until like 8am!

  8. I have a very hard time getting up and going when I sleep in, but just 30 mins or 60 mins later than “early” is a treat for sure.

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